
Agroforestree database

This database provides detailed information on a total of 670 agroforestry tree species. It is intended to help field workers and researchers in selecting appropriate species for agroforestry systems and technologies.

For each species, the database includes information on identity, ecology and distribution, propagation and management, functional uses, pests and diseases and a bibliography.

This project has been funded by the British Department for International Development (DFID, the European Union and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).

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Acacia aneuraShade or shelter: A. aneura can be used in the arid areas to provide shelter and shade.
Acacia aulacocarpaShade or shelter: The light to moderate crown makes A. aulacocarpa useful for shade planting.
Acacia auriculiformisShade or shelter: The dense, dark-green foliage, which remains throughout the dry season, makes it an excellent shade tree. Planted to provide shelter on beaches and beachfronts.
Acacia cincinnataShade or shelter: It is suitable as a shade tree for cardamom and cocoa.
Acacia crassicarpaShade or shelter: A. crassicarpa provides suitable shade.
Acacia elatiorShade or shelter: The drooping branches and feathery leaves of A. elatior provide good shade.
Acacia eriolobaShade or shelter: Mature trees provide shade in desert areas and the wood is used for construction of enclosures in southern Africa.
Acacia holosericeaShade or shelter: Due to its large dense crown, A. holosericea is used to form the lower part of a multistorey windbreak with Eucalyptus camaldulensis.
Acacia lahaiShade or shelter: The tree's broad canopy and heavy foliage make it a good shade tree.
Acacia leptocarpaShade or shelter: A. leptocarpa casts useful, moderate shade.
Acacia leucophloeaShade or shelter: During dry seasons, this tree protects livestock and understory pasture from excessive temperatures. The tree is suitable as a firebreak due to its fire resistance.
Acacia mangiumShade or shelter: With its dense foliage, retained throughout the year, A. mangium makes a useful shade tree, screening and soil cover crop. It has been used experimentally in Sabah to shade cocoa. It can also be planted as a wind or firebreak.
Acacia mearnsiiShade or shelter: The species has been planted as a shelterbelt, a firebelt and as a shade tree in plantations.
Acacia melanoxylonShade or shelter: The tree casts a useful shade and acts as a windbreak.
Acacia pachycarpaShade or shelter: A. pachycarpa can serve as a windbreak.
Acacia pennatulaShade or shelter: Grown along with coffee in plantations. Large trees provide shade to animals.
Acacia salignaShade or shelter: A. saligna is useful for windbreaks.
Acacia seyalShade or shelter: Where it grows, A. seyal offers shade to livestock in the dry season.
Acacia sieberianaShade or shelter: A. sieberana has occasionally been planted as hedge, a windbreak and a shade tree in villages, rangelands and fields.
Acacia tortilisShelter or shade: In India, it has been grown successfully with Azadirachta indica in shelterbelts.
Acacia xanthophloeaShade or shelter: A. xanthophloea provides nesting sites for birds.
Acrocarpus fraxinifoliusShade or shelter: Ideal as a shade tree on tea and coffee plantations, for example, as planted in Kenya and Uganda. Known to have been planted as a windbreak in Tanzania.
Adenanthera pavoninaShade or shelter: The fast growth and spreading crown of light, feathery foliage offers attractive shade. In Indonesia and Malaysia trees are planted for shade in coffee, clove and rubber plantations. It is planted along field borders as part of a windbr
Afzelia africanaShade or shelter: In Upper Guinea the tree serves as a site for hunters and provides shelter.
Afzelia quanzensisShade or shelter: The huge, spreading crown provides good shade.
Agathis macrophyllaShade or shelter: The tree is mainly suitable as a long term over storey tree for more shade tolerant understory crops; however, wide-spaced plantings of less dense forms of Pacific kauri may provide light shade for a wider variety of crops. It is well
Ailanthus altissimaShade or shelter: The sumac provides shade and is widely planted in shelterbelts where few other trees will thrive.
Ailanthus excelsaShade or shelter: A. excelsa is grown as a shade and avenue tree throughout most of the hotter parts of India.
Ailanthus triphysaShade or shelter: A useful shade provider.
Albizia adianthifoliaShade or shelter: The tree is valued for the shade it provides to tea and cacao plantations.
Albizia amaraShade or shelter: Albizias are popular as shade trees for tea and coffee plantations.
Albizia anthelminticaShade or shelter: A. anthelmintica is a shade tree.
Albizia chinensisShade or shelter: In tea and coffee plantations, it is used as a shade tree, often in a mixture with other trees.
Albizia coriariaShade or shelter: A good shade provider.
Albizia ferrugineaShade or shelter: A. ferruginea is a shade tree.
Albizia gummiferaShade or shelter: Is a useful shade provider in homes and pastureland.
Albizia julibrissinShade or shelter: Provides shelter in gardens.
Albizia lebbeckShade or shelter: The species is commonly grown as a shade tree in pastures, tea, coffee and cardamom plantations, and along avenues. It can be planted in exposed coastal situations and as quick-growing shelter for less hardy plants.
