Helianthus annuus

Agro-ecological Zone
Growth rate Management practices Invasiveness Leafing Phenology Location
Fast Mulching, trimming Yes Evergreen Kenya
Country Rainfall Temperature Altitude Soil
Kenya Unknown unknown unknown Sunflowers will grow in almost any soil, including poor, dry soils. However, they thrive in well-drained soil that contains a good amount of organic matter.
Common names/English Kamba Kikuyu
Common sunflower Sunflower
Propagation Method Seed shelf life Pre-sowing seed treatment Seed Dispersal
Seeds, seedlings, cuttings unknown Bird, insects
Family Products Niche AFD Taxon AFD Link Useful Tropical Plant Taxon Useful Tropical Plant Link Ecological Services PROTA
Asteraceae  Other Foods (including nuts), Oil, Medicine, Bee Forage
Origin Location
Exotic Kiambu