Agroforestree database This database provides detailed information on a total of 670 agroforestry tree species. It is intended to help field workers and researchers in selecting appropriate species for agroforestry systems and technologies. For each species, the database includes information on identity, ecology and distribution, propagation and management, functional uses, pests and diseases and a bibliography. This project has been funded by the British Department for International Development (DFID, the European Union and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). |
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Acacia aneura | The wood is excellent for firewood and charcoal. |
Acacia aulacocarpa | The wood has an energy value of 21600 kJ/kg and is suitable for firewood. Charcoal made from A. aulacocarpa wood has a density of 500 kg/cubic metre at 12.5% moisture and an energy value of 37 100 kJ/kg. |
Acacia auriculiformis | A major source of firewood, its dense wood and high energy (calorific value of 4500-4900 kcal/kg) contribute to its popularity. It provides very good charcoal that glows well with little smoke and does not spark. |
Acacia catechu | The wood is excellent firewood. The calorific value of sapwood is estimated at 5 142 kcal/kg, heartwood 5 244 kcal/kg. Dry wood on destruction gives 38.1% charcoal of very good quality. |
Acacia cincinnata | A dense wood that burns well when dry. |
Acacia crassicarpa | The wood dries out moderately rapidly, burns well and is useful for firewood and charcoal, although it sparks at ignition and produces some fly ash and smoke during flaming. Its energy value is 22 600 kJ/kg. |
Acacia elatior | A. elatior wood produces good firewood and charcoal. |
Acacia erioloba | A. erioloba is a source of firewood for much of the Kalahari region in southern Africa. |
Acacia etbaica | A. etbaica is a source of good firewood. |
Acacia glauca | The wood is suitable for fuel. |
Acacia holosericea | The wood, an excellent fuel that can readily be converted to charcoal, is hard with high density (ca. 870 kg/cubic meter). The calorific value of wood is estimated at 4670 kcal/kg and of charcoal 7536 kcal/kg. Early rapid growth makes A. holosericea a highly productive fuelwood source. Trees 4 years old can yield up to 13 t/ha. |
Acacia karroo | It burns brightly, with very little smoke and no odour. It splits easily and once dried does not absorb moisture from the atmosphere. It has calcium oxalate crystals that give its embers high temperatures and make them long lasting. These clean burning traits, ideal for cooking and heating, make it excellent firewood wherever it grows. In the coastal dunes of Zululand, South Africa, it is reputed as an excellent charcoal source. |
Acacia laeta | A. laeta is a suitable source of firewood and charcoal. |
Acacia lahai | The tree is a significant source of firewood, and makes excellent charcoal. |
Acacia leptocarpa | The dense wood is suitable for fuel. |
Acacia leucophloea | It is appreciated as firewood and is suitable for charcoal production. |
Acacia mangium | With a calorific value of 4 800-4 900 kcal/kg, A. mangium provides good quality charcoal and is suitable for the manufacture of charcoal briquettes and artificial carbon. |
Acacia mearnsii | Originally distributed as a source of tannin, black wattle is now recognized as a valuable fuel wood. Wood is moderately dense with specific gravity about 0.75, splits easily and burns well with a calorific value of 3500-4600 kcal/kg. The charcoal is extensively used in Brazil and Kenya, and in Indonesia the tree is extensively used as a domestic fuel and for curing tobacco. |
Acacia melanoxylon | A. melanoxylon is a good source of firewood and charcoal. |
Acacia mellifera | The wood is used for fuel and charcoal. |
Acacia nilotica subsp nilotica | The calorific value of the sapwood is 4500 kcal/kg, while that of the heartwood is 4950 kcal/kg. This valuable source of firewood and charcoal has been used in locomotives, river steamers and small industries. Burning charcoal, however, emits sparks. In India and Pakistan riverine plantations are managed on a 15-20 year rotation for fuel wood and timber. |
Acacia pachycarpa | The tree has not been used for fuel but has the potential to produce small-sized firewood. |
Acacia pennatula | Commonly used as a source of fuel and charcoal. |
Acacia polyacantha ssp. polyacantha | The wood of A. polyacantha ssp. polyacantha burns well, but the thorns make it difficult to handle. |
Acacia saligna | Plantations for firewood have been established in some Mediterranean countries. The wood is reported as sappy, light and not popular for firewood. A. saligna can withstand some shade and can be grown as an understorey beneath pines or eucalypts for energy in villages. |
Acacia senegal | An excellent fuelwood-sometimes the only wood species to survive in dry areas. The calorific value is estimated at 3000 kcal/kg. Wood yields of 120-190 cubic metres per hectare, with annual increments of 0.5-1.0 cubic metres per hectare have been recorded. The dense wood also yields charcoal. |
Acacia seyal | A. seyal produces good, dense firewood that is used widely throughout its range. The smoke is pleasantly fragrant and the wood burns rather quickly. In Chad the tree is considered to provide the best fuelwood. In Sudan it is used to make a fragrant fire over which women perfume themselves. A. seyal var. seyal is an important source of rural energy as both firewood and charcoal. Trees managed on a 10-15 years rotation yield 10-35 cubic m/ha of fuelwood a year. |
Acacia sieberiana | A. sieberana is a good source of firewood and charcoal. |
Acacia tortilis | A. tortilis starts producing fuelwood at the age of 8-18 years, at the rate of 50 kg/tree. Its fast growth and good coppicing behaviour, coupled with the high calorific value for its wood (4400 kcal/kg), make it suitable for firewood and charcoal. |
Acacia xanthophloea | A. xanthophloea is planted as a source of firewood, although it produces a gum that leaves a thick, black, tarlike deposit when burnt. |
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius | The wood is sometimes used for firewood in many places. |
Adansonia digitata | The long-fibred wood is suitable for firewood. The shell and seeds are also used for fuel, which potters use to smooth earthenware necklaces before firing. |
Adenanthera pavonina | Esteemed in the Pacific Islands for fuelwood, the wood burns readily, producing significant heat, and is used in both above- and below-ground ovens. Good-sized fuelwood, larger than 11 cm in diameter can be produced in 5 years. The wood yields very good charcoal. |
Ailanthus altissima | The wood is used for charcoal and firewood. |