Albizia odoratissimaShade or shelter: A. odoratissima has been extensively planted as a shade tree in tea and coffee plantations. The shade also provides plantation laborers a comfortable working environment under hot tropical conditions.
Albizia proceraShade or shelter: Occasionally cultivated as shade for tea and coffee plantations. Also acts as a wind and firebreak.
Albizia samanShade or shelter: The trees provide a microclimate effect for the plants growing under their canopies. At night and on cloudy days, branches hang down and the leaves fold down and inward, allowing rain to fall directly on the ground and promoting cooling
Albizia versicolorShade or shelter: It makes a beautiful shade tree and can be planted along lands for much needed shade for farm workers during the hot summer months.
Albizia zygiaShade or shelter: Provides shade for cacao trees in plantations.
Aleurites moluccanaShade or shelter: The leafy rounded crown provides shade.
Allanblackia stuhlmanniiShade or shelter: The tree is used for shade and amenity.
Allanblackia ulugurensisShade or Shelter: The tree is used for shade and is a suitable amenity planting.
Alnus japonicaShade or shelter: Alnus japonica is planted for shade in coffee plantations and as a nurse tree in Pinus kesiya plantations in the Philippines.
Alnus nepalensisShade or shelter: A. nepalensis is interplanted with annual crops and used as a shade tree for greater Cinchona officinalis and Eletaria subulatum.
Alnus rubraShade or shelter: A. rubra is planted as a wind and fire break.
Alphitonia zizyphoidesShade or shelter: The tree casts an intermediate level of shade, which would be too heavy for most crop species but ideal for somewhat shade-tolerant crops such as cardamom, cocoa, coffee, Morinda, soursop, and Xanthosoma.
Alstonia booneiShade or shelter: A good shade for coffee, tea and banana plantations.
Andira inermisShade or shelter: It is used as a shade tree in coffee plantations because it has a spreading crown and responds well to pruning. It has also been suggested as a windbreak in Malaysia due to its low branching.
Annona squamosaShade or shelter: A. squamosa can be planted as a shade tree.
Anthocephalus cadambaShade or shelter: The tree is grown along avenues, roadsides and villages for shade.
Antiaris toxicariaShade or shelter: Provides dense shade.
Araucaria bidwilliiShade and shelter: A. bidwillii can be planted as a windbreak.
Arbutus unedoShade or shelter: Strawberry tree is good choice for a shrub border. It spreads quite wide as it grows taller and produces dense shade, making it ideal for use as a small shade, screen, hedge, or patio tree. Strawberry tree is a good choice for coastal
Argania spinosaShade or shelter: It provides valuable shade for humans and livestock as well as the shade protects pasture grasses from the extreme evapotranspiration that would result from direct exposure to sunlight. Pasture grasses grow in the tree's shade, away from
Artocarpus altilisShade or shelter: A. altilis is a long-lived, perennial tree crop that provides beneficial shade and cooler microclimate for humans, plants and animals beneath its canopy.
Artocarpus camansiShade or shelter: Breadnut is planted in home gardens to provide beneficial shade to other plants. It could also be used as a trellis tree for yam (Dioscorea species).
Artocarpus heterophyllusShade or shelter: Trees planted at a close spacing act as a windbreak and are sometimes used as shade for coffee.
Artocarpus lakoochaShade or shelter: A perennial tree crop that provides beneficial shade and cooler microclimate for humans, plants and animals beneath its canopy.
Artocarpus mariannensisShade or shelter: Dugdug is ideal for home gardens on atolls because of its adaptability to calcareous soils and saline conditions and especially for the beneficial shade it produces. The tree can also be used as a trellis for yam
Azadirachta excelsaShade or shelter: A. excelsa is a useful shade provider.
Azadirachta indicaShade or shelter: The large crown of A. indica makes it an effective shade tree, planted widely as an avenue tree in towns and villages and along roads in many tropical countries. Because of its low branching, it is a valuable asset for use as a windbrea
Azanza garckeanaShade or shelter: Groups of up to 15 trees can be planted in camps where shade is needed for cattle, small stock and game. It also makes an attractive garden shade tree.
Balanites aegyptiacaShade or shelter: The usually evergreen behaviour potentially makes B. aegyptiaca an attractive element to introduce into shelterbelts, although because of its slow growth, it is not suitable as a principal species.
Barringtonia proceraShade or shelter: In a homegarden situation, cutnut provides good shade and shelter to cereal and other understory crops such as sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) and edible hibiscus (Abelmoschus manihot). With appropriate spacing, the tree can provide m
Berchemia discolorShade or shelter: The spreading branches and heavy, rounded crown make B. discolor an effective shade tree; it can also act as a windbreak.
Bischofia javanicaShade or shelter: In India, the tree is considered to be an excellent shade tree in coffee and cardamom plantations.
Blighia sapidaShade or shelter: It is a useful shade tree in homes, parks and gardens.
Bombacopsis quinataShade or shelter: In other occasions, the trees have been left standing to give shade in coffee plantations (Nicaragua) or, most frequently, as remnant trees in cattle pasture.
Bombax costatumShade or shelter: Provides ample shade to livestock.
Borassus aethiopumShade or shelter: Mature leaves are used for roofing.
