Pterogyne nitens

Invasive species Disclaimer

In view of the fact that some tree species are invasive, the world Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) has put in place a policy document on Invasive Alien Species, currently under draft available at Here.

For more information on this subject, please refer to
100 of the World's worst Invasive and Alien Species.

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Local names:
Portuguese (viraró,pau fava,ibiráro,ibiraró,guiáro,amendoim viraro,amendoim), Spanish (viraró,tipa colorada), Trade name (viraro)

Pterogyne nitens is a south American tree which attains a maximum height of over 30 m but more commonly not over 25 m with a well-formed trunk, diameter 60-90 cm, exceptionally 120 cm. Branches grey, round, wrinkled and lenticellate.

Leaves alternate, pinnate, with 6 pairs of alternate folioles, petiole sulcate in the upper part, with a strong pulvinus at the base; short petioled folioles, oblong, entire, shiny above and opaque below, with protruding ribs and veins. 

Inflorescence an axillary panicle made up of 3 racemes of small flowers, with yellow, pubescent peduncles, brown at the base, white on top, with a deciduous bract at the insertion of each pedicel.

Fruit a winged achene with pedicel on the seminiferous thick side; the wing is connate to the pericarp by an oblique slit. The back side of the seed has protruding ribs; the wing also has curved wings.

Seed elliptical, long and dark yellow.

The species is becoming rare because of continued exploitation in the areas of natural occurrence. A high genetic variation has been observed in P. nitens, the Instituto Forestal de Sao Paulo maintains 4 base populations and 100 selected trees.

The generic name means 'winged ovary' which later develops into a winged seed whereas the specific name refers to the shiny leaves.


The tree occurs in the dry deciduous forests of the sertoes where there is a well defined dry season.

Native range
Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay

Tree management

P. nitens survives well once established. An average height growth of 0.68 m for a one year old provenance trial set up in Pederneiras-SP is recorded. Fruit stays on the tree for a long time and should be picked once ripe. In Brazil seed harvesting commences from April-May.

Germination occurs between 3-47 days after sowing. A 75% germination success after 45 days storage in the open has been observed. There are about 5 500 seeds/kg.

The tree occurs in the dry deciduous forests of the sertoes where there is a well defined dry season.

Direct seeding is the preferred propagation method.

Grows in a range of climatic and soil conditions and can be used in rehabilitation and reclamation projects.

Erosion control:  The root system of P. nitens protects the soil from wind and water erosion.

The branches can be used as fuelwood.

Timber:  Heartwood reddish brown suggesting mahogany often with darker striping; not sharply demarcated from the yellowish-brown sapwood. Luster medium to high; texture medium; grain often roey; without distinctive odour or taste. Has a low retractibility, handsome appearance and medium mechanical resistance. Wood reported to be fairly durable with a basic specific gravity of 0.66. Works easily and finishes smoothly. Used for fine furniture and cabinet work, turnery, floor tiles, veneers, interior trim, cooperage, and steam-bent work. The wood is also recommended for the construction of truck bodies and interiors of railway wagons.

Shade or shelter:  P. nitens is a shade providing tree.

Ornamental:  P. nitens is a beautiful ornamental tree grown in amenity parks in Kenya.

Soil improver:  Leaf litter of P. nitens enriches surrounding soil.

Intercropping:  The tree offers little shade and is unlikely to deleteriously affect other crops.