
Agroforestree database

This database provides detailed information on a total of 670 agroforestry tree species. It is intended to help field workers and researchers in selecting appropriate species for agroforestry systems and technologies.

For each species, the database includes information on identity, ecology and distribution, propagation and management, functional uses, pests and diseases and a bibliography.

This project has been funded by the British Department for International Development (DFID, the European Union and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).

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Acacia aneuraOrnamental: A. aneura has attractive silvery grey foliage, making it a popular choice for amenity plantings.
Acacia aulacocarpaOrnamental: The tree is occasionally planted as an ornamental.
Acacia auriculiformisOrnamental: It is used for shade and ornamental purposes in cities where its hardiness, dense foliage and bright yellow flowers are positive attributes.
Acacia eriolobaOrnamental: The beautiful tree is suitable for planting in amenity areas.
Acacia glaucaOrnamental: The tree is a common ornamental throughout the tropics.
Acacia holosericeaOrnamental: A. holosericea is becoming a popular species for planting in towns and for roadside windbreaks. The silvery foliage, early appearance of its yellow flower spikes and prominent twisted pods make it an attractive ornamental shrub. Its relatively short life span of 4-8 years is a limiting factor.
Acacia leptocarpaOrnamental: The well-shaped tree has beautiful flowers and could be useful in amenity areas.
Acacia leucophloeaOrnamental: The vivid colors of its leaves, flowers and bark make A. leucophloea a beautiful, yet underutilized, ornamental tree.
Acacia mangiumOrnamental: In Malaysia, A. mangium is a widely planted roadside tree, and in Thailand, it is recommended for wider use in urban forestry.
Acacia mearnsiiOrnamental: A. mearnsii is an attractive tree, flowering profusely in late winter.
Acacia melanoxylonOrnamental: The beautiful tree may be planted in amenity areas.
Acacia pachycarpaOrnamental: The pendulous habit of A. pachycarpa makes it a potential ornamental plant for arid areas, but its phyllodes, branches and flowers produce an unpleasant odour, so that planting it close to human habitation is undesirable.
Acacia salignaOrnamental: A. saligna is widely planted as an ornamental.
Acacia senegalOrnamental: It is grown as an ornamental tree in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Acacia xanthophloeaOrnamental: The well-shaped decorative tree is a potential candidate for amenity areas.
Adansonia digitataOrnamental: A. digitata is a popular species for bonsai specimens. The South African ‘Baobab Style’ originated with A. digitata.
Adenanthera pavoninaOrnamental: It is extensively cultivated as an ornamental for planting along roadsides and in common areas, notably for its red, glossy seeds.
Afzelia quanzensisOrnamental: A. quanzensis is a handsome tree that can be planted in gardens and parks, and it is one of the best indigenous species for bonsai.
Agathis macrophyllaOrnamental: it can be planted in large public spaces, including along roads. Due to its traditional importance, its long life span and increasing rarity, the plant is ideal for planting in village and schoolyards as a “landmark” tree.
Ailanthus altissimaOrnamental: The weed tree can be a handsome tropical-looking ornamental with its compound leaves sometimes overtopped by reddish to yellowish clusters of winged fruits.
Ailanthus triphysaOrnamental: A tree often planted for aesthetic purposes.
Albizia adianthifoliaOrnamental: This is a beautifully shaped tree and could be used with advantage in gardens and streets.
Albizia amaraOrnamental: A. amara can be planted in urban areas as an ornamental and avenue tree.
Albizia anthelminticaOrnamental: An attractive tree in bloom, with fluffy-cream coloured, scented flowers. Suitable for aesthetic purposes.
Albizia chinensisOrnamental: The tree is grown as an ornamental in parks, gardens and along roads.
Albizia coriariaOrnamental: A. coriaria is a beautiful tree with bright green splashes of new foliage growth and showy flowers, commonly found in homesteads and protected in fields.
Albizia ferrugineaOrnamental: A. ferruginea is a beautiful tree suitable for planting along avenues and in parks.
Albizia gummiferaOrnamental: A. gummifera is planted in town avenues for aesthetic purposes.
Albizia julibrissinOrnamental: The attractive fragrant/ pink flowers and fern-like leaves of mimosa leaves, which stay green until killed by frost make it an ideal landscape plant.
Albizia lebbeckOrnamental: In India A. lebbeck is often planted along roads and in homegardens.
Albizia proceraOrnamental: A useful tree for farm and amenity planting. Trees are often planted along avenues and in gardens to beautify them.
Albizia samanOrnamental: The attractive tree is one of the most commonly planted avenue and park trees in the tropics.
Albizia versicolorOrnamental: This tree makes a beautiful specimen plant and is strongly recommended for use in any large gardens or parks.
Albizia zygiaOrnamental: As an ornamental this showy tree can grace avenues and recreation sites.
Aleurites moluccanaOrnamental: A. moluccana is an attractive tree with its cream white flowers that may appear more than once a year.
Alnus cordataOrnamental: In Britain the tree is grown as an ornamental in large gardens and parks for its majestic appearance and fast growth and as a road-side or street tree, because it establishes rapidly in exposed positions, is reasonably compact and tolerates dry conditions as well as a dusty atmosphere.
Alnus japonicaOrnamental: The hannoki is planted as an ornamental.
Alnus rubraOrnamental: Red alder is planted as an ornamental in Europe.
Alphitonia zizyphoidesOrnamental: Toi is an attractive, fast-growing, and moderately long-lived tree with a good ornamental potential.
Alstonia congensisOrnamental: Grown as a woody ornamental tree in Kinshasa, Zaire.
Alstonia scholarisOrnamental: The tree is sometimes planted as an ornamental.
Andira inermisOrnamental: Planted in parks and yards, Andira inermis is a very attractive tree with a dense, spreading crown, showy pink flowers and bright colored leaves.
Annona squamosaOrnamental: The attractive tree is grown in gardens.
Anthocephalus cadambaOrnamental: Kadam is suitable for ornamental use.
Antidesma buniusOrnamental: The dark green and glossy, alternate leaves make the tree an attractive ornamental.