Boscia angustifoliaShade or shelter: The tree provides shade for livestock.
Brachystegia spiciformisShade or shelter: The flat crown provides fine shade.
Bridelia micranthaShade or shelter: B. micrantha makes an excellent shade tree, not only in the garden but also on the farm, after only 3 years, forming a neatly shaped crown. It is grown in banana and coffee plantations for its shade. The trees form a canopy under which
Brosimum alicastrumShade or shelter: B. alicastrum provides good shade and reduces the impact of strong winds.
Broussonetia papyriferaShade or shelter: It’s a good shelterbelt and windbreak
Bucida bucerasShade or shelter: The tree is popular for shade in urban areas; it is ideal for planting as a windbreak.
Bursera simarubaShade or shelter: Planted as a shade tree on streets and beaches.
Cadaba farinosaShade or shelter: Provides shade to small stock, goats and sheep.
Caesalpinia spinosaShade or shelter: The dense canopy of A. congensis makes it a good shade tree.
Caesalpinia velutinaShade or shelter: It is suitable for enrichment planting particularly in matorral forests of Mexico, for silvopastoral purposes.
Cajanus cajanShade or shelter: C. cajan is useful as a tall hedge on dry soil and on the bunds of paddy fields. It is often grown as a shade crop, cover crop or windbreak.
Calliandra calothyrsusShade or shelter: C. calothyrsus is often planted as a shade tree around houses. The dense foliage provides protective cover against sun and rain. In forestry it is used as a nurse tree for partially shade-tolerant timber trees such as Agathis species.
Calodendrum capenseShade or shelter: Trees provide valuable shade and also act as windbreaks.
Calophyllum brasilienseShade or shelter: In West Indies, maría is planted as a shade tree for coffee and cacao and for windbreaks.
Calophyllum inophyllumShade or shelter: The tree is planted for shade and for reforestation and afforestation. It also acts as an efficient shore protector in most places.
Cananga odorataShade or shelter: Ylang-ylang is mainly planted as a roadside shade tree.
Canarium indicumShade or shelter: It makes an excellent roadside or avenue and border tree, and a verdant shade tree for lawns.
Canarium ovatumShade or shelter: The evergreen C. ovatum tree makes an excellent windbreak as it resists strong winds and even typhoons.
Canarium schweinfurthiiShade or shelter: The elemi is often left standing on cleared land to provide shade and has potential as a wind break.
Capparis deciduaShade or shelter: One of its preferred uses in the Sudan is as a shade and shelterbelt (Vogt, 1995).
Casimiroa edulisShade or shelter: They are planted as shade for coffee plantations in Central America.
Cassia abbreviataShade or shelter: It provides shade.
Cassipourea malosanaShade or shelter: C. malosana provides shade.
Castanospermum australeShade or shelter: Planted in India, Sri Lanka & Malaysia as a shade tree and windbreak.
Casuarina cunninghamianaShade or shelter: Extensively planted for wind protection and shelterbelts. In California, USA, it has proven particularly valuable for planting as windbreaks to protect high-value agricultural crops.
Casuarina equisetifoliaShade or shelter: Many areas where the species naturally occurs are susceptible to tropical cyclones or typhoons, and its general tolerance to strong winds has encouraged its use in protective planting. The abundance of highly branched twigs absorbs wind
Casuarina glaucaShade or shelter: C. glauca is an excellent tree for shelter-belts as windbreaks.
Casuarina junghuhnianaShade or shelter: A suitable species for planting as a windbreak.
Casuarina oligodonShade or shelter: C. oligodon has been found to be a good shade tree for both cattle and sheep as it provides a good shade and improves pastures. It has also been used as a shade tree for coffee.
Cedrela odorataShade or shelter: As the trees have many low branches and a spreading crown, they are used for shade and as a windbreak in courtyard gardens and in cocoa and coffee plantations.
Cedrela serrataShade or shelter: In Sri Lanka, it is planted as a shade tree in tea plantations and also in coffee plantations in Java.
Cedrus deodaraShade or shelter: Its shelterwoods increases dry land pasture productivity as in New Zealand.
Celtis australisShade or shelter: The European hackberry is planted for shade.
Ceratonia siliquaShade or shelter: Widely planted as a shade tree, also recommended as a windbreak around orchards.
Chamaecytisus palmensisShade or shelter: The shrubs provide shelter for livestock and crops, and act as fire breaks.
Chrysophyllum cainitoShade or shelter: It is widely planted as a shade tree.
Cinnamomum tamalaShade or shelter: With an evergreen canopy tejpat is an important shade provider in its native range.
Citrus sinensisShade or shelter: C. sinensis is sometimes planted to provide shade.
Colophospermum mopaneShade or shelter: A useful shade tree in the hot summer season where it grows.
Colubrina arborescensShade or shelter: It is planted as a shade tree in Florida, Hawaii, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador
Combretum collinumShade or shelter: Since the living tree is tolerant of grass fires, C. collinum is suitable for planting as a savannah firebreak.
Commiphora edulisShade or shelter: The tree offers shade.
