Completed Projects
Donor Grant Title
GMPZ-137Global Mountain Programme, African Highlands Initiative
Donor: Global Mountain Programme
Grant Start Date: 25-Jun-1999
Grant End Date: 24-Jun-2002
Expenditure Start Date: 25-Jun-1999
Expenditure End Date: 24-Jun-2002
Grant Duration: 36 (Months)
Grant Description
The Global Mountain Program was created in 1997 to provide a focal point for the CGIAR system for research in support of Chapter 13 of Agenda 21. The goal is to enhance the ability to transfer technology within and across the mountain regions of the world. The proposed research to ics, defined at a consultation meeting with participation of scientist from the three mountains were grouped as:
- Characterizing agro ecosystems
- Intensifying land use and natural resource management
- Exploiting biological diversity in a sustainable manner for economic growth
- Stimulating productivity and enhancing resource conservation through policies and public-sector investment