Araucaria bidwilliiOrnamental: Is planted in parks and roadsides as an ornamental.
Araucaria cunninghamiiOrnamental: The tree is cultivated for ornamental purposes.
Arbutus unedoOrnamental: The tree is commonly planted as ornamental for its pretty flowers and fruit especially in autumn when most shrubs are going dormant. Older specimens are especially attractive with their shredding gray-brown bark and twisted, gnarled trunks. It is a very popular ornamental in southern California.
Areca catechuOrnamental: In Florida and Hawaii, arecanut is used as an ornamental tree.
Artocarpus altilisOrnamental: Occasionally grown as an ornamental in the humid areas of Gambia.
Artocarpus lakoochaOrnamental: Occasionally grown as an ornamental plant.
Artocarpus mariannensisOrnamental: Dugdug is an attractive, stately evergreen tree with a rounded canopy.
Asimina trilobaOrnamental: Pawpaw can be planted as an ornamental, particularly where clusters of small trees are desired.
Averrhoa carambolaOrnamental: With its delicate, light-green foliage, small, pink flowers and prolific golden-yellow fruits, A. carambola is popular in homegardens and parks.
Azadirachta excelsaOrnamental: The sentang is a beautiful tree planted in botanical and experimental gardens.
Azanza garckeanaOrnamental: A. garckeana makes a successful and interesting pot plant but must be kept in full sun.
Barringtonia proceraOrnamental: Cutnut is an attractive evergreen tree with bright flowers that beautifies rural villages. Being a medium-size tree and providing good shade, it would be suitable as a park or street tree. Its pendulous flowers and fruits are attractive in an urban landscape.
Barringtonia racemosaOrnamental: B. racemosa is a most decorative tree, which grows easily and rapidly.
Bauhinia purpureaOrnamental: B. purpurea is widely planted as an ornamental tree in parks, gardens and homesteads, and along avenues for its showy fragrant, purple flowers. The weak wood is susceptible to breakage in storms; the abundant seedlings, which may germinate in the landscape; and the litter problem, created by the falling leaves, flowers, and seedpods.
Bauhinia rufescensOrnamental: The tree is sometimes planted as an ornamental. It is suitable for roadsides, and it may easily be grown indoors provided the conditions are warm and brightly lit.
Bauhinia tomentosaOrnamental: The attractive tree is ideal for small gardens, and since the root is not aggressive, it can be planted close to a swimming pool or paving.
Bauhinia variegataOrnamental: The showy fragrant, pink, purple or white flowers make the tree attractive for an ornamental and for avenue plantings.
Berchemia discolorOrnamental: B. discolor is planted as an ornamental. The tree presents a challenge to anyone trying to make a bonsai from it, but if the effort is successful, it is one of the best indigenous trees for this form of art.
Bischofia javanicaOrnamental: The tree has been introduced as a fast-growing ornamental in Africa and the USA.
Blighia sapidaOrnamental: Commonly planted along avenues, it enhances aesthetic value of urban landscapes.
Borassus aethiopumOrnamental: B. aethiopum is an attractive palm and has been planted for amenity purposes.
Boswellia serrataOrnamental: It is popular for avenue planting in India.
Brachylaena huillensisOrnamental: B. huillensis is planted as an ornamental tree around dwellings in Kenya.
Brachystegia spiciformisOrnamental: The trees are famous for the attractive pink, wine red, copper and bronze colours of their spring foliage and are a suitable species for amenity areas.
Bridelia micranthaOrnamental: B. micrantha can be effectively used as a background plant in the garden, adding a splash of colour with its yellow, orange and purple leaves.
Bucida bucerasOrnamental: Its small, round leaves and semi pendulous branches make it appealing for landscaping.
Bursera simarubaOrnamental: Because of the attractive coloured bark, the tree is planted as an ornamental in dry soils of southern Florida, where it is native.
Butea monospermaOrnamental: B. monosperma is planted as an ornamental because it flowers with a profusion of bright orange, rarely sulphur-coloured flowers.
Byrsonima crassifoliaOrnamental: While in flower, the tree is quite ornamental with showy orange and yellow inflorescences.
Caesalpinia velutinaOrnamental: C. velutina is planted as an ornamental for its bright yellow flowers.
Calliandra calothyrsusOrnamental: Its beautiful red ‘powder puff’ flowers make it an attractive ornamental.
Calodendrum capenseOrnamental: C. capense has a non-aggressive root system; at the coast, where it is evergreen, it is suitable for street and parking lot planting. It makes an attractive specimen tree, especially on a lawn, with its light grey bark, large leaves, masses of pink flowers and knobbly fruit.
Calophyllum brasilienseOrnamental: Its evergreen habit makes it suitable for use in ornamental and shade tree plantings.
Calophyllum inophyllumOrnamental: Although slow growing, C. inophyllum is a popular tree for roadside and avenue planting in India. It is a handsome ornamental, the young foliage being crimson and the flowers scented.
Cananga odorataOrnamental: It is widely planted in home gardens and roadsides as an ornamental.
Canarium ovatumOrnamental: With its symmetrical branches, C. ovatum is an attractive avenue tree.
Canarium schweinfurthiiOrnamental: The trees’ symmetrical branching makes it an attractive avenue and shade tree.
Carapa guianensisOrnamental: Planted as an ornamental in the Caribbean, where it is locally naturalized.
Carissa congestaOrnamental: C. congesta is conspicuous when in starry bloom.
Carissa edulisOrnamental: C. edulis is an attractive tree that is suitable for planting in amenity areas.
Caryota urensOrnamental: As the only palm having bipinnate leaves with fishtail-like leaflets, both young and semi-adult plants are increasingly used as indoor as well as outdoor plants in households, large hotels and airport terminal buildings. The leaves are also used to enhance floral decorations. Unlike ornamental palms such as royal palm (Roystonea) and cabbage palm (Oreodoxa oleracea), however, C. urens is not a good candidate for avenue planting because of its relatively short stature and short life span.