Cordia africanaShade or shelter: C. africana is planted as a shade tree in coffee plantations; it is usually left in the fields, as it provides excellent shade for crops.
Cordia alliodoraShade or shelter: Grown as a shade tree for coffee and cocoa plantations and in pastures, often in combination with Erythrina poeppigiana. Plantations exposed to hurricanes and cyclones have shown above-average resistance to stem break and wind throw.
Crossopteryx febrifugaShade or shelter: C. febrifuga provides adequate shade.
Croton macrostachyusShade or shelter: Trees are commonly planted for the useful shade that they provide.
Croton megalocarpusShade or shelter: C. megalocarpus forms a flat crown and has horizontal layers of branches, which make it useful in providing light shade and serving as a windbreak.
Croton sylvaticusShade or shelter: C. sylvaticus is an important shade tree, the Venda name “muima-vanda” means ‘stand in courtyard’, however planting should not be very close to buildings because of its rather weak root system.
Cryptomeria japonicaShade or shelter: This tree is used as shade on agricultural land. A fairly wind-tolerant tree, it can be used in shelterbelt plantings.
Cupressus lusitanicaShade or shelter: Trees are suitable as windbreaks.
Cupressus torulosaShade or shelter: The tree is planted as a windbreak.
Dacryodes edulisShade or shelter: In Nigeria the tree is planted for shade.
Dalbergia latifoliaShade or shelter: The species is planted as a shade tree in coffee plantations and on roadsides.
Dalbergia sissooShade or shelter: Used as a windbreak in mango, coffee and tea plantations. These shade-loving crops also benefit from improved soil fertility under D. sissoo.
Delonix elataShade or shelter: The tree has a low crown, effective as a shelter belt.
Delonix regiaShade or shelter: D. regia is planted as a shade tree in dairy farms, tea plantations and compounds.
Derris microphyllaShade or shelter: It is occasionally grown as a shade tree in cocoa, coffee and tea plantations especially on poor soils in Java.
Derris robustaShade or shelter: D. robusta is occasionally used as a shade tree.
Dimocarpus longanShade or shelter: The longan is cultivated in Bengal and elsewhere as a shade tree.
Diospyros ebenumShade or shelter: The tree has been planted in India as a shade tree for cardamom.
Diospyros virginianaShade or shelter: when allowed to become shrub-like, the multiple stemmed plants can be used for a large border shrub or as an accent plant.
Dobera glabraShade or shelter: D. glabra is often planted in villages as a shade tree.
Dodonaea angustifoliaShade or shelter: The plant is a shade provider.
Ekebergia capensisShade or shelter: Trees are worth cultivating for the useful shade they provide; they also act as windbreaks.
Elaeis guineensisShade or shelter: E. guineensis shade is lighter than that of other plantation crops such as rubber or cocoa and is suitable for substantial quantities of undergrowth, attracting livestock. Attention has been given to raising livestock in oil palm planta
Endospermum malaccenseShade or shelter: Sesendok is as a shade tree.
Entada abyssinicaShade or shelter: Often conserved around homesteads and in coffee and tea plantations for light shade.
Entandrophragma utileShade or shelter: Mufumbi is an ideal shade tree.
Enterolobium cyclocarpumShade or shelter: The wide-spreading canopy of E. cyclocarpum makes it an ideal shade tree for livestock in pasturelands and perennial crops such as coffee.
Eriobotrya japonicaShade or shelter: The fairly dense crown and a compact trunk make E. japonica useful for shade and as a windbreak.
Erythrina abyssinicaShade or shelter: E. abyssinica is grown as a shade plant in coffee plantations and grazing fields.
Erythrina berteroanaShade or shelter: E. berteroana is planted as a shade tree in coffee plantations and pastures.
Erythrina edulisShade or shelter: The trees also provide shade in coffee and cacao plantations.
Erythrina fuscaShade or shelter: E. fusca is often planted as a shade tree in cocoa and coffee plantations in Central America and less frequently in Southeast Asia.
Erythrina indicaShade or shelter: It is often planted as a shade tree in cacao and coffee plantations in Southeast Asia
Erythrina poeppigianaShade or shelter: Planted as a shade tree in cacao plantations in the humid tropics, E. poeppigiana conserves soil and contributes to high and sustainable cacao yields.
Erythrina variegataShade or shelter: In southern India, it is occasionally grown as a shade tree for cocoa and coffee; in Java it is not recommended for this purpose as it is leafless for up to a few months per year.
Eucalyptus camaldulensisShade or shelter: E. camaldulensis is widely planted for shade and shelter. In Sudan it is planted to protect crops from blowing sand.
Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulusShade or shelter: A valuable tree for windbreaks and shelterbelts.
Eucalyptus maculataShade or shelter: The tree is planted as a windbreak and for shade.
Eucalyptus pellitaShade or shelter: The large, heavily branched crown makes E. pellita suitable for shade and as a windbreak.
Eucalyptus robustaShade or shelter: E. robusta has a dense crown and makes a good roadside tree. The large leaves are oriented much more in a horizontal plane than in most other Eucalyptus species, and this improves overhead shade. This species is suitable for planting in
Eucalyptus tereticornisShade or shelter: Planted in shelter-belts as a windbreak and for shade.
