Acacia mearnsii

Agro-ecological Zone
All zones
Growth rate Management practices Invasiveness Leafing Phenology Location
Fast Weeding , thinning , pruning Yes Evergreen Kenya
Country Rainfall Temperature Altitude Soil
Kenya 500-2050 9 to 20 300-2440 Flourishes in deep, well drained, light textured and moist soils. It thrives in well-aerated, neutral to acid soils, loamy soils, soils derived from shale or slate and is highly intolerant of alkaline and calcareous soils. Soils with lateritic pan close to the surface are most unsuitable
Common names/English Kamba Kikuyu
Black wattle Munyoonyoo Muthanduku
Propagation Method Seed shelf life Pre-sowing seed treatment Seed Dispersal
Seeds , Direct sowing , seedlings ,suckers Long ( more than 23 years) Animals, wind, water
Family Products Niche AFD Taxon AFD Link Useful Tropical Plant Taxon Useful Tropical Plant Link Ecological Services PROTA
Fabaceae Firewood, Timber for construction, Fodder, Bee Forage, Tannins/Dyestuff Cropland boundary, Scatterd in homestead Acacia mearnsii Shade, Soil erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through nitrogen-fixing
Origin Location
Exotic Kiambu