Ailanthus excelsa | Wood makes good firewood. |
Albizia amara | The branches are suited to both firewood and charcoal. |
Albizia chinensis | The tree produces low quality firewood. |
Albizia coriaria | The tree is used as firewood and for charcoal making. |
Albizia ferruginea | Branches are used as firesticks. |
Albizia gummifera | The tree provides good fuelwood. |
Albizia lebbeck | An excellent fuelwod species with a calorific value of 5200 kcal/g. A. amara fruits can yield 10 barrels of ethanol per hectare. |
Albizia odoratissima | Albizia odoratissima produces valuable fuelwood, dead and defective branches from shade trees are a major source of fuel. |
Albizia procera | The calorific value of dried sapwood is 4870 kcal/kg, and that of heartwood 4865 kcal/kg. Excellent charcoal (39.6%) can be prepared from the wood, and it is widely used as a fuel. Pods and fallen leaves should be considered not as undesirable litter but as potential energy sources. It seems probable that if A. lebbeck fruits can yield 10 barrels of ethanol/ha, this species could as well. |
Albizia saman | The facts that A. saman wood produces 5200-5600 kcal/kg when it burns and that it regrows vigorous after lopping or pollarding make it a valuable source of high-quality firewood and charcoal. However, where there is a strong market for wood carvings, the wood is considered too valuable to be used as fuel. |
Albizia versicolor | It produces firewood and quality charcoal. |
Albizia zygia | Provides considerable amounts of charcoal in Ghana and fuelwood in other localities. |
Aleurites moluccana | Seed oil is suitable, with modification, for use as a substitute for diesel, the residues for conversion to alcohol or pyrolysis. In Uganda, it is planted as a backyard tree for firewood. |
Alnus acuminata | Reputed to be good for firewood; in a rotation of 20 years, the annual yield of wood for fuel is estimated at 10-15 cubic m/ha. The calorific value is estimated at 19 250 kJ/kg. Reports on specific gravity vary from 0.34-0.6. It has good even burning characteristics. |
Alnus japonica | The tree is an important source of firewood. |
Alnus nepalensis | Wood has a low calorific value of 18230 kJ/kg. It dries easily, burns well and is an important source of firewood and charcoal. |
Alnus rubra | The tree is used for firewood and has been considered for fuel to generate electricity. The wood has a calorific value of 4 600 kcal/kg and makes good charcoal. |
Alphitonia zizyphoides | Toi is one of the premier fuelwoods of the Pacific Islands; its habit of shedding dried, lateral branches provides a convenient source of high quality fuelwood. In some areas, such as on Santo in Vanuatu, the wood is collected, bundled and sold as fuelwood in local markets. |
Alstonia boonei | This species provides firewood. |
Alstonia scholaris | A. scholaris has been recommended as a fuelwood species for the patana lands of Sri Lanka. |
Altingia excelsa | The dried bark has been used as a tinder |
Anacardium occidentale | The wood is popular for firewood and charcoal. The residue of the shell is often used as fuel in cashew nut shell liquid extraction plants. |
Andira inermis | Prunings from shade trees in coffee plantations are used as firewood. |
Annona squamosa | The tree is a good source of firewood. |
Anogeissus latifolia | A. latifolia yields good charcoal and firewood with an energy value of 17 600-20 500 kJ/kg. |
Antiaris toxicaria | The wood provides only marginal fuel. |
Arbutus unedo | The wood makes good charcoal. |
Arenga pinnata | Old woody leaf bases as well as the long leaves, can be used for fuel. The hairs found on the base of the leaf sheaths are very good tinder for igniting fire. |
Argania spinosa | The hard, heavy and durable wood gives good charcoal and firewood. The nut-shells are also burned for cooking. |
Artocarpus altilis | The trees are an important source of firewood on the atolls of the Pacific. |
Artocarpus camansi | The wood is fast burning, but generally only older, less productive trees are used for fuel. |
Artocarpus integer | A. integer is a good fuelwood; the calorific value of moisture-free heartwood is 5369 kcal/kg of wood. |
Artocarpus lakoocha | The trees are an important source of firewood. |
Artocarpus mariannensis | The wood is fast burning, but generally older, less productive trees are used for this purpose. |
Aucomea klaineana | The wood, which is used as firewood has an energy value of 29 970 kJ/kg |
Averrhoa carambola | The wood is a suitable candidate for firewood. |
Azadirachta indica | Charcoal made from A. indica wood is of excellent quality and the wood has long been used as firewood. Its oil is burned in lamps throughout India. |
Azanza garckeana | Provides valuable firewood. |
Balanites aegyptiaca | The wood is good firewood; it produces considerable heat and very little smoke, making it particularly suitable for indoor use. It produces high-quality charcoal, and it has been suggested that the nutshell is suitable for industrial activated charcoal. The calorific value is estimated at 4600 kcal/kg. |
Barringtonia procera | Fallen branches and felled trees make good firewood. |
Barringtonia racemosa | Provides suitable firewood. |
Bauhinia purpurea | Used as fuelwood; its calorific value is 4 800 kcal/kg. |
Bauhinia rufescens | The wood makes acceptable firewood and good charcoal. |
Bauhinia variegata | One of the main uses of B. variegata is as fuel; calorific value is 4 800 kcal/kg. |
Bertholletia excelsa | Dried fruit capsules are useful as fuel; the nut, which has an elevated oil content of 63-69%, burns with a candlelike flame when lit. |
Bischofia javanica | Although the wood is not suitable as a fuelwood, it is used for charcoal production. |
Bixa orellana | It is said that fire can be started by the friction of 2 pieces of the soft wood. |
Blighia sapida | Good quality charcoal is produced from B. sapida wood. |
Borassus aethiopum | Firewood and charcoal can be obtained from B. aethiopum. |
Boscia angustifolia | The tree was formerly converted into charcoal for gunpowder. |
Boscia senegalensis | As firewood, it burns making much smoke. |
Boswellia serrata | The wood is a good fuel. Charcoal made from it is particularly favoured for iron smelting. |
Brachylaena huillensis | During the 1st 2 decades of the 19th century, B. huillensis was the main fuel for Kenya. It was also exported as short logs to India as an inferior substitute for sandalwood for use in cremations. It is suitable for charcoal because of its high density, and is exploited for this in Kenya. |
Brachystegia spiciformis | Trees are a good source of firewood and charcoal. |
Bridelia micrantha | The wood makes excellent firewood and charcoal. |
