Juniperus procera

Agro-ecological Zone
Midlands to Highlands
Growth rate Management practices Invasiveness Leafing Phenology Location
Fairly fast Weeding, pruning, thinning No Evergreen Kenya
Country Rainfall Temperature Altitude Soil
Kenya 400-1200 unknown 1100-3500 Prefers well-drained soils no heavier than sandy clay. Can be found scattered on rocky sites; limestone, gneiss and granite of the Basement complex and basalt
Common names/English Kamba Kikuyu
African juniper/African pencil-cedar Mukuu Mutarakwa
Propagation Method Seed shelf life Pre-sowing seed treatment Seed Dispersal
Seedlings, wildings up to a year if stored in a cool, dry place unknown
Family Products Niche AFD Taxon AFD Link Useful Tropical Plant Taxon Useful Tropical Plant Link Ecological Services PROTA
Cupressaceae Firewood, Timber for construction, Medicine Live fence, Scattered in cropland, Scatterd in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence Juniperus procera Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/ leaves
Origin Location
Native Kiambu