Local names:
Spanish (palo prieto,chaperno,ateleia)
Ateleia herbert-smithii is a small-medium sized tree usually 10-20 m. Leaves pinnate. Flowers greatly reduced with only a single pale cream petal. Two floral morphs are described by Tucker (1990). The male tree tends to be taller than the female tree and bears much longer branches set at vertical angles.
The natural occurrence of this species is limited to two small areas in central Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Guanaste Province). Prefers dry rocky hillsides but also tolerates waterlogged soils. It is a light-demanding, drought-tolerant pioneer species which rapidly colonizes open ground, shading out grass, however its spread is checked by fires.
Native range
Costa Rica, Nicaragua
Tree management
The tree has strong colonizing attributes and therefore a high potential to develop into an aggressive weed. The tree requires little management attention.
There are about 19,000 seeds /kg. The seed may be pretreated by manual scarification or by hot water (immersion in boiling water for up to 1 minute, then cold water for 12-24 hours). Seed collection must be done in the absence of wind.
The natural occurrence of this species is limited to two small areas in central Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Guanaste Province). Prefers dry rocky hillsides but also tolerates waterlogged soils. It is a light-demanding, drought-tolerant pioneer species which rapidly colonizes open ground, shading out grass, however its spread is checked by fires.
Fodder: The leaves and seeds are not preferred by livestock though they occasionally eat them during the dry season. The foliage of A. herbert-smithii is eaten by very few species of insects and not browsed by vertebrates, it is relatively free of phenolics, but very rich in aromatic compounds.
Apiculture: Bees visit the male flowers for pollen.
Timber: Wood is hard, strong, fine-textured and quite easy to work. The wood is used in making posts and material for house construction. The sapwood is preferred for making wooden handles because of its strength.
Nitrogen fixing: Known to nodulate, and probably fixes nitrogen.
Other services: Its good resprouting ability makes it ideal for live fencing.