Images courtesy of FAO |
Cocoa pods |
Cocoa, fruits and tree |
Cacao flower |
Wild cacao plantation in Papua New guinea |
Cocoa, witches broom, Crinipellis perniciosa |
Cocoa, pod rot |
Infested cacao fruit |
Heavy mealybug attack on cocoa pod |
Fruits |
Green witches broom on the end of a young cocoa branch |
Adult of a tea mosquito bug sucking on cacao fruit |
Cocoa fruiting |
Cacao weevil adult and larva |
Adult of the cocoa stem borer |
Damage on cacao caused by Glenea aluensis |
Fruited tree. Image by Forest and Kim Starr |
Cacoa seeds |
Cacao stem. Image by Tropilab |
Overipe cocoa fruit |
Fruit. Image by Top Tropicals |
Cacao flowers. Image by Kurt Stueber |
Molten chocolate and a piece of a chocolate bar. Image by Fir0001 |
A mug of hot chocolate. Chocolate was first drunk rather than eaten. Image by Fir0001 |
Chopped chocolate. Image by Hans Peter et al |