Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land - 2000-2010
![Global Biomass C on Ag Land - Figures v3a copy](_Media/global-tree-cover-on-ag_med_hr.jpeg)
The Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land Database provides raster data describing percent tree cover and above- and below-ground biomass carbon on agricultural land, globally, at a resolution of 1 km2 (30 arc seconds in geographic coordinates, as provided for online data distribution), for the period 2000 to 2010. These datasets provide the primary results and data used for the geospatial analysis presented in Zomer et al, 2016:
Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land Database- 2000-2010
Datasets are available for download here (in GeoTiff format):
Global Tree Cover on Agricultural Land – 2000 (32 MB)
Global Tree Cover on Agricultural Land – 2010 (32 MB)
Change in Global Tree Cover on Agricultural Land – 2000-2010 (37 MB)
Global Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land – 2000 (42 MB)
Global Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land – 2010 (42 MB)
Change in Global Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land – 2000-2010 (41 MB)
Data Manual: Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon Datasets (0.3 MB)
These datasets can also be accessed, and data downloaded through an interactive Map Server.
An overview of methods and results are described in the following set of publications:
Zomer, R.J., Neufeldt, H., Xu, J., Ahrends, A., Bossio, D.A., Trabucco, A., van Noordwijk, M., Wang, M. 2016. Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land: The contribution of agroforestry to global and national carbon budgets. Scientific Reports 6, 29987; doi: 10.1038/srep29987.
Zomer RJ, Trabucco A, Coe R and Place F. 2009. Trees on Farm: Analysis of Global Extent and Geographical Patterns of Agroforestry. ICRAF Working Paper no. 89. Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Centre
Zomer, R.J., Trabucco, A., Coe, R., Place, F., van Noordwijk, M., Xu, J., 2014. Trees on farms: an update and reanalysis of agroforestry's global extent and socio-ecological characteristics. Working Paper 179. World Agroforestry Center, Bogor, Indonesia. doi:10.5716/ WP14064.PDF
Use Limitation
DISTRIBUTION: Users are prohibited from any commercial, non-free resale, or redistribution without explicit written permission from the ICRAF. Users should acknowledge the Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land Database as the source used in the creation of any reports, publications, new data sets, derived products, or services resulting from the use of this data set.
NO WARRANTY OR LIABILITY: Neither the authors of this dataset, nor ICRAF, can bear any responsibility for the consequences of using it, which are entirely the responsibility of the user. It is inevitable that a data-set of this size will contain some errors and inconsistencies. However, these have been kept to a minimum and when they are identified they are corrected when resources permit. Updates to this dataset are announced through through the ICRAF web site.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND CITATION: We kindly ask any users to cite this database in any published material produced using this data, and if possible link web pages to the ICRAF Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon On Agricultural Land Database website ( The creator of this data set retains full ownership rights over it. The data set may be freely used for non-commercial scientific and educational purposes, provided it is described as the:
Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land Geospatial Database
and attributed, using the following citation:
Zomer, R.J., Neufeldt, H., Xu, J., Ahrends, A., Bossio, D.A., Trabucco, A., van Noordwijk, M., Wang, M. 2016. Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land: The contribution of agroforestry to global and national carbon budgets. Scientific Reports 6, 29987; doi: 10.1038/srep29987. Geospatial database available online at:
DATA USE AND DISTRIBUTION: This database has been generated by not-for-profit institutions with the objective of supplying accessible and useful information to developing country organizations. We actively encourage use of these products for scientific purposes. This is not however the case for commercial purposes. The entire dataset is available for commercial use at a modest cost, but permission must be sought. Commercial sectors interested in using this data should contact Dr. Robert Zomer at:
The Centre for Mountain Ecosystem Studies (CMES) is an applied research laboratory jointly managed by the Kunming Institute of Botany (CAS) and the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF). Research is focused on mountain ecosystems, biodiversity, traditional communities, and development pressures impacting natural and cultural resources.