Bruguiera gymnorhiza | The wood widely favoured as firewood and for conversion into charcoal as it produces the most heat among mangroves. For charcoal, the tree has a higher calorific value than Rhizophora |
Bucida buceras | It is a good fuelwood and makes excellent charcoal. |
Bursera simaruba | When thoroughly dry, the wood is used as firewood or charcoal. |
Butea monosperma | Wood makes a fuel of moderate quality. Leaves are sometimes used as a fuel. The wood is burnt for gunpowder charcoal. |
Byrsonima crassifolia | In Brazil, the wood is chosen for the hot fire over which people smoke the stimulant paste of guaraná (Paullinia cupana) because the burning wood has a pleasant odour. In some areas it is used for making charcoal. |
Cadaba farinosa | Provides fuelwood. |
Caesalpinia sappan | The wood is used for firewood and its energy value is about 25 000 kJ/kg. |
Caesalpinia velutina | The tree produces high quality firewood and charcoal. It splits easily and burns slowly with little smoke, dries quickly and stores well. It can also be burnt green in mixture with dry wood. |
Cajanus cajan | C. cajan sticks are an important household fuel in many areas. The heat value is about 1/2 that of the same weight of coal, and it has several advantages over traditional trees, such as its rapid growth potential, possibility of producing other crops on the same land, and production of a seed crop. Farmers sow it instead of grain because of its wood. Its productivity levels more than make up for the comparatively poor fuel characteristics. |
Calliandra calothyrsus | A good firewood species because it is fast growing, multi-stemmed, easy to regenerate and thornless. One year after planting, annual wood yields have been reported in the order of 15-40 t/ha with annual coppice harvests continuing for 10-20 years. Yields from C. calothyrsus are extremely good in coppice; after being cut at 50 cm from the ground, 3 m high coppices are formed in only 6 months rotation. The rootstock is very vigorous and will sprout readily. For firewood, optimum spacing is 1 x 2 m with a minimum of 1 x 1 m. Returns from charcoal production are higher than fuelwood because the wood is a quick burner. C. calothyrsus can produce 14 t/ha of charcoal annually. Wood is suitable as a smoking fuel for the production of smoked sheet rubber. There has been a demand for smoking fuel since old rubber trees, the traditional source, are increasingly used by furniture manufacturers. |
Calodendrum capense | C. capense is suitable for firewood and charcoal. |
Calotropis procera | Stems produce a good charcoal, while the stem pith makes good tinder. Produces an effective and sustained smoky fire, suitable for drying fish. Charcoal has been used for gunpowder in India. |
Cananga odorata | The wood is occasionally used for fuelwood |
Canarium indicum | The resin-rich wood is soft and makes an excellent firewood. The hard, stony shell of the seed is chiefly used in cooking, for which it makes an excellent fuel. |
Canarium ovatum | The hard and thick shell that encloses the kernel makes an excellent fuel for cooking. The resin-rich wood makes good firewood. |
Canarium schweinfurthii | The elemi makes a good fuelwood, igniting readily and burning with a lot of heat. The resin burns readily and is used as a bush candle. |
Capparis decidua | It is used for charcoal and firewood in its native range. |
Capparis tomentosa | C. tomentosa is suitable for firewood. |
Carissa congesta | It is used as fuelwood. |
Carissa edulis | The species is a source of excellent firewood. |
Cassia abbreviata | Tree a useful source of charcoal and firewood. |
Cassia fistula | The plant has been considered as a fuelwood in Mexico. |
Cassia grandis | The tree is considered good for charcoal and fuelwood. |
Cassipourea malosana | Tree parts used as fuelwood. |
Castanospermum australe | Black bean wood can be used as fuel. |
Casuarina cunninghamiana | An excellent firewood species that burns well and retains ashes for a long time; it is suitable for firing baker’s ovens. In Egypt, gives a charcoal yield of 33.6% and an ash content of 1.9% with an estimated fuel value of 4870 kcal/kg. |
Casuarina equisetifolia | The highly regarded wood ignites readily even when green, and ashes retain heat for long periods. It has been called ‘the best firewood in the world’ and also produces high-quality charcoal. Calorific value of the wood is 5000 kcal/kg and that of the charcoal exceeds 7 000 kcal/kg. It has been used for both domestic and industrial fuel such as for railroad locomotives. In Asia, leaf litter from plantations is often removed to be used as fuel. |
Casuarina glauca | The wood has a calorific value of 4 700 kcal/kg, splits easily, and burns slowly with little smoke or ash. Can also be burned when green, an important advantage in fuel-short areas. Produces excellent charcoal. After 4 years, trees begin to shed about 4 t of cones/year. These, too, make good pellet-sized fuel. The wood is used as firewood in rural areas of Egypt. |
Casuarina junghuhniana | The wood is highly suitable for firewood and charcoal production. The air-dry density of the wood is 900-1000 kg/cubic m, and the density of charcoal is 650 kg/cubic m. The energy from the charcoal is 34 500 kJ/kg, which is among the highest among firewood species. |
Casuarina oligodon | The wood is regarded as one of the best firewoods in the world, with a calorific value of the charcoal of over 700 k cal/kg. |
Cedrela odorata | A good firewood species. |
Cedrus deodara | It provides an excellent fuelwood |
Ceratonia siliqua | The wood produces a slow-burning charcoal and can also be used for firewood. |
Chamaecytisus palmensis | When allowed to grow, thick branches provide fuelwood that burns with intense heat. |
Chukrasia tabularis | The wood can also be used as a fuel. |
Citrus maxima | It is a potential source of firewood |
Citrus sinensis | C. sinensis is a potential source of firewood. |
Cocos nucifera | The high moisture content of C. nucifera wood and the difficulty of splitting it has made it relatively unpopular as firewood. Coconut shell charcoal is a major source of domestic fuel in the Philippines. It is also exported to Japan and the USA. Coconut oil can be used as a substitute for diesel oils, for electric generating plants and motor vehicles. However, this use is non-economic in most situations at the present prices of fuel oil. |
Cola nitida | A good source of fuelwood. |
Colophospermum mopane | Wood is excellent firewood, burning with great heat and very little ash; it burns easily, even when green. However, the hardness makes it difficult to fell, chop or split. |
Colubrina arborescens | The pruned branches provide excellent firewood |