Casimiroa edulisOrnamental: White sapote trees often are grown strictly as ornamentals in California.
Cassia abbreviataOrnamental: C. abbreviata is a showy tree with a beautiful yellow bloom, persisting fruit pods and good form. It is an ideal choice for gardens and avenues and interesting tree to train as a bonsai.
Cassia fistulaOrnamental: Produces yellow flowers in drooping racemes, making it an extremely showy tree in bloom (being at this time all flowers and no leaves). It is hence widely planted as an ornamental tree.
Cassia grandisOrnamental: C. grandis has been widely introduced for ornamental purposes.
Cassia javanicaOrnamental: C. javanica is extensively used as an ornamental and roadside tree, particularly forms of subsp. agnes (de Wit) K. Larsen with larger flowers.
Castanospermum australeOrnamental: A valued ornamental tree, most attractive at flowering time with sprays of orange-red flowers. The large pendant, cylindrical, bean-like fruits are also conspicuous in the crown. The young plants are hardy indoor and patio plantings.
Casuarina cunninghamianaOrnamental: C. cunninghamiana makes a suitable ornamental tree.
Casuarina equisetifoliaOrnamental: Grown as ornamental along streets and seashores.
Casuarina glaucaOrnamental: Suitable as an ornamental in coastal locations, for example in California.
Casuarina junghuhnianaOrnamental: C. junghuhniana is sometimes planted as an ornamental.
Cedrela odorataOrnamental: C. odorata is sometimes planted as an ornamental along roads and in parks, for example, in peninsular Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Singapore.
Cedrela serrataOrnamental: C. serrata is planted in the hills in Sri Lanka and Java as an ornamental.
Cedrus deodaraOrnamental: This species is grown as an ornamental and in amenity plantations in its native range and many countries into which it was introduced
Ceiba pentandraOrnamental: C. pentandra is grown around villages and temples in Tamil Nadu, India, as an ornamental tree. As the floss is irritating to the eyes and nose, the tree is not recommended for town planting.
Celtis australisOrnamental: The tree is planted as a street specimen.
Ceratonia siliquaOrnamental: A popular ornamental in California, Australia and elsewhere; male trees are preferred as they do not provide litter from pod fall. However, the value of C. siliqua as a drought-tolerant, air-pollution tolerant, low maintenance tree for street landscape planting could be limited by its large size when mature and its strong, invasive roots.
Chamaecytisus palmensisOrnamental: The shrubs have no thorns and produce profuse masses of fragrant white pea-like flowers, making them attractive ornamental plants.
Chrysophyllum cainitoOrnamental: The foliage is bright blue-green above and coppery beneath, creating attractive contrast when stirred by the wind; for its ornamental value alone it merits cultivation. In Cuba, Jamaica and several other tropical American countries, C. cainito is a common garden tree.
Cinnamomum camphoraOrnamental: In some countries such as Nepal, the tree is not planted for camphor production, but is mainly planted in gardens and at the entrances of houses for religious reasons, and as an ornamental tree, though the wood is valuable.
Citrus maximaOrnamental: The species has the potential of being grown as an amenity tree in home gardens
Citrus sinensisOrnamental: The species has the potential of being grown as an amenity tree in gardens.
Cocos nuciferaOrnamental: Planted widely as an ornamental tree.
Colubrina arborescensOrnamental: It is planted in parking lots in large containers and small lawns. It is also used and for borders, screens, and hedges.
Cordia africanaOrnamental: Trees are planted in amenity areas.
Cordia alliodoraOrnamental: The tree is planted as an ornamental because of its attractive, abundant, white, fragrant flowers.
Crotalaria micansOrnamental: Characterized by terminal inflorescences on which the large flowers are grouped tightly with prominent, long curled bracts and bracteoles, it is widely grown as an ornamental.
Croton macrostachyusOrnamental: The attractive tree can be planted in amenity areas.
Croton megalocarpusOrnamental: Its conspicuous flowers make it suitable as an ornamental.
Croton sylvaticusOrnamental: C. sylvaticus is a beautiful shade tree suitable for avenues, parks and gardens.
Cryptomeria japonicaOrnamental: The sugi makes a dramatic landscape element for open lawns or streets with its characteristic billowy pyramidal form. The reddish brown bark is ornamental, peeling off in long strips, and is the most pronounced characteristic on old trees. The tree is tolerant of compacted soil and performs well in parking lots and other difficult urban sites.
Cunninghamia lanceolataOrnamental: It is widely used for landscaping in public gardens, along the roads, parks and temples because of its fast growth, beautiful crown shape, and resistance to pests and diseases
Cupressus lusitanicaOrnamental: The beautiful tree can be planted in amenity areas.
Cupressus torulosaOrnamental: It is planted as an ornamental in Yugoslavia and elsewhere in the West.
Cyphomandra betaceaOrnamental: C. betacea is frequently grown as a curiosity in gardens in the temperate regions of North America. It is a common sight in homegardens of Latin America.
Dacryodes edulisOrnamental: Because of its rythmical growth process and the colour of young leaves, the plum tree can be used as an ornamental during the first ages. It is therefore often found as a garden tree in and around villages.
Dalbergia sissooOrnamental: Widely used in urban and roadside plantings in the Indian subcontinent and in other parts of the world. It is noted as one of the most desirable trees for streets and backyards in Florida and Arizona, USA. It has been used for landscaping along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, Israel.
Delonix elataOrnamental: D. elata is a distinct, magnificent tree in bloom, suitable for cultivation in gardens, avenues and amenity parks.
Delonix regiaOrnamental: It is mainly valued as a decorative tree, often being planted in avenues and gardens.
Derris microphyllaOrnamental: Its abundant purple flowers make it a distinctive ornamental tree.
Dichrostachys cinereaOrnamental: The sickle bush can be planted in the garden to show off the beautiful pink and yellow lantern flowers during early summer and the interesting branching pattern during winter. A favourite plant to train as a bonsai.
Didymopanax morototoniOrnamental: D. morototoni is a tree with ornamental possibilities due to its rapid growth and handsome aspects.
