Combretum aculeatum

Invasive species Disclaimer

In view of the fact that some tree species are invasive, the world Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) has put in place a policy document on Invasive Alien Species, currently under draft available at Here.

For more information on this subject, please refer to
100 of the World's worst Invasive and Alien Species.

Species Index    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Abelmoschus moschatus
Acacia aneura
Acacia angustissima
Acacia aulacocarpa
Acacia auriculiformis
Acacia catechu
Acacia cincinnata
Acacia crassicarpa
Acacia elatior
Acacia erioloba
Acacia etbaica
Acacia ferruginea
Acacia glauca
Acacia holosericea
Acacia karroo*
Acacia koa
Acacia laeta
Acacia lahai
Acacia leptocarpa
Acacia leucophloea
Acacia mangium
Acacia mearnsii*
Acacia melanoxylon
Acacia mellifera
Acacia nilotica subsp nilotica
Acacia pachycarpa
Acacia pennatula
Acacia polyacantha ssp. polyacantha
Acacia saligna
Acacia senegal
Acacia seyal
Acacia sieberiana
Acacia tortilis
Acacia xanthophloea
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius
Adansonia digitata
Adenanthera pavonina
Aegle marmelos
Afzelia africana
Afzelia quanzensis
Agathis macrophylla
Agathis philippinensis
Ailanthus altissima
Ailanthus excelsa
Ailanthus triphysa
Albizia adianthifolia
Albizia amara
Albizia anthelmintica
Albizia chinensis
Albizia coriaria
Albizia ferruginea
Albizia gummifera
Albizia julibrissin
Albizia lebbeck
Albizia odoratissima
Albizia procera
Albizia saman
Albizia versicolor
Albizia zygia
Aleurites moluccana
Allanblackia floribunda
Allanblackia stuhlmannii
Allanblackia ulugurensis
Alnus acuminata
Alnus cordata
Alnus japonica
Alnus nepalensis
Alnus rubra
Alphitonia zizyphoides
Alstonia boonei
Alstonia congensis
Alstonia scholaris
Altingia excelsa
Anacardium occidentale
Andira inermis
Annona cherimola
Annona muricata
Annona reticulata
Annona senegalensis
Annona squamosa
Anogeissus latifolia
Anthocephalus cadamba
Antiaris toxicaria
Antidesma bunius
Araucaria bidwillii
Araucaria cunninghamii
Arbutus unedo
Areca catechu
Arenga pinnata
Argania spinosa
Artemisia annua
Artocarpus altilis
Artocarpus camansi
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Artocarpus integer
Artocarpus lakoocha
Artocarpus mariannensis
Asimina triloba
Ateleia herbert-smithii
Aucomea klaineana
Averrhoa bilimbi
Averrhoa carambola
Azadirachta excelsa
Azadirachta indica
Azanza garckeana

Local names:
Amharic (zenfok,ungoi), Somali (eddi shebai), Tigrigna (mellu,kato,aflot)

Combretum aculeatum is a scrambling shrub up to 0.5-4 m in height with virgate branches, or scandent to 8 m; bark grey or dark red. Recurved spines to 3 cm long formed by persistent, enlarged petioles.

Leaves alternate or subopposite, elliptic or obovate; base cuneate; apex rounded to shortly acuminate, to 7 x 5 cm; more or less pubescent.

Flowers in short, axillary racemes about 1.9 cm long terminating in short leafy shoots; pentamerous, pedicillate; receptacle and calyx purplish; tube constricted above ovary, petals 5, 4-6 x 1-2 mm, white, broadly lanceolate and clawed; stamens with red anthers. 

Fruit stalked, pale yellow or pale reddish, 5-winged, slightly obovate, 11-22 x 10-23 mm.

‘Combretum’ was the name given to a particular climbing plant, the identity of which has been lost in time.


C. aculeatum is found in dry savannah, thickets on dry soils and is sometimes riverine; recorded from Mauritania to nothern Nigeria and across Africa to northeast Africa. In southern Sudan, it is widespread in the Terminalia-Combretum belt.

Native range
Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda

Seed storage appears to be orthodox.

C. aculeatum is found in dry savannah, thickets on dry soils and is sometimes riverine; recorded from Mauritania to nothern Nigeria and across Africa to northeast Africa. In southern Sudan, it is widespread in the Terminalia-Combretum belt.

The plant provides browse for livestock in Senegal, Sudan and northern Kenya.

Fibre:  The lianous branches are supple and are used in Kenya to make donkey panniers and wicker baskets for holding milk vessels. In Senegal, they are a part of the construction of a fish lure. 

Medicine:  The plant has diuretic properties. Water in which the leaves have been boiled is drunk in northwest Senegal to promote micturition in cases when venereal disease obstructs the urethra. The plant is also purgative. It is prescribed for blennorrhoea, helminthiasis, and loss of appetite. It is also used in Burkina Faso and Senegal for leprosy. In Senegal, the Soce tribe claims that a root decoction has a well-established reputation in the treatment of catarrh; the Serer tribe uses sap from the centre of the stem for eye troubles. The boiled roots are taken in Kenya for stomach upsets.