Combretum collinum | C. collinum is a source of firewood and makes very good charcoal. |
Combretum molle | Wood burns slowly, giving intense heat, and is suitable for firewood and production of high quality charcoal. |
Commiphora edulis | C. edulis is a good source of firewood. |
Copaifera langsdorfii | The balsamiferous wood, with density of 700-900 kg/cu m, burns readily, perhaps even when green. The hydrocarbon obtained from the trunk can be used directly by a diesel-powered car. |
Cordeauxia edulis | Villagers and nomads use the hard wood for firewood. It burns well, even when still wet. |
Cordia africana | Trees are a good source of firewood. |
Cordia dichotoma | The tree is used as a fuelwood. |
Coula edulis | Wood produces suitable charcoal. |
Crossopteryx febrifuga | The wood is used for fuel. |
Crotalaria goodiaeformis | Twigs can be used as firesticks. |
Croton macrostachyus | Mainly used for firewood and the production of charcoal, but it burns with a rather unpleasant spicy odour. |
Croton megalocarpus | Well-dried nuts are reportedly used in some areas together with charcoal in cooking stoves. The tree is also utilized for firewood. |
Croton sylvaticus | The wood is excellent fuel, burning even when green. |
Cunninghamia lanceolata | The species produces quality firewood. |
Cupressus lusitanica | C. lusitanica is a good source of firewood. |
Cupressus torulosa | The tree is used as fuelwood. |
Dalbergia melanoxylon | The calorific value of the wood is more than 49 000 kcal/kg. Heat generation is so high that fires of D. melanoxylon have been reported to melt cooking utensils. |
Dalbergia sissoo | The species is fast growing, hence suitable for firewood. Sapwood and heartwood have calorific values of 4.9 and 5.2 kcal/g respectively. |
Delonix elata | D. elata is very promising as a firewood source having high density, calorific value and carbon percentage, and low silica and nitrogen. |
Delonix regia | The large pods as well as the wood are used for fuel. |
Derris microphylla | The tree is a source of firewood. |
Dialium guineense | The tree is said to make good firewood and charcoal. |
Dichrostachys cinerea | The wood is dense, burns slowly with few sparks and emits a non-toxic smoke, making it excellent firewood. It often grows many small trunks, ideal in size for carrying in a headload. |
Dimocarpus longan | The seeds and the rind are burnt for fuel. The wood is not highly valued for fuel. |
Diospyros melanoxylon | D. melanoxylon is reported to be good fuelwood; calorific value of sapwood is 4957 kcal/kg and of heartwood, 5030 kcal/kg. |
Diospyros mespiliformis | D. mespiliformis makes good fuelwood and charcoal. |
Dipterocarpus grandiflorus | The wood makes good quality charcoal. |
Dobera glabra | D. glabra is planted for firewood. |
Dodonaea angustifolia | Sand olive provides good quality charcoal and firewood. |
Dracontomelon dao | The tree is used for firewood. |
Ekebergia capensis | Firewood and charcoal can be obtained from the trees. |
Elaeis guineensis | It is technically possible to produce from palm oil either carbohydrates for conversion to alcohol or a methanolizable oil as a diesel substitute. In Togo, the pressed fruits are dried and fashioned into cakes for cooking fuel. |
Emblica officinalis | Fuelwood: The wood serves also as fuel and a source of charcoal. |
Entada abyssinica | E. abyssinica is often used as firewood. |
Entandrophragma utile | E. utile is an excellent source of fuel wood and charcoal. |
Eriobotrya japonica | The wood of E. japonica has market value as firewood. |
Erythrina abyssinica | E. abyssinica trees may be cut for firewood. |
Erythrina berteroana | The tree is used as fuel in Puerto Rico. |
Erythrina caffra | The tree is a good source of firewood. |
Erythrina edulis | The tree is used as firewood. |
Erythrina fusca | Farmers occasionally use the dry branches of E. fusca as fuelwood despite claims that the branches do not burn well and produce a lot of ash. It is used more because it is available rather than because it is preferred. |
Erythrina poeppigiana | Although the wood is light, with low calorific value, it is sometimes used as a firewood. |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis | The firewood is suitable for industrial use in brick kilns but is not preferred for domestic use because it is too smoky and burns too fast. However, it makes good-quality charcoal. |
Eucalyptus deglupta | E. deglupta is used to a limited extent for firewood and charcoal. However, it is normally considered too valuable for firewood. Trees more than 15 years old yield good charcoal. The energy value of the wood is 18 500-21 100 kJ/kg. |
Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus | E. globulus ssp. globulus provides good firewood with an oven-dry calorific value of about 19 900 kJ/kg. It burns freely, leaves little ash and carbonizes easily for good charcoal. |
Eucalyptus grandis | Large quantities of the wood are used for charcoal, for iron smelting, for example in Brazil. The firewood is used for domestic purposes and for curing tobacco, especially in Uganda. |
Eucalyptus maculata | The tree is an important fuelwood. |
Eucalyptus nitens | A suitable fuelwood, and is popular for this in New Zealand. |
Eucalyptus pellita | E. pellita is a suitable source of firewood and charcoal. |
Eucalyptus robusta | E. robusta is widely used as firewood and for charcoal. |
Eucalyptus tereticornis | E. tereticornis is popular and widely used for firewood and charcoal. |
Eucalyptus urophylla | E. urophylla makes satisfactory fuelwood and charcoal. |
Euclea divinorum | Branches used as firewood in some East African localities. |
Euphorbia tirucalli | Yields charcoal suitable for use in gunpowder. Its use as a source of hydrocarbon has been investigated by a number of authors, the latex hydrocarbon is largely a C30 triterpenoid which on cracking yields high octane gasoline. It is estimated that 1-2 t of crude oil can be obtained per ha per year from E. tirucalli. The gross energy value of E. tirucalli biomass is 17 600 kJ/kg. The biomass can be converted into gas, liquid fuels and solid fuels such as pellets, briquettes and charcoal. |
Fagraea racemosa | It is used as firewood. |
Faidherbia albida | The plant stems are used as fuelwood. The calorific value is estimated at 19.741 kJ/kg of dry wood. Charcoal yields are as low as 17%. |
Faurea saligna | Wood makes good firewood and charcoal. |
Feronia limonia | The wood serves as fuel. |
Ficus glumosa | F. glumosa is a source of firewood and is used to produce charcoal. |
Ficus religiosa | It is used as firewood. |
Ficus subcordata | The wood is used as fuel for brick and limestone kilns, and the smaller branches are used for household firewood. |
