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Local names:
Afrikaans (witblomsalie,broshout,bergsalie), English (brittle-wood,bogwood), Zulu (umkhobeza,isiphofane)
Nuxia congesta is a shrub or small tree, 3-15 m high. The stem is 20-60 cm in diameter. Bark grey or brown, rough and stringy, young twigs often red. Slash ivory-like in colour and texture. Leaves very variable, 1-8 cm long and 0.6-3.8 cm wide, arranged in whorls of 3 around the nodes. Leaf stalks short. Flowers borne on branched broad or flat and dense heads; small, tubular, white or cream with purplish tint and fragrant. Flowers persist on tree. Fruit a hairy capsule protruding from calyx. The basis of its specific name ‘congesta’ are the dense/crowded flowers. N. congesta is a very variable species and its long list of synonyms attests this nomenclatural fact.
N. congesta is a pioneering tree on edges of light upland or lower montane forest, bamboo zone and on hilltops above the forest margin as part of sucession towards forest. Nuxia is also common on rocky ridges. In lower montane forest Nuxia is normally associated with Olea africana.
Native range
Botswana, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe
Tree management
Suckers frequently when managed with burning.
N. congesta is a pioneering tree on edges of light upland or lower montane forest, bamboo zone and on hilltops above the forest margin as part of sucession towards forest. Nuxia is also common on rocky ridges. In lower montane forest Nuxia is normally associated with Olea africana.
Direct seeding is most reliable in propagating the species.
This is a hardy species suitable for marginal areas and rocky soils.
Erosion control: The species protects loose soil on rocky sites.
Apiculture: N. congesta is a good bee fodder tree.
The branches are used as firesticks.
Timber: Wood is soft, white with little difference between sap and heartwood. The wood is used for building.
Shade or shelter: N. congesta is a shade tree.
Ornamental: An attractive species in flower, floral fragrance appealing.
N. congesta wood makes excellent, durable fence posts.