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AHI Program Brief
Series A: Systems Intensification
Series B: Institutional Innovations
Series C: Watershed Management
Series D: Advancing Impact
Series E: Institutions and Equity
Series T: Training Briefs
- Amede, T., T. Belachew and E. Geta (2006) Reversing Degradation of Arable Lands in Southern Ethiopia. AHI Working Papers No. 1.
- Opondo, C., P. Sanginga and A. Stroud (2006) Monitoring the Outcomes of Participatory Research in Natural Resources Management: Experiences of the African Highlands Initiative. AHI Working Papers No. 2.
- Opondo, C., L. German, A. Stroud and E. Obin (2006) Lessons from Using Participatory Action Research to Enhance Farmer-Led Research and Extension in Southwestern Uganda. AHI Working Papers No. 3.
- Stroud, A. (2006) Transforming Institutions to Achieve Innovation in Research and Development. AHI Working Papers No. 4.
- Stroud, A. and J. Hagmann (2006) Shared Experiences of an ASARECA Programme: Key Challenges for Institutions to Operationalise INRM from Ecoregional and NARS Perspectives. AHI Working Papers No. 5.
- Stroud, A. and R. Khandelwal (2006) In Search of Substance: "State of the Art" of Approaches, Strategies and Methods for Improving Natural Resource Management and Livelihoods. AHI Working Papers No. 6.
- Amede, T. and R. Kirkby (2006) Guidelines for Integration of Legumes into the Farming Systems of the East African Highlands. AHI Working Papers No. 7.
- Amede, T., A. Stroud and J. Aune (2006) Advancing Human Nutrition without Degrading Land Resources through Modeling Cropping Systems in the Ethiopian Highlands. AHI Working Papers No. 8.
- German, L. (2006) Social and Environmental Trade-Offs in Tree Species Selection: A Methodology for Identifying Niche Incompatibilities in Agroforestry. AHI Working Papers No. 9.
- German, L., S. Charamila and T. Tolera (2006) Managing Trade-Offs in Agroforestry: From Conflict to Collaboration in Natural Resource Management. AHI Working Papers No. 10.
- German, L., H. Mansoor, G. Alemu, W. Mazengia, T. Amede and A. Stroud (2006) Participatory Integrated Watershed Management: Evolution of Concepts and Methods. AHI Working Papers No. 11.
- German, L., K. Masuki, Y. Gojjam, J. Odenya and E. Geta (2006) Beyond the Farm: A New Look at Livelihood Constraints in the Eastern African Highlands. AHI Working Papers No. 12.
- Stroud, A. (2006) Understanding People, Their Livelihood Systems and the Demands and Impact of Innovations. AHI Working Papers No. 13.
- Amede, T., Bekele, A., and Opondo, C. (2006) Creating Niches for Integration of Green Manures and Risk Management through Growing Maize Cultivar Mixtures in the Southern Ethiopian Highlands. AHI Working Papers No. 14.
- Amede, T. and E. Taboge (2006) Optimizing Soil Fertility Gradients in the Enset (Ensete ventricosum) Systems of the Ethiopian Highlands: Trade-offs and Local Innovations. AHI Working Papers No. 15.
- German, L., B. Kidane and K. Mekonnen (2006) Watershed Management to Counter Farming Systems Decline: Toward a Demand-Driven, Systems-Oriented Research Agenda. AHI Working Papers No. 16.
- German, L., H. Taye, S. Charamila, T. Tolera and J. Tanui (2006) The Many Meanings of Collective Action: Lessons on Enhancing Gender Inclusion and Equity in Watershed Management. AHI Working Papers No. 17.
- Mowo, J., B. Janssen, O. Oenema, L. German, P. Mrema and R. Shemdoe (2006) Soil Fertility Evaluation and Management by Smallholder Farmer Communities in Northern Tanzania. AHI Working Papers No. 18.
- Tanui, J. (2006) Incorporating a Landcare Approach into Community Land Management Efforts in Africa: A Case Study of the Mount Kenya Region. AHI Working Papers No. 19.
- Amede, T. and R. Delve (2006) Improved Decision-Making for Achieving Triple Benefits of Food Security, Income and Environmental Services through Modeling Cropping Systems in the Ethiopian Highlands. AHI Working Papers No. 20.
- German, L. (2006) Approaches for Mountain Regions: Operationalizing Systems Integration at Farm and Landscape Scales. AHI Working Papers No. 21.
- Stroud, A., E. Obin, R. Kandelwahl, F. Byekwaso, C. Opondo, L. German, J. Tanui, O. Kyampaire, B. Mbwesa, A. Ariho, Africare and Kabale District Farmers' Association (2006) Managing Change: Institutional Development under NAADS: A Field Study on Farmer Institutions Working with NAADS. AHI Working Papers No. 22.
- Stroud, A. and L. German (2006) A Framework for the Integration of Diverse Learning Approaches: Operationalizing Agricultural Research and Development (R&D) Linkages in Eastern Africa. AHI Working Papers No. 23.
- Himmelfarb, D. (2007) Moving People, Moving Boundaries: The Socio-economic Effects of Protectionist Conservation, Involuntary Resettlement and Tenure Insecurity on the Edge of Mt. Elgon National Park, Uganda. AHI Working Papers No. 24.
- German, L., W. Mazengia, S. Ayele, W. Tirwomwe, J. Tanui, H. Taye, L. Begashaw, S. Nyangas, A. Chemangeni, W. Cheptegei, M. Tsegaye, Z. Admassu, F. Alinyo, A. Mekonnen, K. Aberra, T. Tolera, Z. Jotte and K. Bedane (2007) Enabling Equitable Collective Action & Policy Change for Poverty Reduction and Improved Natural Resource Management in Ethiopia and Uganda. AHI Working Papers No. 25.