Ficus sycomorus | Can be used as firewood and for making charcoal; various peoples throughout Africa use a piece of dry wood from this tree as the base block when starting a fire by the friction method. |
Ficus thonningii | Branches are used for firewood. |
Flacourtia indica | Wood used for firewood and charcoal. |
Flemingia macrophylla | Fuelwood is a valuable byproduct. A 2-year-old stand with a spacing of 0.5 x 4 m can produce about 6.8 t of dry woody stems/ha. |
Fraxinus excelsior | High quality firewood is obtained from the ash. |
Funtumia africana | Branches and trunk can be used as fuelwood. |
Garcinia livingstonei | The tree is used as fuelwood. |
Genipa americana | Saplings good for firewood |
Gleditsia triacanthos | The specific gravity of the wood is 0.60 green, 0.67 oven-dry, and it is considered an excellent source of fuelwood. |
Gliricidia sepium | Often used for firewood and charcoal production. The wood burns slowly without sparking and with little smoke, so it is an important fuelwood in the subhumid tropics. The calorific value of a 5-year-old tree is 4550 kcal/kg. |
Gmelina arborea | G. arborea is planted mostly for firewood, which has a calorific value of 4800 kcal/kg. For firewood, a spacing of 2 x 2 m is recommended. Plantations of G. arborea have been established for tobacco curing. |
Grevillea robusta | G. robusta is popular for firewood and charcoal. It is also used to fuel locomotives and river steamers, power boilers and small industries. The calorific value of sapwood is about 4800 kcal/kg, while that of heartwood is 4950 kcal/kg. |
Grewia bicolor | Sought as a firewood only in certain areas, for example Senegal and Tanzania, but less valued elsewhere. |
Grewia optiva | The wood has an unpleasant odour and is, therefore seldom used as fuel if an alternative is available. |
Grewia tenax | The branches are used as firewood, and can be used in charcoal making. |
Guazuma ulmifolia | G. ulmifolia can be used for firewood and charcoal. |
Haematoxylum campechianum | The wood burns readily. |
Hagenia abyssinica | H. abyssinica is a good source of firewood and charcoal. |
Hardwickia binata | H. binata provides excellent firewood and good charcoal. |
Harungana madagascariensis | H. madagascariensis is a source of firewood and is used in the production of charcoal. |
Hevea brasiliensis | Rubberwood was formerly regarded as a byproduct of the rubber plantations and used for the production of charcoal or as fuelwood, for brick making, tobacco drying and rubber drying. |
Hibiscus sabdariffa | H. sabdariffa stem and wood are potential raw materials for charcoal making. |
Hippophae rhamnoides | The tree yields good quality fuelwood. |
Hymenocardia acida | The tree is used as firewood and for charcoal making. |
Hyphaene thebaica | Palms are occasionally used for firewood and charcoal; leaves may also be used as fuel. |
Ilex mitis | Fuelwood: Ilex mitis is also used as fuelwood. |
Inga edulis | The ease with which the seed germinates, its quick growth, rusticity and high coppicing ability make this species useful for the smallholder’s woodlot and it is also a useful bush-fallow species. The branches are a popular source of firewood, with a high calorific value and little smoke, although the tree is not cultivated specifically for fuel. |
Inga vera | The moderately heavy wood makes excellent fuel and is used for charcoal throughout the West Indies. |
Intsia bijuga | The small branches of felled trees are used as firewood. |
Jacaranda mimosifolia | J. mimosifolia provides useful firewood. |
Jatropha curcas | Jatropha oil is an environmentally safe, cost-effective renewable source of non-conventional energy and a promising substitute for diesel, kerosene and other fuels. Physic nut oil was used in engines in Segou, Mali, during World War II. The oil burns without smoke and has been employed for street lighting near Rio de Janeiro. Fruit hulls and seed shells can be used as a fuel. Dried seeds dipped into palm oil are used as torches, which will keep alight even in a strong wind. The wood was used as fuel, though of poor quality, in Cape Verde. |
Juniperus procera | Wood burns quite well hence a useful species for firewood. |
Khaya nyasica | Suitable for firewood. |
Khaya senegalensis | Only limited quantities are available for fuelwood, and trees of larger dimensions are undesirable because of difficulties with splitting and crosscutting. Hence, even if fuelwood is in short supply, larger-diameter sections are not utilized. The gross energy value of the wood is 19 990 kJ/kg. |
Lagerstroemia speciosa | The gross energy value of L. speciosa wood is 18 855-19 230 kJ/kg. |
Lawsonia inermis | Henna is a suitable source of firewood. |
Leucaena collinsii | The species is valued for high quality fuelwood. spp. zacapana is particularly managed as a bush fallow on a 4-year rotation to produce high quality firewood. |
Leucaena diversifolia | One of the primary uses of the species is firewood and charcoal; its energy value is 900-19 300 kJ/kg. |
Leucaena esculenta | The tree provides high quality fuelwood. |
Leucaena leucocephala | L. leucocephala is an excellent firewood species with a specific gravity of 0.45-0.55 and a high calorific value of 4600 cal/kg. Wood burns steadily with little smoke, few sparks and produces less than 1% ash. The tree makes excellent charcoal with a heating value of 29 mJ/kg and good recovery values (25-30%). Addition of ground L. leucocephala to fuel oil for diesel engines was found to involve no harmful agents in the ash. |
Leucaena pallida | L. pallida is used widely for firewood. |
Leucaena salvadorensis | The wood is an excellent fuelwood because it is dense and is easily split and dried. |
Leucaena trichandra | The wood is valued for firewood, which is rated as good quality and easy to split. |
Lovoa swynnertonii | The tree provides fuelwood. |
Lovoa trichilioides | The tree provides fuelwood. |
Macadamia integrifolia | Macadamia shells may be used as fuel, generating sufficient energy to dry wet, in-shell nuts. |
Macadamia tetraphylla | Macadamia shell may be used as fuel, generating sufficient energy to dry wet, in shell nuts. |
Macaranga kilimandscharica | Macaranga is used as a firewood source. |
Macaranga tanarius | Good firewood is provided by Macaranga tanarius. |
Maesopsis eminii | Due to its fast growth, M. eminii is widely planted for fuelwood. |
Mallotus philippensis | The wood is often used as fuelwood. |
Mammea americana | The tree is used as fuel. |
Mangifera indica | With a calorific value of 4200 kcal/kg, the wood makes excellent charcoal and firewood. |
Markhamia lutea | Trees are a source of firewood and produce good charcoal. Fuelwood is used to cure tobacco in western Kenya. |