Dimocarpus longanOrnamental: The tree is widely cultivated as an ornamental.
Diospyros kakiOrnamental: It is a handsome ornamental with drooping leaves and branches that give it a languid, rather tropical appearance.
Diospyros mespiliformisOrnamental: The large trees have a non-aggressive root system and are suitable for very large gardens and farm gardens.
Diospyros virginianaOrnamental: Persimmon is valued for landscaping because of its hardiness, adaptability to a wide range of soils and climates, its lustrous leathery leaves, interesting bark, its abundant crop of fruits, and its immunity from disease and insects
Dobera glabraOrnamental: The attractive trees are planted in amenity areas.
Dodonaea angustifoliaOrnamental: Grown as an ornamental for its shiny foliage and decorative pink-red winged fruits. In the United States of America it is considered a decorative pot plant. The sand olive lends itself well for landscape gardening.
Dovyalis caffraOrnamental: D. caffra is an attractive addition to any garden.
Dracontomelon daoOrnamental: The tree is planted as an ornamental in roadside plantings.
Ekebergia capensisOrnamental: As E. capensis has a non-aggressive root system, it is suitable for large gardens and parks; in South Africa, it has been planted as a street tree.
Elaeis guineensisOrnamental: E. guineensis has been planted as an ornamental on tobacco estates around Deli and Medan in Sumatra.
Entada abyssinicaOrnamental: A good avenue tree, and it is planted for this purpose.
Enterolobium cyclocarpumOrnamental: A popular tree for roadsides and urban planting.
Eriobotrya japonicaOrnamental: Because of its ornamental appearance alone, E. japonica is often planted in parks and gardens. It is also grown as an indoor pot plant.
Erythrina abyssinicaOrnamental: The tree is a popular ornamental in the tropics and subtropics.
Erythrina berteroanaOrnamental: The living fence has considerable aesthetic value.
Erythrina caffraOrnamental: The species is a valuable garden tree in the tropics and subtropics.
Erythrina fuscaOrnamental: Like many Erythrina species, E. fusca is often planted for ornamental purposes.
Erythrina indicaOrnamental: E. indica is a large handsome tree. It flowers at 3-4 m tall, making it a popular garden or park plant
Erythrina variegataOrnamental: As an ornamental tree, the leaves of the variegated forms and the flowers being very showy.
Eucalyptus camaldulensisOrnamental: Its graceful form is attractive for avenues and gardens. It is practicable by judicious trimming to shape it to the requirements.
Eucalyptus citriodoraOrnamental: It is cultivated in Australia, Brazil and North Africa for beautification.
Eucalyptus degluptaOrnamental: Due to its very attractive bark and quick growth, the species is frequently planted as an ornamental tree.
Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulusOrnamental: An attractive ornamental with large, dark green, glossy adult leaves, glaucous and bluish juvenile leaves and stems, and showy flowers and fruits.
Eucalyptus maculataOrnamental: This is a picturesque tree because of the spotted trunk. The combination of clean, mottled trunk with bark shed to ground level and the presence of only low ground vegetation, makes spotted gum stand some of the most scenically attractive forests in their native range.
Eucalyptus pellitaOrnamental: The species is widely planted in parks.
Eucalyptus robustaOrnamental: The fast growth, large leaves and showy flowers make E. robusta a suitable candidate for use as an ornamental.
Eugenia dombeyiOrnamental: Its dark, glossy leaves, reddish young shoots and shapely canopy make the tree an attractive ornamental.
Eugenia stipitataOrnamental: Arboriculture (cultivation of an ornamental species for recreational purposes) is widely practised for this species in its native range.
Euonymus japonicusOrnamental: Widely cultivated in gardens for its attractive, brightly coloured fruit and variegated foliage.
Euphorbia tirucalliOrnamental: Widely planted for ornamental purposes.
Faidherbia albidaOrnamental: A useful ornamental tree for gardens and avenues.
Faurea salignaOrnamental: It is an attractive tree, suitable for planting in amenity areas.
Feijoa sellowianaOrnamental: The foliage is attractive at all seasons and is planted as an ornamental. They also make an excellent foundation planting, either singly or as an informal hedge.
Feronia limoniaOrnamental: F. limonia is planted as a roadside tree near villages.
Ficus religiosaOrnamental: This tree is occasionally planted for amenity purposes, especially in landscaping due to its aesthetic shape and form.
Ficus sycomorusOrnamental: An important tree planted for ornamental purposes near temples, roadsides, wells and community places such market centres in rural areas. The yellowish bark shows at an early stage, contrasting well with the green leaves. A popular species to grow as a bonsai.
Ficus thonningiiOrnamental: This tree has an aggressive root system and should not be planted in a small garden or near buildings, swimming pools or paths. It makes an ideal shade tree in a large garden or park, and it makes a successful container plant for the patio. It is also ideal for use as a bonsai specimen.
Flacourtia indicaOrnamental: The glistening leaves of F. indica can be very attractive when the tree is planted as an ornamental.
Fraxinus excelsiorOrnamental: A popular ornamental tree with an attractive upright crown, it is commonly grown in parks, gardens and along avenues. F. excelsior exists in several ornamental varieties, notably F. excelsior var. pendula which has a broad crown of pendulous branches.
Garcinia gummi-guttaOrnamental: A good ornamental tree especially when mixed with other trees
Garcinia livingstoneiOrnamental: The stiff, unsymmetrical growth and the grey-green stiff foliage give the tree an unusual and striking appearance.
Garcinia quaesitaOrnamental: It is a good ornamental tree when planted along road avenues
Genipa americanaOrnamental: It is a popular ornamental tree in homegardens
Gevuina avellanaOrnamental: Gevuina is an attractive garden and park specimen with showy sprays of creamy flowers contrasting vividly with the dark green foliage and bright red nuts.
Ginkgo bilobaOrnamental: Ginkgo has been widely adopted as an ornamental tree in many European and American cities.
