AHI's Joint Stakeholder and Steering Committee Meeting, Entebbe, July 2006

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EU-Supported Capacity Building Events for 2006
Training Course Dates Target Group Venue Resource Person
Tracking Technology Spillover 17-21 July 2006 Extension (from NARS or Extension Depts.) Butare, Rwanda Laura German
Systems Intensification/Optimization 21-25 August 2006 Researchers, Extension Agents Soddo, Ethiopia Tilahun Amede
Participatory Watershed Management 28 August-2 September 2006 Researchers, NGOs, Extension Lushoto, Tanzania Laura German
Facilitators' Course for District Institutional Collaboration for Integrated Livelihoods & Conservation October 2006 Local Gov't, NGOs, Extension Kapchorwa, Uganda Joseph Tanui
Self-Led Institutional Change November 2006 Research and Extension Managers Kampala, Uganda Chris Opondo

"Drought Is What You Do to Your Land" by Berhe W. Aregay, from The Monitor (Addis Ababa), March 2004