
Scientific Name Lugishu Family Origin Products Ecological Services Niche General Attributes Switchboard
Albizia chinensis Mimosaceae Exotic Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Gums/Resins Shade, Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Wind breakSoil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Scattered in cropland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Pruning
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous/evergreen
Albizia chinensis
Albizia coriaria Kumoluku/ Kimiluhu Fabaceae Native Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Household tools, Medicine, Fodder, Bee Forage Ornamental, Shade, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead, Along soil conservation structures, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: unknown
Mgt practices: Lopping, Pollarding
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Albizia coriaria
Alstonia boonei Kumukhonge Apocynaceae Native Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Household tools, Medicine, Tannins/Dyestuff Ornamental, Shade, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Scattered in cropland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Not required
Leafing Phenology: Decidous
Alstonia boonei
Annona muricata Kumusitaferi Annonaceae Exotic Fruits, Firewood, Medicine Ornamental, Shade Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence Growth rate: Slow
Mgt practices: unknown
Leafing Phenology: deciduous
Annona muricata
Antiaris toxicaria Kumulundu Moraceae Native Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Household tools, Medicine, Fodder Ornamental, Shade, Wind break Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence Growth rate: Fast

Leafing Phenology: deciduous
Antiaris toxicaria
Artocarpus heterophyllus Fenne Moraceae Exotic Income, Fruits, Other Foods, Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Medicine, Fodder, Tannins/Dyestuff, Gums/Resins Shade Scatterd in homestead, Woodlot Growth rate: Fairly fast
Mgt practices: Thinning, mulching, removal of dead branches
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Azadirachta indica Neem Meliaceae Exotic Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Household tools, Medicine Ornamental, Shade, Wind break Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Lopping, pollarding
Leafing Phenology: unknown
Azadirachta indica
Balanites aegyptiaca Zomai / Kimirukuru Balanitaceae Native Fruits, Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Household tools, Medicine, Fodder, Gums/Resins Live fence, Dead fence, Shade, Soil erosion control, Wind breakSoil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: unknown
Mgt practices: Coppicing
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Balanites aegyptiaca
Calliandra calothyrsus Calliandra Mimosaceae Exotic Firewood, Fodder, Bee Forage Ornamental, Shade, Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Wind breakSoil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Cropland boundary, Homestead boundary/live fence, Along soil conservation structures Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: unknown
Leafing Phenology: Semi-deciduous/ Evergreen
Calliandra calothyrsus
Carica papaya Kumuupapaali Caricaceae Exotic Income, Fruits, Medicine Ornamental Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Weeding,
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Carica papaya
Casuarina equisetifolia Kapaini Casuarinaceae Exotic Income, Firewood, Charcoal, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Fodder, Tannins/Dyestuff Ornamental, Shade, Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Wind break Cropland boundary, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Pruning, thinning
Leafing Phenology: evergreen
Casuarina equisetifolia
Citrus aurantiifolia Kimichungua Rutaceae Exotic Fruits, Medicine Scatterd in homestead Citrus aurantiifolia
Citrus limon Halimawa Rutaceae Exotic Income, Fruits, Firewood, Medicine, Bee Forage Ornamental, Shade Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Medium
Mgt practices: unknown
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Citrus limon
Citrus sinensis Kumuchungwa Rutaceae Exotic Income, Fruits, Firewood, Medicine Ornamental, Shade Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Medium
Mgt practices: Pruning, weeding , pest and disease control
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Citrus sinensis
Coffea robusta Zimwanyi Rubiaceae Native Income, Other Foods, Firewood, Farm tools, Bee Forage Shade Scattered in cropland, Woodlot

Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Coffea robusta
Combretum collinum Bimwa Combretaceae Native Firewood, Charcoal, Timber for construction, Household tools, Medicine, Fodder, Bee Forage Dead fence, Shade, Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Scatterd in homestead Growth rate: unknown
Mgt practices: Coppicing, lopping, pollarding
Leafing Phenology: Semi-deciduous
Combretum collinum
Combretum molle Birwa Combretaceae Native Firewood, Charcoal, Farm tools, Household tools, Bee Forage Shade, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead Growth rate: Slow
Mgt practices: Lopping,Coppicing
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Combretum molle
Cordia africana Chikichikiri Boraginaceae Native Income, Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Household tools, Medicine, Fodder, Bee Forage Ornamental, Live fence, Dead fence, Shade, Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Riverbank stabilization, Wind breakSoil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Homestead boundary/live fence, Along soil conservation structures, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Reasonably fast growing
Mgt practices: Pollarding, lopping, coppicing
Leafing Phenology: unknown
Cordia africana
Cordia americana Kumurekera/ Kumukhili Boraginaceae Exotic Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Household tools, Bee Forage Ornamental, Shade, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead, Road boundary/ openland

Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Cordia americana
Cupressus lusitanica Cyprus Cupressaceae Exotic Income, Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction Ornamental, Live fence, Shade, Wind break Cropland boundary, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Weeding, trimming as a hedge, pruning and thinning
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Cupressus lusitanica
Erythrina abyssinica Cheroguru Papilionoideae Native Firewood, Household tools, Medicine, Fodder, Bee Forage Ornamental, Live fence, Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Riverbank stabilization, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Cropland boundary, Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Medium
Mgt practices: Pollarding, coppicing
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Erythrina abyssinica
Eucalyptus grandis Kimiti/ Kalitunsi Myrtaceae Exotic Income, Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Bee Forage Ornamental, Dead fence, Shade, Riverbank stabilization, Wind break Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Woodlot, Along soil conservation structures Growth rate: unknown
Invasiveness:Competes for for light, nutrients and water
Mgt practices: thinning, coppicing
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Eucalyptus grandis
Ficus bigusa Kumutongo Moraceae Native Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Household tools Shade Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead Ficus bigusa
Ficus exasperata Kumusyeno Moraceae Native Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Household tools Shade, Wind break Cropland boundary, Homestead boundary/live fence Ficus exasperata
Ficus mucuso Kimikhuyu Moraceae Native Income, Other Foods, Charcoal Ornamental Scattered in cropland Growth rate: Fast

Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Ficus mucuso
Ficus natalensis Kumutoto Moraceae Native Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Household tools, Medicine, Fodder Ornamental, Live fence, Shade, Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Wind breakSoil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Along soil conservation structures Ficus natalensis
Garcinia buchananii Siruli Clusiaceae Native Fruits, Firewood, Charcoal, Farm tools, Medicine, Tannins/Dyestuff Ornamental, Shade, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing Cropland boundary, Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: unknown
Mgt practices: Lopping, pollarding
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Garcinia buchananii
Grevillea robusta Mutikawa Protaceae Exotic Income, Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Fodder, Bee Forage Ornamental, Live fence, Shade, Soil erosion control, Wind breakSoil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Woodlot, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Medium
Mgt practices: Pollarding, coppicing, lopping, pruning
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Grevillea robusta
Jatropha curcas Lisinda Euphorbiaceae Exotic Medicine Ornamental, Live fence Cropland boundary, Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Pruning, trimming as a hedge
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Jatropha curcas
Lantana camara Solokho Verbenaceae Exotic Firewood, Medicine, Fodder Ornamental, Live fence, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: unknown
Mgt practices: Repeated control of regrowth is critical to success. Mechanical clearing and hand pulling are suitable for small areas and fire can be used over large areas
Leafing Phenology: unknown
Lantana camara
Maesa lanceolata Nabiili Myrsinaceae Native Firewood, Medicine, Fodder Live fence, Shade, Soil erosion control Scattered in cropland, Homestead boundary/live fence Growth rate: unknown
Mgt practices: Lopping, coppicing.
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Maesa lanceolata
Maesopsis eminii Musizi Rhamanaceae Native Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Household tools Ornamental, Shade, Wind break Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Coppicing
Leafing Phenology: semi-deciduous
Maesopsis eminii
Mangifera indica Kumuyembe Anacardiaceae Exotic Income, Fruits, Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Household tools, Medicine, Fodder, Bee Forage, Tannins/Dyestuff Ornamental, Shade, Wind break Cropland boundary, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Medium
Invasiveness:Heavy shade and high water demand
Mgt practices: Lopping
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Mangifera indica
Markhamia lutea Lusola/ Bilosa Bignoniaceae Native Income, Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Household tools, Medicine, Bee Forage Ornamental, Shade, Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Cropland boundary, Homestead boundary/live fence, Along soil conservation structures, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Pollarding, coppicing.
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Markhamia lutea
Melia volkensii Melia / Lira-lira Meliaceae Native Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Household tools Ornamental, Shade, Wind break Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead, Woodlot Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Coppicing
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Melia volkensii
Milicia excelsa Mvule/ Kumurumba Moraceae Native Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Household tools Ornamental, Shade Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Pruning, Coppicing
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Milicia excelsa
Moringa oleifera Moringa Moringaceae Exotic Other Foods, Medicine, Fodder, Bee Forage Ornamental, Live fence, Shade, Soil erosion control, Wind break Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Along soil conservation structures Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Pruning , Coppicing, Pollarding
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Moringa oleifera
Neolamarckia cadamba Rubiaceae Exotic Fruits, Timmber for furniture, Medicine, Tannins/Dyestuff Shade, Wind breakSoil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead Neolamarckia cadamba
Persea americana Fokedo /Avocado Lauraceae Exotic Income, Fruits, Firewood, Charcoal, Medicine, Fodder Ornamental, Shade Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead Growth rate: Fast
Invasiveness:Competes for nutrients through its dense shallow root system. Its shade is also dense
Mgt practices: Pruning, Side pruning
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Persea americana
Pinus patula Pine Pinaceae Exotic Income, Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Medicine, Gums/Resins Ornamental, Shade, Soil erosion control, Wind break Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead Growth rate: Medium
Mgt practices: Weeding, pruning ,
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Pinus patula
Prunus africana Charamandi Rosaceae Native Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Farm tools, Household tools, Medicine, Bee Forage Ornamental, Shade, Wind break Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead Growth rate: Fairly slow
Mgt practices: Bark removal
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Prunus africana
Psidium guajava Gumupeera/ Kamapera Myrtaceae Exotic Income, Fruits, Firewood, Charcoal, Farm tools, Household tools, Medicine Ornamental, Shade Cropland boundary, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Pruning, Coppicing, Irrigation
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Psidium guajava
Ricinus communis Libono Euphorbiaceae Native Firewood, Medicine, Fodder Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Scattered in cropland, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Weeding, thinning
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Ricinus communis
Senna didymobotrya Lubenubenu Fabaceae Native Firewood, Medicine, Bee Forage Ornamental, Live fence Cropland boundary, Along soil conservation structures, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Pruning, thinning
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Senna didymobotrya
Senna spectabilis Mitikasha Fabaceae Exotic Firewood, Charcoal, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Bee Forage Ornamental, Shade, Wind break Cropland boundary, Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Coppicing
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Senna spectabilis
Sesbania sesban Sesbania Fabaceae Native Firewood, Charcoal, Medicine, Fodder, Bee Forage, Gums/Resins Live fence, Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Riverbank stabilization, Wind breakSoil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Homestead boundary/live fence, Along soil conservation structures Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Pruning, Cutting back at young age
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Sesbania sesban
Spathodea campanulata Kumuchuli Bignoniaceae Native Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Household tools, Medicine Ornamental, Shade, Wind break Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead Spathodea campanulata
Spathodea campanulata/ nilotica Kichubi/ Kutsubi Bignoniaceae Exotic Firewood, Household tools, Medicine Ornamental, Shade, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Wind breakSoil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Cropland boundary, Scattered in cropland, Road boundary/ openland Spathodea campanulata/ nilotica
Steganotaenia araliacea Bipupunambusi Umbelliferae Native Income, Charcoal, Timber for construction Scattered in cropland Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Coppicing, pollarding
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Steganotaenia araliacea
Syzygium cuminii Jambura Myrtaceae Exotic Fruits, Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Household tools, Tannins/Dyestuff Ornamental, Shade, Wind break Cropland boundary, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Road boundary/ openland Syzygium cuminii
Terminalia ivorensis Combretaceae Native Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Medicine, Tannins/Dyestuff Shade Scatterd in homestead, Road boundary/ openland Terminalia ivorensis
Terminalia superba Combretaceae Exotic Firewood, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Household tools, Bee Forage Ornamental, Shade Scatterd in homestead Growth rate: Fast

