Donor Grant Title
SDCZ-59African Highlands Initiative, Eastern and Central Africa
Donor: Swiss Development Corporation
Grant Start Date: 01-Jan-1998
Grant End Date: 31-Dec-2003
Expenditure Start Date: 01-Jan-1998
Expenditure End Date: 31-Dec-2003
Grant Duration: 72 (Months)
Grant Description
The Initiative was formulated by in 1995 by national agricultural research systems (NARS) and international agricultural research centres, and is coordinated by ICRAF. It is a programme of the Association for Strengthening Agroforestry Research in East and Central Africa (ASARECA) and also forms the East African ecoregional component of the Global Mountain Initiative of the CGIAR.
To achieve the overall goal of improving and enhancing land productivity in the highlands, the following themes were identified as priority areas for AHI efforts:
- Diagnosis and characterization analysis (C&D)
- Maintenance and improvement of soil productivity (MISP)
- Integrated pest management within intensive land-use systems (IPM)
- Training in natural resource management techniques
- Information support, communication and documentation