Gleditsia triacanthosOrnamental: Its readiness to grow from seed, rapid growth, easy culture and extreme hardiness are among the commendable characters that make this tree popular for planting in gardens, parks or along highways. It has been widely planted as a replacement for American elm in North America and Canada with over 50 recognized cultivars. Budding can produce thornless trees with scionwood taken from the upper branches of selected cultivars. Thornless seedlings can be selected at a very early age (within 10 weeks of germination) for use as ornamental cultivars.
Gmelina arboreaOrnamental: G. arborea is sometimes planted as an avenue tree.
Grevillea robustaOrnamental: Its majestic height, attractive shape and beautiful foliage make G. robusta an ideal tree for landscaping of private and public gardens. The cut leaves are used in flower arrangements, and young plants are grown as indoor pot plants in Europe.
Guaiacum officinaleOrnamental: G. officinale is distinctly ornamental on a lawn and is popular in Ghana and India.
Haematoxylum campechianumOrnamental: Logwood is grown in gardens for its delicate foliage and fragrant flowers.
Hagenia abyssinicaOrnamental: The attractive tree is suitable for planting in amenity areas.
Hibiscus sabdariffaOrnamental: The roselle is a multiple-use species with beautiful flowers.
Hippophae rhamnoidesOrnamental: Sea buckthorn is also useful as an ornamental shrub.
Holarrhena floribundaOrnamental: It flowers prolifically and can therefore be an ideal ornamental tree.
Hymenaea courbarilOrnamental: H. courbaril is used to some extent as an ornamental in parks and gardens.
Ilex mitisOrnamental: The bright red fruits and glossy leaves make Ilex mitis a great candidate for ornamental purposes.
Jacaranda mimosifoliaOrnamental: J. mimosifolia is widely grown throughout the highland tropics. When trees are not in flower, the finely cut foliage is also attractive, especially at close range.
Juniperus proceraOrnamental: The species is a frequently planted as an ornamental tree.
Khaya nyasicaOrnamental: Used as an ornamental tree because of its dense canopy.
Khaya senegalensisOrnamental: Dry-zone mahogany is an important urban tree in West Africa.
Kigelia pinnataOrnamental: With its fast growth rate, spreading canopy and interesting flowers and fruits, it makes a good street tree and is popular for this purpose in various towns in the countries north of South Africa and in Australia. It can be used successfully for bonsai, the thick stem being an attractive feature.
Lagerstroemia speciosaOrnamental: L. spciosa is cultivated for ornamental purposes and as a roadside tree.
Lawsonia inermisOrnamental: An attractive small tree that can be successfully grown in gardens.
Leucaena esculentaOrnamental: Hybrids such as L. retusa x L. esculenta make attractive home ornamentals.
Leucaena leucocephalaOrnamental: Suitable as an ornamental and roadside landscaping species.
Litchi chinensisOrnamental: L. chinensis trees are beautiful in spring, when they are covered with huge sprays of flowers; they are also an attractive sight when in full fruit. These characteristics make it a popular ornamental tree in parks and gardens.
Lovoa trichilioidesOrnamental: Planted as an avenue tree.
Macadamia integrifoliaOrnamental: As well as being an evergreen nut-bearing tree, M. integrifolia has good symmetrical shape and when in full bloom is covered with creamy-white and pinkish flowers in long, narrow, drooping racemes. These make it a popular ornamental tree.
Madhuca latifoliaOrnamental: Mahua is occasionally planted as an avenue tree.
Maesopsis eminiiOrnamental: M. eminii is a common ornamental planted along roads.
Malpighia glabraOrnamental: The plants have ornamental value.
Mammea africanaOrnamental: The tree’s branching habit and overall form is quite ornamental and would look handsome as a yard tree.
Mammea americanaOrnamental: Mammey’s dark-green, shiny leaves and dense foliage make it a beautiful ornamental tree; it is planted for shade around houses, parks and along streets.
Mangifera foetidaOrnamental: In flower M. foetida is a beautiful ornamental with upright inflorescences.
Manihot glazioviiOrnamental: The plant is still widely grown as an ornamental.
Manilkara zapotaOrnamental: M. zapota is widely cultivated as an ornamental.
Markhamia luteaOrnamental: Attractive and worth planting as a screen or background tree for gardens and on golf courses.
Melaleuca quinquenerviaOrnamental: Common as an ornamental, a red-flowering form is becoming popular for use in landscaping. To many people, the species is undesirable because of its reputation for causing respiratory problems.
Melia azedarachOrnamental: A well-known ornamental grown, for example, as an avenue tree, for its scented flowers and shady, spreading crown.
Mesua ferreaOrnamental: M. ferrrea is an attractive lawn tree with a regular, conical, bushy crown, vivid green leaves and showy, fragrant flowers. It is commonly grown along roadsides and in parks.
Michelia champacaOrnamental: M. champaca is planted as a wayside tree, and near temples for ornamental.
Milicia excelsaOrnamental: M. excelsa makes a fine avenue tree for cities.
Millettia duraOrnamental: A beautiful tree suitable for avenue planting and gardens, spectacular in bloom.
Millettia thonningiiOrnamental: Because of its flowers that appear in the dry season as well as the dark green foliage, it is often cultivated as an avenue tree or as a living fence.
Mimosa scabrellaOrnamental: Commonly referred to as ‘the tree with many white feathers’, it makes a beautiful garden or avenue tree.
Moringa oleiferaOrnamental: The species is widely planted as an ornamental.
Moringa stenopetalaOrnamental: It is a valued ornamental in its natural range.
Morus albaOrnamental: Grown on roadsides and avenues as an ornamental tree.
Morus nigraOrnamental: M. nigra is especially worth growing for its luxuriant foliage and picturesque form. Fruitless male trees are the ones most often planted near paved areas, as the fruit of female trees drops and can cause permanent stains. Pot cultivation for small indoor plants and bonsai trees is also popular.
Musanga cecropioidesOrnamental: With its attractive crown and foliage the umbrella tree is a good ornamental candidate.
Myroxylon balsamumOrnamental: The tree is sometimes grown as an ornamental in gardens.
Nauclea orientalisOrnamental: The yellow cheesewood is a beautiful tropical garden plant.