Melaleuca quinquenervia | Exuding resin as it burns, the wood is excellent fuel and makes good-quality charcoal. Also, the papery bark is easily ignited and has high heating value. Reported calorific value for the wood is 4400 kcal/kg and for bark 6160 kcal/kg, but there is great variability in these values between trees. |
Melia azedarach | Fuelwood is a major use of M. azedarach. It has a calorific value is 5100 kcal/kg. |
Melia volkensii | Branches lopped during routine management and to provide fodder are often left to dry in the field before being used for firewood. The firewood produces an unpleasant smoke, and the tree is said to produce poor quality charcoal. |
Mesua ferrea | Used as firewood. |
Metroxylon sagu | Dextrose sugar extract from sago palm starch can be processed to yield power ethanol. The cortex of the trunk is also used for firing in paper mills. The bark may be used as a domestic fuel after drying. |
Michelia champaca | The gross energy value of the heartwood is about 21 070 kJ/kg and the tree is used as fuelwood. |
Milicia excelsa | M. excelsa can be planted for the production of timber and charcoal. |
Millettia dura | The tree is an important source of firewood and charcoal. |
Millettia thonningii | The wood and the woody dry pods which drop after releasing the seeds are a source of fuelwood. |
Mimosa pigra | When groundwater levels start falling at the beginning of the dry season, the defoliated stems and branches are left and become dry. These dry materials are collected and utilized as firewood by the low-income people living in the vicinity of the reservoirs. The use of this material as firewood releases the wood harvesting pressure in the upstream area of the reservoir. |
Mimosa scabrella | Produces high-quality firewood; however, the charcoal produces a large amount of ash. Before the advent of the diesel locomotive, M. scabrella wood was grown to fuel railroads in parts of Brazil. |
Moringa oleifera | The soft and light wood is an acceptable firewood for cooking but makes poor charcoal. It has a density of 0.5-0.7 and yields approximately 4600 kcal/kg. |
Moringa stenopetala | Growing rapidly, these trees have softwood that is not particularly suitable for fuel. But because the supplies are so scarce, it is often used as a fuel in its natural range. |
Morus alba | Makes medium-quality fuelwood with a calorific value of 4370-4770 kcal/kg. |
Morus nigra | Pruned and dead branches are suitable for firewood. |
Musanga cecropioides | Provides poor quality firewood. |
Newtonia buchananii | A good source of quality firewood. |
Nuxia congesta | The branches are used as firesticks. |
Ocotea usambarensis | O. usambarensis is a good source of firewood and charcoal. |
Olea capensis | A viable species for fuelwood from which excellent charcoal can be made. |
Olea europaea ssp. africana | In Eritrea the villagers use wild olive extensively to provide fuelwood. |
Olneya tesota | O. tesota is cut for fuelwood and charcoal production, widespread cutting of O. tesota has seriously reduced the numbers of these trees in areas of Mexico. |
Orbignya phalerata | The endocarp is used to make an excellent charcoal. The dry fruit is made up of 11-14% outer shell, 14-25% mesocarp, 50-67% woody inner shell and 61% kernels. This charcoal is being increasingly sold to national and foreign buyers as industrial fuel. Husks are sometimes used to smoke rubber. The crude oil from the seeds is used for lighting lamps. |
Osyris compressa | The wood has also been utilized as firewood. |
Osyris lanceolata | Also used as a source of firewood |
Ougeinia dalbergioides | Sandan wood is a good fuel with a calorific value of 4 900-5 200 Kcal/kg. |
Paraserianthes falcataria | Widely used for fuelwood and charcoal production in spite of its low density and energy value. |
Parinari curatellifolia | P. curatellifolia gives good charcoal. |
Parkia biglobosa | Branches are sometimes lopped for firewood. |
Parkinsonia aculeata | Sapwood yellowish and thick, and heartwood light or reddish-brown; wood moderately hard and heavy (specific gravity 0.6), fine textured, brittle; burns well and is used for firewood and charcoal. |
Pausinystalia johimbe | A preferred fuelwood species. |
Peltophorum africanum | P. africanum is a relatively good source of fuelwood. |
Peltophorum dasyrhachis | It is suitable as firewood. |
Peltophorum pterocarpum | The tree is used as fuelwood. |
Pentaclethra macroloba | The wood is a source of firewood |
Pentaclethra macrophylla | Its empty dry fruit pods are used as fuelwood for cooking. The wood is highly suitable for fuelwood and charcoal making. |
Phoenix dactylifera | The wood can be used as fuelwood. |
Phoenix reclinata | Wood is suitable for production of charcoal. |
Phyllanthus acidus | The tree is used as fuelwood. |
Piliostigma malabaricum | The wood is suitable material for charcoal and fuelwood, the energy value of the wood is about 18 100 kJ/kg. |
Piliostigma thonningii | Provides fuelwood in considerable amounts, the advantage being its shrubby habit and multi-stemmed nature. |
Pinus caribaea | P. caribaea, being a fast-growing species, can be used for fuelwood for both industrial and home use. However, it throws out sparks when burning. |
Pinus merkusii | The energy value of the wood is 20 300-23 200 kJ/kg. |
Pinus patula | P. patula produces excellent fuelwood. |
Pinus wallichiana | The wood is a good firewood but it gives off a pungent resinous smoke. The wood is rich in resin and can be splintered and used as a torch. |
Pistacia integerrima | Fuelwood and charcoal are obtained from P. integerrima. |
Pithecellobium dulce | Fast-growing and coppices vigorously but due to its smokiness and low calorific value (5 177-5 600 kcal/kg), P. dulce wood is not of very high quality. In parts of India, it is planted and harvested to fuel brick kilns. |
Pittosporum resiniferum | This tree produces a high octane oil that can directly be used as fuel. During the Second World War, the Japanese used it to power their tanks, though the tribal people of the Philippines have long appreciated it as a fuel for lamps. The oil is pressed from the nuts or seeds of the tree. It is reported that six trees would produce 320 litres of oil per year. The oil is quite sticky and rapidly turns resinous when laid thin. In an open dish, it burns strongly, although with a sooty flame. |
Podocarpus falcatus | P. falcatus is a suitable source of firewood. |
Polyscias fulva | The firewood of Polyscias species is of poor quality. |
Polyscias kikuyuensis | Generally offers poor quality fuelwood. |
Pometia pinnata | The wood is also used for charcoal production. |