Mgt practices: Pruning, coppicing
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Terminalia superba
Tithonia diversifolia Kasyenene Asteraceae Exotic Medicine, Fodder Ornamental, Live fence, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Cropland boundary, Homestead boundary/live fence Growth rate: Fast
Mgt practices: Coppicing
Leafing Phenology: Evergreen
Tithonia diversifolia
Vangueria madagascariensis Shikomoosi Rubiaceae Native Income, Fruits, Firewood, Charcoal, Timber for construction, Household tools, Medicine

Mgt practices: Coppicing, pollarding
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Vangueria madagascariensis
Vernonia amygdalina Muuluza/Luluza Asteraceae Native Firewood, Medicine, Fodder, Bee Forage Ornamental, Live fence, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves Cropland boundary, Homestead boundary/live fence, Along soil conservation structures, Road boundary/ openland Growth rate: Slow
Mgt practices: For live fence purposes, trimming is recommended. Coppicing is also a recommended practice
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Vernonia amygdalina
Vitex doniana Kufuko Verbenaceae Native Fruits, Firewood, Charcoal, Timmber for furniture, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Household tools, Bee Forage, Tannins/Dyestuff Shade, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing Homestead boundary/live fence Growth rate: Medium

Mgt practices: Coppicing, lopping, pruning
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Vitex doniana
Ximenia americana Siruli Olacaceae Native Fruits, Firewood, Charcoal, Household tools, Medicine, Fodder Homestead boundary/live fence Growth rate: unknown
Mgt practices: For live fence purposes, trimming is recommended. Coppicing is also a recommended practice
Leafing Phenology: Deciduous
Ximenia americana


  1. Kuria, A., Uwase, Y., Mukuralinda, A., Iiyama, M., Twagirayezu, D., Njenga, M., Muriuki, J., Mutaganda, A., Muthuri, C., Kindt, R., Betemariam, E., Cronin, M., Kinuthia, R., Migambi, F., Lamond, G., Pagella, T., & Sinclair, F. (2017). Suitable tree species selection and management tool for Rwanda. [Database], World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF).
  2. Kuria, A., Dawit, S., Endale, Y., Derero, A., Iiyama, M., Muthuri, C., Hadgu, K., Kinuthia, R., Betemariam, E., Asantewaa, M., Muriuki, J., Kindt, R., Dedefo, K., Senbeto, M., Njenga, M., Lamond, G., Pagella, T., & Sinclair, F. (2017). Suitable tree species selection and management tool for Ethiopia. [Database], World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). 
  3. Kuria, A., Buyinza, J., Galabuzi, C., Muthuri, C., Agaba, H., Okia C., Kwateng-Yeboah, C., Kinuthia, R., Wamaitha M., Carsan S., Lamond G., Sinclair F. (2020).  Suitable tree species selection and management tool for Uganda. [Database], World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)