and Conferences
Cocoa Symposium
Future of Cocoa Symposium
Theobroma cacao: The Tree of Change
October 28 - 30, 2008
Kumasi, Ghana
Howard Shapiro, MARS, howard.shapiro@effem.com
Tony Simons, ICRAF, t.simons@cgiar.org
World Cocoa Foundation Meeting
Cocoa Futures: Returns to farmers, industry and environment from agroforestry investments
May 23-24, 2007
Tony Simons, ICRAF, tsimons@cgiar.org
Eduardo Somarriba , CATIE, e-mail esomarri@catie.ac.cr
October 2006: 15th international Cocoa Research Conference (copal)
Cocoa productivity, quality, profitability, human health and the environment
October 9-14, 2006
August 2006 Announcement: Founding of INAFORESTA
August 20, 2006
Eduardo Somarriba, P.O. Box 108,
CATIE, Turrialba 7170, Costa Rica
Phone: (506)558-2395
Email: esomarri@catie.ac.cr
May 2006 Partnership Meeting
Achieving and Measuring Sustainable Success at the Farm Level
May 17-18, 2006
The Hotel Bristol Stephanie
Brussels, Belgium
2006 Symposium on Cocoa
Theobroma cacao: The Tree of Change
February 9-10, 2006
The National Academies
Washington, D.C.
Symposium Organizer:
Jennifer D. Collins
University of California, Davis
1608 Rhode Island Avenue, NW
Third Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Email: info@cocoasymposium.com
Phone: (202) 974-6287
Fax: (202) 833-3419