Pongamia pinnata | With a calorific value of 4 600 kcal/kg, pongam is commonly used as a fuelwood. The seed oil was formerly indispensable as an illuminant in lamps, but has been largely replaced by kerosene. |
Populus ciliata | The lops and tops, rejects, wastes and material derived through intermittent prunings are used as fuelwood. |
Populus deltoides | Wood is used for fuel. |
Populus euphratica | Its wood is moderately hard and light. The lops, tops, rejects, wastes and material derived through pruning are used as fuelwood. The calorific value is reported to be 5019 kcal/kg for sapwood and 5008 kcal/kg for the heartwood. |
Prosopis africana | The wood has a high calorific value of about 1720 joules/kg and produces excellent charcoal and firewood. |
Prosopis alba | P. alba makes excellent firewood in localities where little else is obtainable. |
Prosopis chilensis | When burnt P. chilensis ignites readily, has a high calorific value, emits intense heat, makes enduring embers and leaves little ash. The wood makes good charcoal and could be exploited commercially to supply industrial and domestic demand using portable kilns. |
Prosopis cineraria | In the Punjab, its rather scanty, purplish brown heartwood is preferred to other kinds for firewood. It is an excellent fuel, also giving high-quality charcoal (5,000 kcal/kg). |
Prosopis glandulosa | Wood, chips and charcoal are excellent fuels, and the wood smoke lends a pleasant flavour to cooked foods. |
Prosopis juliflora | The generally crooked stems and branches make good firewood and provide excellent charcoal. Charcoal from P. juliflora wood is used extensively in the USA as barbecue fuel; about 30% of the charcoal sold for this purpose originates from P. juliflora from the Sonora Desert in northern Mexico. |
Prosopis tamarugo | It is used as fuelwood. In the part of the Atacama Desert in Northern Chile, the tamarugo stands are so over-exploited for firewood that they have been reduced to scattered stands. |
Prunus africana | P. africana produces high-quality firewood. |
Psidium guajava | Wood makes excellent firewood and charcoal because of its abundance, natural propagation, and classification as an undesirable weed. |
Pterocarpus erinaceus | P. erinaceus produces a good charcoal. |
Pterocarpus indicus | Although the wood is not necessarily recommended as firewood, it certainly could be used for firewood. Some Pterocarpus burn green. |
Pterocarpus lucens | P. lucens is a suitable source of firewood. |
Pterogyne nitens | The branches can be used as fuelwood. |
Punica granatum | Tree branches used as firewood. |
Pycnanthus angolensis | The seeds burn like candles and seed oil is used as an illuminant in West Africa. |
Quercus floribunda | It is a good fuelwood and is used for making charcoal. |
Quercus humboldtii | It produces good firewood and charcoal. |
Quercus semecarpifolia | It makes good firewood and excellent charcoal; the calorific value of sapwood is 4879 k cal and of heartwood 4815 k call/kg of dry wood. |
Rauvolfia caffra | The tree is a good source of fuel. |
Rauvolfia vomitoria | Used as firewood for instance in Sierra Leone. |
Rhizophora mucronata | The trees are important for producing good quality charcoal and for firewood. A great advantage of Rhizophora L. in the eyes of firewood dealers is that it can easily be split. |
Rhododendron arboreum | The wood is used as fuel and for making charcoal. |
Rhus natalensis | A provider of good fuelwood and charcoal. |
Ricinodendron heudelotii | Wood of R. heudelotii is not popular as a fuel as it burns very quickly. |
Robinia pseudoacacia | R. pseudoacacia wood burns hot and slowly, like coal, and makes good charcoal. Wood energy yield is typical of temperate broadleaf trees, about 19.44 kJ/kg. Fuelwood plantations in South Korea coppice readily and may even be lopped annually, yielding 10-20 t/ha of fuel. In Hungary, R. pseudoacacia is often grown on small private farms for wood. |
Salix babylonica | Wood and branches of S. babylonica were traditionally used for fuelwood in China. |
Salvadora oleoides | It is an important source of fuelwood. |
Salvadora persica | The wood is sometimes used for firewood and charcoal. However, it is not used for cooking meat, as it leaves a foul taste. |
Santalum album | The wood has been used as a fuel but is generally considered too valuable for this purpose. |
Santalum ellipticum | In Hawai‘i, Santalum spp. were sometimes used for firewood. |
Santalum spicatum | The wood is an excellent fuel and has been used for firing brick kilns. |
Sapindus mukorossi | The wood is used for charcoal production and as firewood. |
Sapium ellipticum | S. ellipticum is a source of firewood and is used to produce charcoal. |
Sarcocephalus latifolius | Opepe wood is a source of firewood. |
Schefflera volkensii | S. volkensii provides fuelwood of good quality. |
Schima wallichii | S. wallichii produces good firewood. The energy value of the sapwood is about 19 980 kJ/kg. |
Schinus molle | The wood of S. molle can be burned as both firewood and charcoal. |
Schinus terebinthifolius | the wood is also used for fuelwood and charcoal. |
Schinziophyton rautanenii | Not an important firewood provider. |
Schizolobium parahybum | The tree can provide fuelwood. |
Securidaca longepedunculata | S. longipedunculata can be burnt for firewood and charcoal. |
Securinega flexuosa | It also yields a good fuelwood. |
Senna atomaria | Suitable because of its vigorous regrowth and biomass production. Has a heat of combustion of 19 megajoules /kg. |
Senna siamea | The dense, dark-coloured wood of S. siamea makes good fuel, although it produces some smoke when burning. The energy value of the wood is 22 400 kJ/kg, and the density is 600-800 kg/m³. The wood was formerly preferred for locomotive engines. Its charcoal is also of excellent quality. |
Senna singueana | The wood is commonly used for fuel. |
Senna spectabilis | Tree provides firewood and is used to produce charcoal. |
Sesbania bispinosa | S. bispinosa yields light, small-sized firewood. When fully grown and dried, it provides good fuel with a calorific value of 4281 kcal/kg. |
Sesbania grandiflora | The wood is rather light and not highly regarded as a fuel because it smokes excessively when burning. Having a weight of only 500 kg/square m, it burns rapidly without much heat. But its fast growth and availability within a year of planting make it a locally popular fuelwood. The wood should be well dried, as it deteriorates in storage and becomes corky, dusty and unfit for burning. Its calorific value is 17.91 MJ/kg, with a high ash content (6%) and low percentage of carbon (11.7%). |
Sesbania macrantha | For fuelwood, S. macrantha can be grown as individual plants, in hedgerows or in solid stands in many types of farming systems. |
