Schinus molle

Family Products Niche Ecological Services
Anacardiaceae Income, Firewood, Charcoal, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Household tools, Medicine, Fodder, Bee forage Ceremonial, Scattered on crop land, Scattered in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Woodlot, Contours/Soil conservation, Riparian areas Ornamental, Live fence, Shade, Erosion control, Wind break
Agro-ecological Zone
Dry and Moist Bereha, and Dry, Moist and Wet Kolla, Weyna Dega and Dega
Growth rate Management practices Invasiveness Leafing Phenology Location
Fast Polarding, Lopping and coppicing No Evergreen Ethiopia
Country Rainfall Temperature Altitude Soil
Ethiopia 300-600 15-20 0-2400(3900) Prefers sandy well-drained soils. Tolerant of most soils including both dry sands and black cotton. Also tolerates alkalinity and salinity
Amharic Oromo
Qundo berbere Turmanturi
Origin Location
Exotic East Shewa