
Strategic Framework (2006-2008)
The overall objective for AHI's work in Phase IV (2006-2008) is the implementation of integrated management of natural resources for enhanced agricultural productivity and competitiveness and improved livelihoods in East and Central Africa. The following objectives will direct AHI's activities to realizing this goal:
- To develop and promote the utilization of INRM innovations to advance community-based participation in watersheds
- To foster innovative development strategies, policies, and practices in support of INRM
- To enable more supportive institutional arrangements for INRM
- To synthesize, publish and increase access to INRM information that enhances knowledge base of R&D stakeholders
Expected outputs are tied to specific objectives guiding AHI's work in Phase IV:
1. To develop and promote the utilization of INRM innovations to advance community-based participation in watersheds
Related Outputs
- Methods to improve local learning, knowledge sharing, and adaptive experimentation and innovation for INRM
- Monitoring and evaluation processes that improve implementation, agreements, reflection and adaptive decision-making
- Methods to engage multiple types of stakeholders in sustained action planning and implementation
- Methods and approaches that improve innovativeness, networking, proactive links to development activities, advocacy and organizational capacity of local communities and stakeholder groups
- Methods to improve community mobilization, social capital and collective management of resources, marketing and conflict resolution
- Methods and technologies that improve farmers ability to generate income and invest in NRM
- An integrated set of relevant technical and management options in context of their applicability (tackling heterogeneous scenarios)
- Methods that bolster the coping strategies of households and groups for decreased vulnerability and increased ability to manage shocks and respond proactively to dynamic changes
2. To foster innovative development strategies, policies, and practices in support of INRM
Related Outputs
- Methods that build common understanding, mobilize and provide incentives to local leaders, service providers and constituents to implement self-led development scenarios that improve NRM and livelihoods
- Decision guides to enable service providers to better support stakeholder decision-making in the selection of technologies and good practices, and in identifying and managing trade-offs
- Strategies for service providers that improve inclusion of marginalized groups and ensure they benefit from development activities
- Methods that foster grassroots policy reforms to improve innovation, technology adoption, and more equitable and sustainable land use practices
- Methods to facilitate R&D contributions, and to catalyze institutional change to improve synergies, coordination and complementarities
- Communication strategies and mechanisms to enhance the quality of information exchange between communities, NGOs, policy makers and researchers
3. To enable more supportive institutional arrangements for INRM
Related Outputs
- Research methods and techniques related to implementing an INRM approach
- Performance assessment methods that enable researchers and organizations to implement INRM approaches and principles
- Mentoring and competence-building events for researchers and research managers in relevant skill areas (facilitation, participatory research, social analysis tools, integrated research, documentation and performance monitoring, managing teams and partnerships)
- Methods and strategies to catalyze self-directed institutional reforms (ways to manage paradigm shifts within organizations) to enhance research management and contributions to INRM
- Methods and strategies to improve teamwork and management of R&D partnerships to handle the multi-faceted challenges of research for sustainable development.
- Methods and strategies to manage and integrate a wide range of expertise to improve implementation and facilitation of complex innovation systems
- Advocacy for the use of INRM approaches
- Mechanisms and strategies to scale up approaches effectively
4. To synthesize, publish and increase access to INRM information that enhances knowledge base of R&D stakeholders
Related Outputs
- Documents and syntheses that analyze and disseminate lessons derived from pilot sites and projects
- Communication products on INRM produced and disseminated to various types of end users
- Technical advice and support is provided virtually to programs interested in INRM
- Networking mechanisms that link R&D actors interested in sharing information on applying INRM approaches
- Strategies and technical events that increase scientific exchange between scientists on INRM
- Communication and scaling up strategies