Nephelium lappaceumOrnamental: Rambutan is beautiful, especially when in full fruit, making it a popular ornamental tree for backyards and public streets.
Newtonia buchananiiOrnamental: N. buchananii has a graceful form, flat topped and tall, making an ideal choice for gardens, parks and homes.
Nuxia congestaOrnamental: An attractive species in flower, floral fragrance appealing.
Olea europaea ssp. africanaOrnamental: Olive plantations have the capacity to beautify the landscape.
Olneya tesotaOrnamental: O. tesota is cultivated as a landscape tree in hot arid regions of southwestern United States. The nearly evergreen foliage, dense shade, showy flowers and attractive form make it well suited for a variety of landscape functions.
Osyris compressaOrnamental: The fruits are highly decorative on the plant. Fruits don't ripen all at once hence the plant can be very attractive for long periods throughout the year. They also attract birds and insects to the garden, wherever planted.
Osyris lanceolataOrnamental & erosion control: The tree is used as an ornamental and for soil conservation. The unusual bark and leaf combination make it an interesting subject amongst other trees in a garden; but due to its untidy growth form it is not an attractive tree in a small garden.
Ougeinia dalbergioidesOrnamental: Flowering trees are conspicuous and afford a beautiful sight, making sandan a versatile ornamental tree.
Paraserianthes falcatariaOrnamental: Suitable as an ornamental, although its brittle branches can be a problem in windy areas.
Parinari curatellifoliaOrnamental: A good tree to grow in orchards or in homegardens.
Parkinsonia aculeataOrnamental: Attractive ornamental with unusual foliage, vivid flowers and a smooth, green bark.
Paulownia imperialisOrnamental: As a park and ornamental tree, it is widespread in temperate zones including Germany (in the wine-growing areas), southern Europe and USA.
Paulownia tomentosaOrnamental: its rapid growth, attractive flower, and excellent wood quality make it a genus that needs to be considered for further use in the United States.
Peltophorum africanumOrnamental: An excellent garden shade tree, beautiful in flower. It is said to have all the requirements of a perfect avenue tree. Popular as a bonsai subject.
Peltophorum pterocarpumOrnamental: Yellow flame is a very beautiful and elegant ornamental tree. The beautiful golden-yellow flowers may be used as cut flowers.
Pentaclethra macrophyllaOrnamental: In Niger, the tree is a popular ornamental.
Phoenix dactyliferaOrnamental: The genus Phoenix is one of the most widely cultivated groups of palms, its species being extensively used for bold landscape planting, as individual specimens, for avenue planting, and to a lesser extent, as potted plants.
Phoenix reclinataOrnamental: This palm can be very effective if planted as a specimen tree on a lawn, to line the sides of a road or to fill a large opening in a large garden.
Phytolacca dioicaOrnamental: Planted as an unusual ornamental around Nairobi and elsewhere in the highlands of Kenya.
Piliostigma malabaricumOrnamental: The attractive flowers, showy pods and leaves of P. malabricum make it suitable for ornamental purposes.
Piliostigma thonningiiOrnamental: Its showy white flowers can be aesthetically enhancing.
Pistacia integerrimaOrnamental: Grown as an ornamental, much appreciated for its crimson leaf colour in the fall.
Pithecellobium dulceOrnamental: Very popular as an ornamental and is used in topiary (plant sculpturing). Trees with variegated leaflets are available as ornamental pot plants in Hawaii.
Platycladus orientalisOrnamental: Chinese arbovitae is planted in many gardens especially for its striking pale green foliage with odd-looking glaucous cones.
Podocarpus falcatusOrnamental: The tree is very suitable for planting along roads in cities because of its excellent and attractive form. It makes an pleasant specimen plant on a lawn, standing out in early spring with the new flush of bluish grey leaves contrasting with the dark green mature leaves. Excellent as a pot plant for the patio. These plants can be used as Christmas trees instead of pine or fir trees.
Polyscias fulvaOrnamental: The decorative tree can be grown in amenity areas.
Polyscias kikuyuensisOrnamental: P. kikuyuensis is a graceful fast-growing tree suitable for planting in gardens or avenues.
Pongamia pinnataOrnamental: P. pinnata is often planted in homesteads as an ornamental tree and in avenue plantings, roadsides, and stream and canal banks. However the large amounts of flowers, leaves and pods that it regularly sheds make it not very suitable for this purpose.
Populus deltoidesOrnamental: Widely used in the USA and Canada for amenity plantings
Populus euphraticaOrnamental: P. euphratica is largely used for roadside planting and lends decor to avenues.
Pouteria sapotaOrnamental: The mamey sapote is a worthy fruit not only for commercial production but also as a fruit tree for the home landscape, if space is not limiting.
Prosopis africanaOrnamental: Suitable as an avenue tree.
Prosopis albaOrnamental: In arid and semi-arid environments where low water requirement and heat tolerance are essential P. alba is popular as an ornamental tree for residential and commercial use.
Prosopis chilensisOrnamental: Due to its broad, rounded, open head of bright green foliage supported by gracefully arched spineless branchlets, its rapid growth and large size, P. chilensis has widely been used as an ornamental tree in Argentina, Arizona and California.
Prosopis julifloraOrnamental: P. juliflora is used to line urban motorways. However, its thorns pose problems for pruning and maintenance.
Prunus africanaOrnamental: It makes an attractive garden shade tree.
Psidium guajavaOrnamental: Widely cultivated as an ornamental fruit tree.
Pterocarpus angolensisOrnamental: The dark branches of P. angolensis covered with orange flowers are a striking sight, but unfortunately the flowering time is short, no more than 2 weeks. It makes good bonsai material, reaching an adult shape in 3-4 years, with leaves much reduced in size.
Pterocarpus erinaceusOrnamental: Considerable potential as an ornamental as copious racemes of bright golden yellow flowers completely cover the tree during the dry season, they fall to create a golden carpet beneath the trees and new leaves quickly follow so the shade is quickly restored.