Euclea divinorumShade or shelter: The plant is a good shade tree.
Faidherbia albidaShade or shelter: F. albida is maintained and protected on farms to shade coffee and to provide shade for livestock in the dry season.
Feijoa sellowianaShade or shelter: Feijoa is planted as a windbreak around wind-sensitive crops.
Ficus glumosaShade or shelter: Lines of the tree can be planted as a windbreak.
Ficus subcordataShade or shelter: The tree is used as shade for livestock, for storing crop residues, for reclamation of denuded land, for protecting soil on sloping land and as a windbreak.
Ficus sycomorusShade or shelter: The tree gives useful shade and is common at marketplaces, where people gather under it for many social functions.
Ficus thonningiiShade or shelter: F. thonningii is often planted to offer cover from the scorching sun in recreational areas, market centres and schoolyards. It can also be planted to provide shelter during the cold winter months.
Flemingia macrophyllaShade or shelter: A cover and shade crop in young plantations of cocoa, sisal, coffee, banana, plantain, oil palm and rubber; also acts as a good windbreak. In Madagascar, it is planted as a windbreak in tea plantations at Lac Alaotra.
Fraxinus excelsiorShade or shelter: F. excelsior is a popular summer shade tree and an important windbreak.
Funtumia africanaShade or shelter: The tree casts a heavy, cool shade.
Garcinia gummi-guttaShade or shelter: It’s a good shade tree for shade-loving crops such as ginger or in association with other field crops including medicinal plants
Garcinia livingstoneiShade or shelter: It is used as a shade tree.
Garcinia quaesitaShade or shelter: It can be a good shade plant
Genipa americanaShade or shelter: It is widely planted for its shade.
Ginkgo bilobaShade or shelter: The maidenhair tree is an excellent shade tree.
Gleditsia triacanthosShade or shelter: G. triacanthos is hardy and drought tolerant; it can be grown in windbreaks with the added benefit of pod production.
Gliricidia sepiumShade or shelter: G. sepium is widely cultivated as shade for perennial crops (tea, coffee and cocoa). It is also used as a nurse tree for shade-loving species. Attributes contributing to its value as a shade tree include its fine, feathery foliage giving
Gnetum gnemonShade or shelter: Provides shade for sciophytic plant species.
Grevillea robustaShade or shelter: This is a well known shade tree in coffee and tea plantations. Its spreading branching system makes it ideal for windbreaks or shelterbelts against wind-induced mechanical damage, high rates of transpiration and surface evaporation.
Guazuma ulmifoliaShade or shelter: Naturally regenerated trees are left scattered in pastures to provide shade.
Hagenia abyssinicaShade or shelter: The fire-resistant species can be used as a firebreak.
Hippophae rhamnoidesShade or shelter: H. rhamnoides is a shade provider.
Hopea odorataShade or shelter: The tree is sometimes used to provide shade.
Hymenaea courbarilShade or shelter: A suitable species when planted as a shade tree and has occasionally been used for coffee shade.
Hymenocardia acidaShade or shelter: H. acida is a good shade tree.
Inga edulisShade or shelter: I. edulis has been used as a shade tree for perennial crops, mainly coffee and cacao since the beginning of the 19th century. The open crown and rapid growth provide excellent shade, and trees are widely used for this purpose around dwel
Inga veraShade or shelter: Frequently used as a shade tree for coffee and cacao and as an avenue shade tree.
Intsia bijugaShade or shelter: Ipil has an excellent shade suitable for homes and parks, the tree is wind tolerant thus ideal as a windbreak.
Irvingia womboluShade or shelter: The bitter bush mango provides adequate shade.
Jacaranda mimosifoliaShade or shelter: The tree creates pleasant open shade and can be used effectively as a screen or as a windbreak.
Juniperus proceraShade or shelter: The spreading crown of the tree forms a suitable shade.
Khaya nyasicaShade or shelter: Casts a dense shade, hence suitable as a shade tree.
Kigelia pinnataShade or shelter: K. africana makes a good shade tree, casting dense shade, though it is not advisable to park a vehicle or to put up a tent underneath a sausage tree during the fruiting period. The ‘sausages’ that drop every so often weigh up to 12 kg an
Lawsonia inermisShade or shelter: L. inermis can be grown as a live fence.
Leucaena diversifoliaShade or shelter: Its light crown makes L. diversifolia an ideal species for shade over perennial crops such as coffee, and this has been one of the main uses in Jamaica, Papua New Guinea and, where cultivated within its natural range, in Mexico and Guate
Leucaena esculentaShade or shelter: It is used as a shade tree especially for coffee.
Leucaena leucocephalaShade or shelter: L. leucocephala is used as a shade tree for cocoa, coffee and tea; it generally acts as a shelterbelt, providing shade and wind protection for a variety of crops, especially during early growth.
Leucaena trichandraShade or shelter: It is used as a shade tree especially for coffee.
Lovoa swynnertoniiShade or shelter: The brown mahogany provides cool shading.
Lovoa trichilioidesShade or shelter: L. trichilioides is a good shade tree.
