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Lake Victoria is of immense economic and environmental importance in the region. It is the world’s second largest freshwater body (at 67,480 km2) with an adjoining catchment of about 184,200 km2, and supports one of the densest and poorest rural populations in the world. (see project pictorials)
Poverty is associated with a number of inter-related problems including rapid population growth, land degradation, and declining human health, agricultural productivity and water quality. The study set out to assess the extent and causes of processes that contribute to eutrophication of Lake Victoria and to localize interventions for more sustainable land management.
This information is needed to target conservation and rehabilitation efforts by local land and water management agencies, and for establishing a baseline for monitoring the long-term impacts of the different land use systems on land productivity and water quality deterioration.
To read more, follow the links below:
Gully erosion in the Nyando basin area
Sediment plume in the Winam Gulf

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