Pterocarpus indicusOrnamental: It flowers gregariously, the whole crown becoming as though painted yellow. In Singapore, it is practically the symbol of that country’s garden city planting program; many avenues are graced by this attractive tree. Planted occasionally in Puerto Rico for shade and ornament.
Pterocarpus rotundifoliusOrnamental: P. rotundifolius is a very worthwhile subject for gardens because of its profuse flowering.
Pterocarpus santalinoidesOrnamental: A beautiful tree with good gardening attributes its; showy flowers, beautiful foliage and form make it a suitable ornamental tree.
Pterogyne nitensOrnamental: P. nitens is a beautiful ornamental tree grown in amenity parks in Kenya.
Pueraria montanaOrnamental: Kudzu also popular as an ornamental climber with fragrant flowers.
Punica granatumOrnamental: Leaf resprouts of the pomegranate are a beautiful light red, making it a suitable ornamental choice for gardens and amenity parks, especially in cultivar ‘nana’. The beautiful persistent calyx in pomegranate was inspiration for King Solomon’s and later other European crowns.
Pyrus communisOrnamental: The pendulous form of the willow-leaf pear makes it a unique ornamental landscape plant especially the flowering ornamental selections and the evergreen pear are widely planted as street trees in the United States
Quercus glaucaOrnamental: This tree often used as a residential shade tree
Quercus humboldtiiOrnamental: It’s a good ornamental plant especially along the road.
Rauvolfia caffraOrnamental: This is a fine, fast-growing tree for sheltered gardens, easily raised from seed and unusually decorative.
Rauvolfia vomitoriaOrnamental: Widely planted as an ornamental and avenue tree.
Rhamnus prinoidesOrnamental: The attractive leaves and berries make striking floral arrangements, and because it grows slowly and has a non-aggressive root system, it is perfect for a small garden. It is easily grown and can be trained in various bonsai styles.
Rhododendron arboreumOrnamental: R. arboreum (Lali Guras in Nepal) is distributed throughout the length of Nepal at a variety of altitudes. It is known for its variably colored blossoms, which come in shades of red, pink and white. The blossoming plants are a spectacular sight, with up to twenty blossoms in a single truss.
Rhus natalensisOrnamental: R. natalensis is a good garden tree whose fresh foliar growth are a beautiful red in colour.
Ricinodendron heudelotiiOrnamental: R. heudelotii is a popular avenue tree in Uganda.
Robinia pseudoacaciaOrnamental: Being a Papilionoideae legume with white butterfly flowers, R. pseudoacacia can serve well as an ornamental tree around homesteads.
Saba comorensisOrnamental: A beautiful liane for shady gardens, flowers beautiful and fragrant.
Salix babylonicaOrnamental: S. babylonica is also valuable as an ornamental garden and park tree. The male is mainly the one planted for ornamental purposes.
Sandoricum koetjapeOrnamental: S. koetjape is planted for aesthetic purposes along avenues and in parks.
Santalum albumOrnamental: Sandal tree is planted in house gardens as an ornamental.
Santalum ellipticumOrnamental: The species is quite attractive, especially when in flower, and suitable for home gardens and urban environments, in a mixture of host species, and high protection. Perhaps the greatest value of growing sandalwood in the landscape is the satisfaction of nurturing this esteemed cultural tree. The flowers and berries are attractive, and the flowers are mildly scented.
Sapindus mukorossiOrnamental: S. mukorossi is cultivated throughout northern India as an ornamental.
Sapium ellipticumOrnamental: The attractive trees are suitable for planting in amenity areas.
Schefflera heptaphyllaOrnamental: In Vietnam, S. heptaphylla is reported to be cultivated as ornamentals and pot plants.
Schefflera volkensiiOrnamental: S. volkensii has a majestic form and can beautifully grace gardens and avenues.
Schinus molleOrnamental: S. molle is commonly planted as an ornamental; it offers lacy, delicate evergreen foliage, a sculptural, twisted branch structure and an attractive textured bark. Ripe berries are often cut and used fresh or dried in floral displays. The tree has been grown as an indoor bonsai.
Schinus terebinthifoliusOrnamental: S. terebinthifolius has an attractive appearance and has therefore been introduced in many areas as an ornamental and street tree.
Schizolobium parahybumOrnamental: A spectacular fast-growing tree popularly cultivated as an ornamental, especially beautiful in flower with masses of yellow gold blossoms.
Securidaca longepedunculataOrnamental: S. longipedunculata is a beautiful flowering tree with potential as an ornamental in parks and gardens.
Senna atomariaOrnamental: Can serve well as an ornamental.
Senna didymobotryaOrnamental: It is now popular as an ornamental plant owing to its bright yellow flowers and black-green bracts. It is used as ornamental plant in Africa.
Senna siameaOrnamental: S. siamea is often planted as an ornamental for its abundant yellow flowers.
Senna singueanaOrnamental: S. singueana is quick growing and very ornamental, often being in full flower at the height of the dry season.
Senna spectabilisOrnamental: S. spectabilis is an attractive tree, suitable for planting along small roadsides and in between buildings.
Sesbania grandifloraOrnamental: S. grandiflora is widely planted for beautification because of its giant showy flowers and long pods.
Sophora japonicaOrnamental: In temperate and subtropical regions the Japanese pagoda tree is commonly cultivated as an ornamental in gardens and parks, and as a road-side tree. Several cultivars are grown as ornamentals.
Spathodea campanulataOrnamental: S. campanulata has been planted as an ornamental throughout the tropics. The flowers bloom with great profusion, and the trees can be seen from great distances. It is not browsed by domestic animals and although a popular decorative tree for avenues it has shallow roots and a tendency for branches to break off in a storm.
Spondias purpureaOrnamental: Can be planted as ornamental trees, they are a beautiful sight when in flower and fruit.
Steganotaenia araliaceaOrnamental: This lovely tree often flowers and fruits when leafless. It makes a good garden plant because of its adaptability.
Stereospermum kunthianumOrnamental: S. kunthianum has the potential of being grown as an amenity tree in parks and gardens.