Macadamia integrifoliaShade or shelter: M. integrifolia makes an excellent evergreen shade and shelter due to its thick crown of leaves.
Macadamia tetraphyllaShade or shelter: M. tetraphylla is beautifully proportioned with handsome foliage, making it a fine shade tree.
Macaranga kilimandscharicaShade or shelter: M. kilimandscharica has a broad dense crown providing deep shade.
Madhuca latifoliaShade or shelter: The wide spreading crown provides shade for animals.
Maesopsis eminiiShade or shelter: M. eminii has been successfully used as a shade tree, for example, for coffee in Uganda, cocoa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and cardamom plantations in southern India. It is commonly retained in homegardens for shade.
Mallotus philippensisShade or shelter: In India M. philippensis is considered to be a valuable nurse tree for more important forest tree species, e.g. sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.f.).
Mammea americanaShade or shelter: The mammey is planted as a shade and windbreak.
Mangifera indicaShade or shelter: Its umbrella-shaped crown makes the mango tree a suitable shade for people and their livestock; it also acts as a firebreak.
Manihot glazioviiShade or shelter: It is used for temporary shade for cocoa in West Africa.
Markhamia luteaShade or shelter: The species provides useful shade and acts as a windbreak.
Melaleuca quinquenerviaShade or shelter: The trees can be used for windbreaks.
Melia azedarachShade or shelter: Widely planted as a shade tree in coffee and abaca (Musa textilis) plantations.
Mesua ferreaShade or shelter: M. ferrea is an important shade provider in its distribution range.
Milicia excelsaShade or shelter: M. excelsa is an excellent shade tree.
Millettia duraShade or shelter: M. dura is an important shade tree in East Africa.
Millettia thonningiiShade or shelter: The tree produces leaves heavily, hence when in leaf provides shade on avenues.
Mimosa scabrellaShade or shelter: M. scabrella is used as a shade tree for highland coffee plantations in Cameroon and Central America.
Morus albaShade or shelter: Recommended for shelter planting such as protecting orchards from wind.
Morus nigraShade or shelter: The trees are fairly wind resistant with some cultivars being used as windbreaks.
Musanga cecropioidesShade or shelter: Provides shade in intermediate forests.
Myroxylon balsamumShade or shelter: This is a good shade tree.
Nauclea diderrichiiShade or shelter: It is a good shade tree and in Uganda was successfully tried and planted by the national Forestry Department.
Nauclea orientalisShade or shelter: The Leichardt tree is an excellent shade tree.
Newtonia buchananiiShade or shelter: The tree’s crown gives light shade.
Nuxia congestaShade or shelter: N. congesta is a shade tree.
Olneya tesotaShade or shelter: Tesota makes an excellent shade tree with its multi-trunked stem and low-branches.
Paraserianthes falcatariaShade or shelter: The plant is extensively planted in Southeast Asia as a shade and nurse crop for coffee, cocoa, tea, other crops and young timber plantations. Its fast growth and good shading properties outweigh the disadvantages of its sensitivity to
Parinari curatellifoliaShade or shelter: P. curatellifolia is a neat, compact shade tree for the average garden.
Parkia biglobosaShade or shelter: P. biglobosa is a useful windbreak and shade tree.
Parkia speciosaShade or shelter: P. speciosa is sometimes planted as a shade tree, for example, for coffee plantations and in nurseries.
Parkinsonia aculeataShade or shelter: The heavy branching of P. aculeata makes it a suitable windbreak.
Paulownia imperialisShade or shelter: P. imperialis is suitable for planting in shelterbelts.
Paulownia tomentosaShade or shelter: It plays an important service role as a windbreak wherever it grows.
Peltophorum africanumShade or shelter: P. africanum can be successfully planted along fences to give shade protection to smaller stock and game during the hot summer months.
Peltophorum dasyrhachisShade or shelter: In the first half of the 20th century, P. dasyrhachis was used as a shade tree mainly in coffee in Java. In central Thailand it is maintained after bush fallow as a shade tree for fruit trees and for its role in soil improvement.
Peltophorum pterocarpumShade or shelter: P. pterocarpum is a widely-appreciated shade tree, due to its dense spreading crown. It is used in shelterbelts because it is wind firm.
Phoenix dactyliferaShade or shelter: Old leaves of P. dactylifera are used for thatching.
Phytolacca dioicaShade or shelter: P. dioica provides excellent shade in regions where other trees will not grow.
Piliostigma malabaricumShade or shelter: The mountain ebony offers good shade in homes and parks.
Piliostigma thonningiiShade or shelter: Provides good shade in homesteads when in full foliage.
Pinus merkusiiShade or shelter: The tree is used to shade out alang-alang grass with fairly good results.
Pistacia integerrimaShade or shelter: P. integerrima provides considerable shade.
Pithecellobium dulceShade or shelter: The tree is extensively planted for its dense shade.
Podocarpus falcatusShade or shelter: The crown makes P. falcatus a suitable shade species. In the higher rainfall areas it can be planted as a windbreak around homesteads and crops.
