Fraxinus excelsior

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In view of the fact that some tree species are invasive, the world Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) has put in place a policy document on Invasive Alien Species, currently under draft available at Here.

For more information on this subject, please refer to
100 of the World's worst Invasive and Alien Species.

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Compound leaves.
© Arnoldo Mondadori Editore SpA
Detail of buds.
© Anderberg A. (Den virtuella floran)
Detail of flowers.
© Anderberg A. (Den virtuella floran)
© J.S. Peterson @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database

Local names:
English (common ash,english ash,European ash,golden ash,venus of the forest), French (Frêne commun,frand frêne), German (esche,gewohnliche Esche,gewoehnliche Esche,gemeine Esche,frassino comune,frassino maggiore), Portuguese (freixo-centro-europeu,frexio

Fraxinus excelsior is a deciduous tree up to 40 m in height. Twigs greenish-grey, bark firm and ridged. Grows in moist areas with deep soil, generally in hollows and gulleys at the medium and subalpine mountain levels.

Leaves large, measuring between 20-35 cm long, divided into 9-13 folioles. These have a lanceolate form, serrated margins and with lamina base touching the principal vein, leaves glabrous except for tufts of hair at the base of the underside of the midrib of each leaflet. Winter buds felted.

Flowers small, polygamous in bunches, lacking petals, flower stigmas long appearing before leaves.

Fruit are slightly twisted ellipsoid samaras 3-5 cm long, with wide wing aiding wind dispersal.

The specific epithet excelsior is the Latin word for “higher”, the generic name is derived from the Greek phraxo (closed), a fence for ash wood is often used in fence making.


The common ash is native throughout Europe and into western Asia, where it grows in moist areas with deep soil, generally in hollows and gulleys at the medium and subalpine mountain levels. The European ash is commonly found in meadows and hedgerows where plenty of water is available. Also found growing in scree woods in hilly country but rarely forming monocultural forests. The ash is sensitive to late spring frosts which oftenly damages its terminal shoots, causing the development of twin stems. The European ash is smog resistant.

Native range
Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Russian Federation, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Tree management

In naturally regenerated stands, the first tending operation should take place when the crop reaches a top height of 5 m, to eliminate coarse-branched, deformed and cankered trees (4000 stems/ha). A second intervention follows at a top height of 7-8 m (2000 stems/ha).

Forking of the stem occurs frequently in young ash (approximately 60% of all trees in a plantation.).  These, and competitive branches, should be cut when the crop reaches a height of 6-7 m to favour the development of a straight bole.

Thinning begins at 10 m and is repeated for every 2 or 3 m increase in top height, according to site quality.  A strong reduction in stem numbers at the first thinning facilitates crown development at this stage. Thinning intensity is 35% for very good sites and 30% for medium sites. Final crop trees are selected at top heights of 14-15 m.

F. excelsior is a fast growing tree seldom affected by pests or diseases and should be given full light as it does not tolerate shade. The tree needs adequate soil moisture and is susceptible to frost.

F. excelsior seeds are harvested when they turn brown in October/November.  Seeds can be also collected as soon as they fill and can be sown immediately.  A high proportion will germinate in the following.  Storage is classified as orthodox and seeds can be stored for up to 10 years.

The common ash is native throughout Europe and into western Asia, where it grows in moist areas with deep soil, generally in hollows and gulleys at the medium and subalpine mountain levels. The European ash is commonly found in meadows and hedgerows where plenty of water is available. Also found growing in scree woods in hilly country but rarely forming monocultural forests. The ash is sensitive to late spring frosts which oftenly damages its terminal shoots, causing the development of twin stems. The European ash is smog resistant.

Propagation is by seed gathered early in autumn or at the beginning of winter.

Poison: Leaves and fruits are reportedly poisonous to cattle.

Erosion control:  The ash protects soil from denuding forces.

  The fruits were used for food, pickled and eaten with salads.

High quality firewood is obtained from the ash.

Timber:  Ash wood was preferred for axe handles, spears, axles, planks for boat construction and all necessary materials for which the Norwegians were famous  in the middle age wars. Skis were made of ash as well as oars, baseball bats, church pews and bowling alleys. The bark also served as a good writing surface.

Shade or shelter:  F. excelsior  is a popular summer shade tree and an important windbreak.

Medicine: The seeds have long been considered an aphrodisiac. A bark decoction served to control kidney function and as a febrifuge and diuretic. The leaves were used for their cathartic properties. Other medicinal uses of the ash are for vomit induction, peritonitis, as a substitute for cinchona bark, constipation, arthritis, adder bite, intestinal worms, insect bites, malaria, nervous disease, diabetes, syphilis, healing wounds, tuberculosis and dropsy.

Ornamental:  A popular ornamental tree with an attractive upright crown, it is commonly grown in parks, gardens and along avenues. F. excelsior  exists in several ornamental varieties, notably F. excelsior var. pendula which has a broad crown of pendulous branches. 

The European ash is commonly used for fence construction.

Soil improver:  Leaf litter from F. excelsior  replenishes soil nutrients.

Other services:  A lot of cultural value is placed on the tree, it is central to the Norwergian mythology, called Yggdrasil, where it is held that the human race emerged from a hollow ash tree. This is one reason for its importance to the Norwergians. In