Sesbania rostrata | Dry stem are used as fuel e.g. in Madagascar. |
Sesbania sesban | S. sesban is popular for firewood and charcoal because it produces a high woody biomass in a short time, which, although soft, is relatively smokeless, quick kindling and hot burning. The calorific yield for a 3-year-old tree is approximately 4350 kcal/kg. |
Shorea javanica | The lower part of the trunk is scarified from tapping for resin and hence can be used only for firewood. |
Spondias mombin | The wood is suitable for firewood. |
Spondias purpurea | The easily cut and brittle branches are potential fuelwood. |
Steganotaenia araliacea | Tree parts are used as fuelwood. |
Sterculia urens | The tree is used as a fuelwood. |
Stereospermum kunthianum | Where it occurs, the yellowish hardwood is used as firewood or low-quality charcoal that disintegrates directly into ashes. |
Strychnos innocua | Provides excellent firewood that burns even when wet. |
Strychnos spinosa | S. spinosa provides firewood and charcoal. |
Styrax tonkinensis | Wood from thinnings is generally used as firewood. |
Swietenia mahagoni | In Haiti, much of the branch wood and most of the crooked stems are converted to charcoal, particularly in regions isolated from urban markets by poor roads. |
Syzygium cordatum | S. cordatum is popular as a source of firewood and charcoal. |
Syzygium cuminii | S. cuminii wood has a specific gravity of 0.77 and burns well, giving off about 4 800 kcal/kg. It is a fast-growing tree, which provides excellent firewood and charcoal. |
Syzygium guineense | S. guineense is used as firewood and in the production of charcoal. |
Syzygium jambos | The tree grows back rapidly after cutting to a stump and consequently yields a continuous supply of small wood for fuel. Rose apple wood makes very good charcoal. |
Tabebuia donnell-smithii | T. donnell-smithi is used as fuelwood. |
Tamarindus indica | Provides good firewood with calorific value of 4 850 kcal/kg, it also produces an excellent charcoal. |
Tamarix aphylla | Burns reasonably well though slow to catch fire. Used for firewood and charcoal (calorific value, 4835 kcal/kg). Leaf litter and small branches burn poorly, perhaps because of their high salt content. It gives an offensive odour if burnt green. |
Tarchonanthus camphoratus | Provides high quality fuelwood. |
Teclea nobilis | Provides good fuelwood. |
Tecoma stans | Trees provide firewood and charcoal. |
Tecomaria capensis | The plant can be used as firewood. |
Tectona grandis | Teakwood has been used in the manufacture of charcoal and as fuelwood, but nowadays it is usually considered too valuable for anything but pruning remnants and other rejects to be used in this way. |
Tephrosia candida | When the species becomes woody with age, it provides suitable fuelwood. |
Tephrosia purpurea | The energy value of the wood of T. purpurea is 14 500 kJ/kg. In northern India, dry plants are collected for fuel. |
Terminalia arjuna | It makes excellent charcoal and firewood, with calorific values of 5030 Kcal/kg and 5128 Kcal/kg for the sapwood and heartwood, respectively. |
Terminalia bellirica | The tree yields a good-quality firewood and charcoal with calorific value of sapwood being 5000 kcal/kg. |
Terminalia brownii | T. brownii is a good source of timber and charcoal. |
Terminalia ivorensis | The wood of T. ivorensis is used for firewood and charcoal. |
Terminalia prunioides | Provides good firewood and makes excellent charcoal. |
Terminalia sericea | The species make good charcoal and firewood |
Theobroma cacao | The cocoa bean testa has a calorific value of 16 000-19 000 BTU/kg, a little higher than that for wood. |
Tipuana tipu | T. tipu is a source of firewood and is used in the production of charcoal. |
Tithonia diversifolia | Tithonia provides farmers with firewood. |
Treculia africana | T. africana is a suitable source of firewood and charcoal. |
Trema orientalis | A fast-growing species which coppices well, it can provide plenty of firewood and excellent charcoal which is even suitable for making gunpowder and fireworks. |
Trichilia emetica | A fuelwood species, T. emetica is commonly used for firewood. |
Uapaca kirkiana | U. kirkiana charcoal is highly regarded, and many trees are cut for this purpose. It is also a good source of firewood. |
Vangueria infausta | V. infausta is a good source of firewood. |
Vangueria madagascariensis | This multibranched shrub or tree is popular as a source of both firewood and charcoal. |
Vernonia amygdalina | Both firewood and charcoal are derived form V. amygdalina. |
Vitellaria paradoxa | Excellent-quality firewood that burns with a fierce heat. The charcoal is not good quality, however; it burns rapidly and is friable and, although it provides enough heat for domestic use, is not suitable for iron-working. The sticky black residue from fat extraction can also be used as a substitute for kerosene when lighting firewood. Due to its value as a fruit tree, V. paradoxa is seldom cut for fuel. |
Vitex doniana | Wood is used for firewood and charcoal. |
Vitex keniensis | V. keniensis is a suitable source of firewood. |
Vitex negundo | Stems are used as firewood. |
Vitex parviflora | V. parviflora is a source of firewood. |
Vitex payos | The tree is used for fuel. |
Vitex pubescens | V. pubescence wood produces a high quality charcoal that is compatible and competitive with mangrove charcoal in international markets. |
Warburgia salutaris | Wood is used as firewood and charcoal. |
Warburgia ugandensis | The wood has a high oil content and burns well with an incense-like smell. |
Ximenia americana | Firewood and charcoal are the chief uses of the wood, because the trunk is usually too small to make it useful for timber. |
Ximenia caffra | It is used as firewood. |
Xylopia aethiopica | A good source of firewood |
Zanthoxylum chalybeum | Z. chalybeum is a good firewood tree; it burns easily. |
Zanthoxylum gilletii | The tree produces good quality charcoal and firewood. |
Ziziphus abyssinica | The species is a source of firewood and is used in the production of charcoal. |
Ziziphus mauritiana | Z. mauritiana produces excellent firewood (sapwood has 4900 kcals/kg) and good charcoal. Its drooping branches are easily accessible for harvesting. |
Ziziphus mucronata | The wood is hard and makes good firewood and charcoal. |
Zizyphus nummularia | It is a source of high calorific value (4400 kcal/kg) fuel and charcoal |
Zizyphus spina-christi | Its wood yields an excellent charcoal, but given the current status of the species, and its slow growth rate, this usage is certainly to be discouraged. |

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