Polyscias kikuyuensisShade or shelter: P. kikuyuensis offers a mild shade with its high leaf crown.
Pongamia pinnataShade or shelter: Grass grows normally beneath the tree so it has been planted for shade in pastures. P. pinnata is grown as a windbreak for tea plantation in Sri Lanka.
Populus deltoidesShade or shelter: In India during the summer months it works as a windbreak and saves the crop from scorching winds. It is popularly used as a shelterbelt species.
Populus euphraticaShade or shelter: The main branches are simple and spread fairly wide, resulting in a dense, conical crown with abundant foliage. It therefore acts as a windbreak and shelters the crops from insolation.
Pouteria campechianaShade or shelter: Provides considerable shade when mature.
Prosopis africanaShade or shelter: Suitable for shade in homesteads in dry areas.
Prosopis chilensisShade or shelter: P. chilensis planted as a hedgerow provides shade for fruit trees, field crops and to the homesteads. Shade provided in paddocks not only eases the lot of farm animals but also substantially increases meat production.
Prosopis glandulosaShade or shelter: The shrub could be multibranched and act as a suitable windbreak.
Prosopis julifloraShade or shelter: Planted in windbreaks and shelterbelts.
Prunus africanaShade or shelter: P. africana provides useful shade and acts as a windbreak.
Pseudosamanea guachapeleShade or shelter: It has been found appropriate in silvopastoral and agroforestry practices; it is utilised in hedgerows, as a shade tree in pastures, and also in protection areas.
Pterocarpus indicusShade or shelter: In Malaysia, it has been planted as a shade tree for at least 200 years.
Pterocarpus rotundifoliusShade or shelter: Provides shelter for animals and nesting sites for birds.
Pterocarpus santalinoidesShade or shelter: A good windbreak around settled areas and farms.
Pterogyne nitensShade or shelter: P. nitens is a shade providing tree.
Pueraria montanaShade or shelter: Kudzu is a good shade plant.
Punica granatumShade or shelter: Pomegranate is an important shade tree and its wind firm stature makes it a good wind break.
Pycnanthus angolensisShade or shelter: In Uganda P. angolensis is often planted as a shade for bananas, coffee and cocoa.
Pyrus communisShade or shelter: Provide shelter in the boundary planting system.
Rauvolfia caffraShade or shelter: It is used as a shade tree in coffee plantations.
Rauvolfia vomitoriaShade or shelter: A good shade provider.
Rhamnus prinoidesShade or shelter: R. prinoides can be planted as a hedge along camp fences or along the edges of crops to act as a low windbreak. It may also be planted by fishponds to protect and shade the fish.
Rhus natalensisShade or shelter: The tree provides cool shade.
Ricinodendron heudelotiiShade or shelter: R. heudelotii is a popular shade and shelter for cacao (Theobroma cacao) in smallholder cocoa cultivation areas in West and Central Africa.
Salix babylonicaShade or shelter: Weeping willow is an important tree species for farmland shelterbelts.
Salvadora oleoidesShade or shelter: It is suitable for growing in shelterbelts and as windbreaks in desert tracks.
Salvadora persicaShade or shelter: Planted as shelterbelts and windbreaks to protect farm habitation, gardens and orchards.
Sandoricum koetjapeShade or shelter: It gives an excellent shade.
Santalum albumShade or shelter: Branches grow densely and are capable of intercepting high wind velocity, thus protecting crops.
Sarcocephalus latifoliusShade or shelter: Offers shade and acts as a windbreak.
Schefflera volkensiiShade or shelter: Provides light shade.
Schima wallichiiShade or shelter: In India, S. wallichii has been used as a shade tree in coffee plantations.
Schinus molleShade or shelter: The wide, multibranched crown provides good shade and acts as a suitable windbreak.
Schinziophyton rautaneniiShade or shelter: Offers shade in hot areas e.g. in the Kalahari desert.
Schizolobium parahybumShade or shelter: Guapuruvu is an important shade tree.
Sclerocarya birrea ssp. caffraShade or shelter: S. birrea ssp. caffra can be used most successfully as a shade tree in the garden or park and to line streets.
Senna atomariaShade or shelter: Can provide light shade in homesteads or pastureland.
Senna didymobotryaShade or shelter: It has been used as a shade tree in tea plantations.
Senna siameaShade or shelter: S. siamea is grown as a shade tree along roads and in cocoa, coffee and tea plantations. It is also planted as a dense windbreak and shelterbelt.
Senna singueanaShade or shelter: The crown provides shade.
Senna spectabilisShade or shelter: Tree casts a useful shade.
Sesbania bispinosaShade or shelter: S. bispinosa is planted as a temporary shade, windbreak or as a hedge.
Sesbania grandifloraShade or shelter: S. grandiflora has been used to shade nurseries and some crops such as coffee, tea and cocoa, and as windbreaks for citrus, banana and coffee.
Sesbania macranthaShade or shelter: S. macrantha is grown to shade coffee.
Sesbania sesbanShade or shelter: S. sesban has been used to shade coffee, tea and cocoa. It has also been used as a windbreak for bananas, citrus and coffee.
