Syzygium guineense

Family Products Niche Ecological Services
Myrtaceae Income, Fruits, Firewood, Charcoal, Timber for furniture, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Medicine, Bee forage, Tannins/Dye stuff, Gums/Resins Scattered on crop land, Scattered in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Woodlot, Contours/Soil conservation, Riparian areas Live fence, Shade, Erosion control, Wind break
Agro-ecological Zone
Moist and Wet Kolla and Weyna Dega
Growth rate Management practices Invasiveness Leafing Phenology Location
Medium Pollarding, coppicing No Evergreen Ethiopia
Country Rainfall Temperature Altitude Soil
Ethiopia 1000-2300 10 to 30 0-2100 Prefers fresh, moist, well-drained soils with a high water table but will also grow in open woodlands
Amharic Oromo
Dokma Badessa, Gosu
Origin Location
Native West Shewa and East Wollega