Newtonia buchananii

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For more information on this subject, please refer to
100 of the World's worst Invasive and Alien Species.

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Common tree of Ngangao forest, Taita Hills.
© Gerard D. Hertel, West Chester University,

Local names:
English (newtonia,forest newtonia), Luganda (mpewere), Swahili (mnyasa), Trade name (mufomoti)

Newtonia buchananii is a tall deciduous tree 10-40 m high, with a rather flat crown. The tree trunk is often short but can be extremely high in forest valleys, with strongly fluted buttresses. Bark is smooth and light grey. Branchlets with rust-brown hairs.

Leaves bipinnate, leaflets numerous (24-)38-67 pairs, linear or falcate 2-9 mm long, tiny and light green when young. Leaf rachis with a stipitate tiny gland between each pinna-pair.

Inflorescences in erect cream spikes fading to brown, 3-18 cm long. Flowers sessile or nearly so, anthers with an apical gland that soon falls off, ovary densely pilose outside.

Pods brown, 1.3-2.5 cm, thin 15-30 cm long, splitting open on one side. Seeds lying longitudinally in the pod, seeds flat, distinctive red-brown, to 4-7 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, surrounded by a membranous wing.

The generic and specific epithets are honorary for Sir Isaac Newton, the famous English scientist, and Buchanan, a botanical collector and Vice Consul in Malawi from 1877-1890.


N. buchananii is common in lowland and upland rain forest, usually near streams, ground water, or as a component of riverine, mist or swamp forest.

Native range
Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Tree management

N. buchananii is a fairly fast growing tree once established, but needs care during the establishment phase.

Germination percentage rates are up to 90% in 20-30 days. There are 3 000-13 000 seeds/ kg. No pretreatment is necessary. However the seeds remain viable for only a few weeks at room temperature storage. Pods should be collected from the tree crown immediately they turn brown, then dried before seed extraction. Direct sowing does not appear to be a suitable method for regenerating N. buchananii: survival (26%) and growth were slow in trials at Amani, Tanzania.

N. buchananii is common in lowland and upland rain forest, usually near streams, ground water, or as a component of riverine, mist or swamp forest.

The main propagation methods are direct seeding, root suckers and wildlings.

Erosion control:  The tree protects riverine soil from erosion.

The foliage and pods are eaten by livestock and can be gathered as fodder.

Apiculture: N. buchananii is a good source of nectar and pollen for bees.

A good source of quality firewood.

Timber:  The brown to red-brown hardwood is durable in water and thus a favourite for boat/ canoe building. Poles from the tree are used in house construction.

Shade or shelter:  The tree’s crown gives light shade.

Gum or resin:  A yellow-brown resin exudes from the bark when cut.

Ornamental:  N. buchananii has a graceful form, flat topped and tall, making an ideal choice for gardens, parks and homes.

Poles are used for fencing.

Soil improver:  The leaves are used in agriculture as mulch.

Intercropping:  N. buchananii’s crown gives light shade, which may not injuriously affect other crops in agroforestry systems.