Spathodea campanulataShade or shelter: Recommended as a shade tree for parks and yards; it has been used for coffee shade.
Spondias mombinShade or shelter: The spreading crown and large leaves make S. mombin a suitable shade tree.
Spondias purpureaShade or shelter: It is a good shade tree.
Strychnos henningsiiShade or shelter: S. henningsii is an important shade tree.
Styrax tonkinensisShade or shelter: In Vietnam, it is sometimes planted to provide shade in tea plantations
Swietenia humilisShade or shelter: Zopilote is a good shade provider.
Swietenia macrophyllaShade or shelter: S. macrophylla is used as a shade tree, for example, for young plantations of dipterocarps.
Swietenia mahagoniShade or shelter: Farmers generally plant the species along garden boundaries or around the courtyard, where it provides deep shade.
Syzygium aromaticumShade or shelter: This multi-stemmed tree offers cool shade.
Syzygium cordatumShade or shelter: S. cordatum provides the much-needed shade and shelter for domestic stock and game on the farm.
Syzygium cuminiiShade or shelter: The abundant foliage of S. cuminii trees produces good shade, which has been used to shelter coffee trees, chicken yards and livestock pastures. When closely planted in rows, trees make good windbreaks.
Syzygium guineenseShade or shelter: The handsome evergreen tree is preserved in gardens for its deep shade.
Tabebuia donnell-smithiiShade or shelter: It provides shade.
Tamarindus indicaShade or shelter: The extended crown of the tamarind offers shade so that it is used as a ‘rest and consultation tree’ in villages. Because of its resistance to storms it can also be used as a windbreak. It should be considered, however, that T. indica i
Tamarix aphyllaShade or shelter: An important tree for shade. Very useful for obtaining temporary shelter as quickly as possible, which can be removed once the adjacent longer-term shelterbelt has attained sufficient size.
Tarchonanthus camphoratusShade or shelter: It is wind firm and can act as a windbreak for low winds. Its resistance to fire is remarkable, little mortality is seen in T. camphoratus even after three burnings, making it ideal for firebreaks.
Teclea nobilisShade or shelter: This tree provides excellent shade.
Tecoma stansShade or shelter: T. stans provides useful shade, especially in gardens.
Tecomaria capensisShade or shelter: Unpruned trees provide adequate shade
Tephrosia candidaShade or shelter: In newly planted perennial crops such as citrus, coconut, coffee, rubber and tea, it is grown as a temporary shade crop.
Tephrosia purpureaShade or shelter: It is applied as temporary shade.
Tephrosia vogeliiShade or shelter: T. vogelii is cultivated in Indonesia as a green manure, windbreak and temporary shade crop in cocoa, coffee, tea, rubber and cinchona plantations.
Terminalia arjunaShade or shelter: It is planted for shade or ornament in avenues and parks.
Terminalia browniiShade or shelter: Trees are planted in Nairobi, Kenya as shade trees, and act as windbreaks.
Terminalia catappaShade or shelter: In leaf all the year round, the tree casts a heavy shade that is useful in gardens, school grounds or urban areas.
Terminalia ivorensisShade or shelter: The tree provides good shade and is planted with coffee, banana and cocoa.
Terminalia mantalyShade or shelter: An excellent spreading shade tree.
Tipuana tipuShade or shelter: Used for shade near patios and as a lawn or street tree because of its thick growing habit and spreading shape; it also acts as a windbreak.
Toona ciliataShade or shelter: Trees may be planted as firebreaks.
Toona sureniShade or shelter: T. sureni is often planted in tea estates as a windbreak.
Trema orientalisShade or shelter: Often planted as a shade tree in coffee and cocoa plantations and also in other crops in Asia and Africa.
Trichilia emeticaShade or shelter: A worthwhile tree to provide shade and protection for livestock, and an excellent tree for the garden with its fast growth and wide crown. Widely planted as a windbreak in urban and rural areas.
Uapaca kirkianaShade or shelter: The dense rounded crown of U. kirkiana provides good shade.
Vitex cofassusShade or shelter: It is used as shelterbelt.
Vitex donianaShade or shelter: The heavy rounded crown of V. doniana provides good shade.
Vitex keniensisShade or shelter: The tree is sometimes planted as a windbreak.
Vitex negundoShade or shelter: It has been found suitable for shelterbelts and windbreaks.
Vitex parvifloraShade or shelter: Molave has been suggested for shelterbelts in the Philippines.
Vitex pubescensShade or shelter: V. pubescens is one of the recommended trees in its native range for planting as a shade tree.
Warburgia salutarisShade or shelter: The dense leaf canopy provides good shade.
Warburgia ugandensisShade or shelter: The crown provides shade.
Xylopia aethiopicaShade or shelter: The tree provides a good shade.
Zanthoxylum gilletiiShade or shelter: Z. gilletii is a useful shade tree in homes.
Ziziphus mauritianaShade or shelter: The tree has been planted for shade and windbreaks.
Zizyphus nummulariaShade or shelter: It provides shade.
Zizyphus spina-christiShade or shelter: Christ thorn is planted around towns and villages for shade. It makes useful windbreaks and shelterbelts.