Strychnos henningsiiOrnamental: The physical attributes of S. henningsii, shiny foliage, pleasant shade and fragrant flowers make it a suitable choice for gardening.
Swietenia humilisOrnamental: The tree is aesthetically enhancing.
Swietenia macrophyllaOrnamental: Planted as a lawn tree in peninsular Malaysia.
Swietenia mahagoniOrnamental: S. mahagoni has thrived as an ornamental tree in various parts of India.
Syzygium aromaticumOrnamental: This is a beautiful tree suitable for gardens.
Syzygium cordatumOrnamental: S. cordatum, with its evergreen glossy leaves, abundant, creamish-white flowers and blackish fruit, is an asset to any garden.
Syzygium cuminiiOrnamental: S. cumini is one of the most popular avenue trees in India.
Syzygium jambosOrnamental: In Israel for instance, rose apple is of interest as an ornamental rather than as a fruit and in California, it is planted as far north as San Francisco for its ornamental foliage and flowers. The showy cream-coloured flowers, dark-green foliage, and moderate size contribute to its popularity.
Tabebuia donnell-smithiiOrnamental: T. donnell-smithi is grown as an ornamental on account of its impressive yellow floral display.
Tabebuia roseaOrnamental: This is one of the most common and showy of the flowering trees of the New World tropics and sub-tropics.
Tamarindus indicaOrnamental: The evergreen habit and the beautiful flowers make it suitable for ornamental planting in parks, along roads and riverbanks.
Tamarix aphyllaOrnamental: Quite an attractive ornamental tree. The thin branches and blue-green leaves give a feather-like appearance and drooping clusters of delicately coloured inflorescence are attractive, used to screen farm buildings and for street planting.
Tarchonanthus camphoratusOrnamental: T. camphoratus is a popular indigenous ornamental in South Africa, specially suited for bonsai with its aggressive root system.
Taxus baccataOrnamental: Currently, its principal use is as an ornamental plant in gardens and cemeteries
Tecoma stansOrnamental: The species is valued as an amenity tree by virtue of its many yellow trumpet-shaped flowers.
Tecomaria capensisOrnamental: A prized ornamental with a showy and profuse bloom, cultivated in several gardens, parks and arboreta.
Tectona grandisOrnamental: T. grandis is occasionally cultivated in tropical countries as an ornamental for its large leaves and spreading flower clusters. The species was originally introduced into Malaysia as a roadside and ornamental tree.
Telfairia pedataOrnamental: T. pedata is an evergreen liane with beautiful foliage.
Tephrosia candidaOrnamental: T. candida is occasionally utilized as an ornamental.
Tephrosia vogeliiOrnamental: Its variously coloured flowers make it suitable as an ornamental.
Terminalia arjunaOrnamental: This tree is often planted on roadsides and, and is also used for ornamentation.
Terminalia belliricaOrnamental: It is grown as an avenue tree.
Terminalia browniiOrnamental: T. brownii is suitable for planting in amenity areas.
Terminalia catappaOrnamental: Its distinctive pagoda-like shape, the handsome red colour of the leaves before they are shed, and its fast growth (often in excess of 1 m/year) make the tree valuable as an ornamental species. Planted at low elevations in tropical countries throughout the world because it is both hardy and attractive.
Terminalia mantalyOrnamental: Widely planted as a street and shade tree in Nairobi, Kenya, and as far as the coast.
Thespesia populneaOrnamental: In many parts of the Pacific, T. populnea is a sacred tree, often planted near temples. Elsewhere, it has been planted as an ornamental and roadside tree.
Tipuana tipuOrnamental: The attractive tree is suitable for planting in amenity areas.
Tithonia diversifoliaOrnamental: In Kenya, 1st planted as an ornamental plant.
Toona ciliataOrnamental: A popular avenue tree planted along roadsides in north India.
Toona sureniOrnamental: It is used for shade and as roadside tree.
Trema orientalisOrnamental: It is often planted as a garden tree. Its fast growth makes it a popular choice for a new garden.
Trichilia emeticaOrnamental: T. emetica has been widely planted as a street or garden tree. Ideal for car-parking areas as it never grows very high and has an evergreen, spreading crown.
Uapaca kirkianaOrnamental: The spreading multiple branches and small yellow flowers makes U. kirkiana a popular ornamental tree.
Vernonia amygdalinaOrnamental: Useful as an ornamental.
Vitex altissimaOrnamental: The tree seems to have good prospects as an ornamental.
Vitex keniensisOrnamental: A popular ornamental tree.
Vitex negundoOrnamental: Some forms are ornamental.
Vitex pubescensOrnamental: It is one of the recommended species to plant on roadsides.
Vitex trifoliaOrnamental: V. trifolia are widely cultivated as ornamentals.
Warburgia salutarisOrnamental: An evergreen tree with white flowers, W. salutaris is widely planted as an ornamental. When used as greenery in flower arrangements, small branches last up to 3 weeks in water. It is also very successful when grown as a pot plant; if kept in light shade the plant takes on a neat shape and the leaves become very glossy.
Warburgia ugandensisOrnamental: W. ugandensis is often planted for amenity purposes.
Ximenia americanaOrnamental: X. americana has attractive foliage and flowers.
Ximenia caffraOrnamental: X. caffra is used as ornamental and live fence
Xylopia aethiopicaOrnamental: Sometimes used as ornamental species.
Zanthoxylum gilletiiOrnamental: The East African satinwood is a beautiful tree with a spiny stem and glossy foliage making it a popular ornamental tree.
Zelkova serrataOrnamental: Zelkova is elm-like in shape and is often used as a replacement for American elm where the latter has died out due to Dutch elm disease. It is a handsome street tree or specimen for a park, large garden or around official facilities for shade or as a buffer strip. It is valued for its stately wide-spreading canopy, attractive bark characteristics and excellent fall color. With its small leaves, pretty exfoliating gray and orange bark, and handsome fall color, Japanese zelkova is a popular bonsai tree.
Ziziphus mauritianaOrnamental: Z. mauritiana is well suited for homegardens.