Markhamia lutea

Family Products Niche AFD Taxon AFD Link Ecological Services PROTA
Bignoniaceae Firewood, Charcoal, Timber for construction, Household tools, Medicine, Bee forage Cropland boundary, Homestead boundary/live fence Markhamia lutea Ornamental, Shade, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/leaves
Agro-ecological Zone
Moist and Wet Kolla and the Lower Weyna Dega
Growth rate Management practices Invasiveness Leafing Phenology Location
Fast Pollarding, coppicing. No Evergreen Ethiopia
Country Rainfall Temperature Altitude Soil
Ethiopia 800-2000 12 to 27 900-2000 Trees prefer red loam soil but can tolerate well-drained, heavy, acidic clay soils
Amharic Oromo
Botoro Buturu
Origin Location
Native West Shewa and East Wollega