User's Guide SExI-FS

Version: 1.0.0

Table of Contents

  1. General Information
    1. Overview
    2. The SExI-FS Software
    3. The Minimum Requirement
  2. Getting Started
    1. Installation
    2. Running SExI-FS
    3. Main Window
      1. File Menu
      2. Simulation Menu
      3. Statistic Chart Menu
      4. Window Menu
      5. Help Menu
      6. Simulation List Window
      7. Simulation Control Window
      8. Vertical View Window
      9. Trees 3D Visualization
      10. Forest 3D Visualization
  3. User’s Manual
    1. Create New Simulation
    2. Simulation Plot Setting
      1. Aboveground Setting
      2. Belowground Setting
    3. Species Parameters Settings
      1. Set Species List
      2. Species characteristic
      3. Light Sensitivity
      4. Growth Function
      5. Allometric Relations
      6. Dynamic Test
    4. Scenario Setting
      1. Simulation Scenario
      2. Species Scenario
    5. Initial Stand
      1. Regular Plantation
      2. Random Plantation
      3. Manual Plantation
    6. Running the Simulation
      1. Run Simulation
      2. Stop simulation
      3. Remove Simulation
      4. Duplicate Simulation
      5. Save Simulation
      6. Open Simulation
  4. Simulation Results
    1. Vertical Projection 2D of Tree Plot
      1. Tree Paint Options
      2. Tree’s Info
      3. Overlay Map
      4. Cut the Trees
      5. Tree’s Object Inspector
    2. Horizontal Projection 2D of Tree Plot
    3. View 3D Visualization
    4. View 3D Animation
    5. 3D Visualization Window Menus
      1. Snapshot
      2. Rendering Mode
      3. Show 3D Component Part
    6. Hemispherical Photograph
    7. Statistical Data
      1. Bar chart
      2. Line chart
      3. Scatter plot
  5. Appendix

Update 10-06-2005

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