Theme A: Strategies for Systems Intensification
Theme B: Participatory Integrated Watershed Management
- German, L., Mekonnen,K.,J. Mowo, Geta,E.,Amede,T. with contributions from Areka,Ginchi and Lushoto site teams (2006)A Socially-Optimal Approach to Participatory Watershed Diagnosis. AHI Methods Guide No. B2.
- German,L., Stroud,A., Alemu,G., Gojjam,Y., Kidane,B.,Bekele,B., Bekele,D., Woldegiorgis,G., Tolera,T. and M.Haile (2006)Creating an integrated research agenda from prioritized watershed issues. AHI Methods Guide No. B4.
Theme C: Collective Action in Natural Resource Management
Theme D: Policy and Institutional Reforms
Theme E: Improving R&D Linkages
- German,L., Mazengia,W., Charamila,S., Taye,H., Nyangas,S., Tanui,J., Ayele,s. and A.Stroud (2006)Action research: An Approach for Generating Methodological Innovations for Improved Impact from Agricultural Development and Natural Resource Management.AHI Methods Guide No. E1.
- Amede, T., A. Stroud and J. Aune (2004) Advancing Human Nutrition Without Degrading Land Resources through Modeling Cropping Systems in the Ethiopian Highlands. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 25(4):344-353. The United Nations University.
- Amede, T. and R. Kirkby (2004) Guidelines for Integration of Legumes into the Farming Systems of East African Highlands. In: A. Bationo (ed.), Managing Nutrient Cycles to Sustain Soil Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa pp. 43-64. Nairobi: Academic Science Publishers.
- Amede, T. (2003) Opportunities and Challenges in Reversing Land Degradation: The Regional Experience. In: Amede, T. (ed.), Natural Resource Degradation and Environmental Concerns in the Amhara National Regional State: Impact on Food Security pp. 173-183. Ethiopian Soils Science Society.
- Amede, T. (2003) Pathways for Fitting Legumes into the Farming Systems of East African Highlands: A Dual Approach. In: Waddington, S. (ed.), Grain Legumes and Green Manures for Soil Fertility in Southern Africa: Taking Stock of Progress pp. 21-30. Soil Fert Net and CIMMYT-Zimbabwe, Hararre.
- Amede, T., T. Belachew and E. Geta (2001) Reversing the Degradation of Arable Land in the Ethiopian Highlands. Managing Africa's Soils No. 23. London: IIED.
- Barrios, E., R.J. Delve, M. Bekunda, J.G. Mowo, J. Agunda, J. Ramisch, M.T. Trejo and R.J. Thomas (2006) Soil Quality Indicators: A South-South Development of a Methodological Guide to Integrate Local and Scientific Knowledge. Geoderma 135: 248-259.
- Barrios, E., M. Bekunda, R. Delve, A. Esilaba and J.G. Mowo (2000) Methodologies for Decision Making in Natural Resource Management: Identifying and Classifying Local Indicators of Soil Quality. Eastern Africa Version.
- German, L., A. Stroud, C. Opondo and B. Mwebesa (2004) Linking Farmers and Policymakers: Experiences from Kabale District, Uganda. UPWARD Participatory R&D Sourcebook. Manila: CIP.
- German, L., S. Charamila and T. Tolera (submitted) Managing Trade-Offs in Agroforestry: From Conflict to Collaboration in Natural Resource Management. In: Klappa, S. and D. Russell (eds.), Transformations in Agroforestry Systems.
- German, L., J.G. Mowo and M. Kingamkono (in press) A Methodology for Tracking the "Fate" of Technological Interventions in Agriculture. Manuscript accepted in Agriculture and Human Values.
- German, L., B. Kidane and R. Shemdoe (in press) Social and Environmental Trade-Offs in Tree Species Selection: A Methodology for Identifying Niche Incompatibilities in Agroforestry. Environment, Development and Sustainability.
- German, L., B. Kidane and K. Mekonnen (2005) Watershed Management to Counter Farming Systems Decline: Toward a Demand-Driven, Systems-Oriented Research Agenda. AgREN Network Paper No. 145.
- Kaluski, D.N., E. Ophir and T. Amede (2001) Food Security and Nutrition: The Ethiopian Case for Action. Public Health Nutrition 5(3), 373-381.
- Mowo, J.G., R.S. Shemdoe and A. Stroud (in press) Interdisciplinary Research and Management in the Highlands of Eastern Africa: AHI Experiences in the Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. Book chapter: Price, M. (ed.) Interdisciplinary Research and Management in Mountain Areas (IRMMA).
- Mowo, J.G., B.H. Janssen, O. Oenema, L.A. German, J.P. Mrema and R.S. Shemdoe, 2006. Soil Fertility Evaluation and Management by Smallholder Farmer Communities in Northern Tanzania. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. vol. 116/1-2 pp. 47-59.
- Opondo, C., A. Stroud, L. German and J. Hagmann (2003) Institutionalising Participation in East African Research Institutes. Ch. 11, PLA Notes 48. London: IIED.
- Sanginga, P.C., R. Kamugisha, A. Martin, A. Kakuru and A. Stroud (2004) Facilitating Participatory Processes for Policy Change in Natural Resource Management: Lessons from the Highlands of Southwestern Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9:958-970. National Agricultural Research Organisation.