Toona sureni

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In view of the fact that some tree species are invasive, the world Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) has put in place a policy document on Invasive Alien Species, currently under draft available at Here.

For more information on this subject, please refer to
100 of the World's worst Invasive and Alien Species.

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Abelmoschus moschatus
Acacia aneura
Acacia angustissima
Acacia aulacocarpa
Acacia auriculiformis
Acacia catechu
Acacia cincinnata
Acacia crassicarpa
Acacia elatior
Acacia erioloba
Acacia etbaica
Acacia ferruginea
Acacia glauca
Acacia holosericea
Acacia karroo*
Acacia koa
Acacia laeta
Acacia lahai
Acacia leptocarpa
Acacia leucophloea
Acacia mangium
Acacia mearnsii*
Acacia melanoxylon
Acacia mellifera
Acacia nilotica subsp nilotica
Acacia pachycarpa
Acacia pennatula
Acacia polyacantha ssp. polyacantha
Acacia saligna
Acacia senegal
Acacia seyal
Acacia sieberiana
Acacia tortilis
Acacia xanthophloea
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius
Adansonia digitata
Adenanthera pavonina
Aegle marmelos
Afzelia africana
Afzelia quanzensis
Agathis macrophylla
Agathis philippinensis
Ailanthus altissima
Ailanthus excelsa
Ailanthus triphysa
Albizia adianthifolia
Albizia amara
Albizia anthelmintica
Albizia chinensis
Albizia coriaria
Albizia ferruginea
Albizia gummifera
Albizia julibrissin
Albizia lebbeck
Albizia odoratissima
Albizia procera
Albizia saman
Albizia versicolor
Albizia zygia
Aleurites moluccana
Allanblackia floribunda
Allanblackia stuhlmannii
Allanblackia ulugurensis
Alnus acuminata
Alnus cordata
Alnus japonica
Alnus nepalensis
Alnus rubra
Alphitonia zizyphoides
Alstonia boonei
Alstonia congensis
Alstonia scholaris
Altingia excelsa
Anacardium occidentale
Andira inermis
Annona cherimola
Annona muricata
Annona reticulata
Annona senegalensis
Annona squamosa
Anogeissus latifolia
Anthocephalus cadamba
Antiaris toxicaria
Antidesma bunius
Araucaria bidwillii
Araucaria cunninghamii
Arbutus unedo
Areca catechu
Arenga pinnata
Argania spinosa
Artemisia annua
Artocarpus altilis
Artocarpus camansi
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Artocarpus integer
Artocarpus lakoocha
Artocarpus mariannensis
Asimina triloba
Ateleia herbert-smithii
Aucomea klaineana
Averrhoa bilimbi
Averrhoa carambola
Azadirachta excelsa
Azadirachta indica
Azanza garckeana

Local names:
Burmese (ye tama), English (suren toona,red cedar), Filipino (danupra), Indonesian (suren), Malay (surian wangi), Thai (surian), Trade name (toon,surian,red cedar,limpaga)

Toona sureni is a medium-sized to fairly large tree, up to 40 (60) m tall and diameter up to 100 cm (300 cm in mountainous areas) with dark brown young branches. The bole is branchless for up to 25 m and buttressed up to 2 m. Bark is usually fissured and flaky, whitish, greyish-brown or pale brown, scented when cut.

Leaves large, 10-15 cm long, 2.5-7cm wide, arranged spirally, often clustered at the end of the twigs. There are 8-30 pairs of leaflets. Leaflets entire, nearly opposite, elliptic, apex mucronate, base unequal, margin entire or crenulate, glabrous, usually hairy on veins on upper side.

Inflorescence racemose, at the end of branches, forked and hanging. Flowers small, bisexual but functionally unisexual, yellowish white with strong smell. Corolla margins with fine hairs. Stamens 5, free, nearly as long as petal, sometimes with staminodes. Disk (receptacle) stout, rounded lobed and stigma cup shaped. Ovary tomentose, 5-locular, each locule with 8-10 ovules.

Fruit an oval capsule, in terminal panicles, each containing more than 100 fruits. Each fruit dark brown, elliptic, 3-3.5 cm long and 1cm diameter, fruit coat with many white spots,  has a central axis (columella), divided in 5 sections (from top to bottom, opening as a star), each section containing 6-9 seeds.

Seed flat, brilliantly brown, 3-6 mm long and 2-4 mm wide, irregular, winged at one or both ends.


It is common in primary forests, often found on riparian hillsides and slopes but also in secondary semi-evergreen forests

Native range
Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Thailand

Tree management

T. sureni is a fast-growing and light-demanding species. In sheltered valleys with well drained areas and free from weed competition, natural regeneration is adequate. In a plantation in Vietnam, this species has high productivity with a height increment of 0.9 m/yr and a diameter increment of 1.4 cm/yr. Usually the spacing of 1.5 m by 1.5 m is used in plantations.

Seeds are collected when the fruits turn brown, but before they open by shaking or cutting the branches. Late seed collection results in heavy seed losses due to the opened fruits. Fruits are dried in the sun for 1-2 days until they open. After de-winging the seeds are separated by winnowing.

Seed storage behaviour is orthodox. There are about 64000/kg.

It is common in primary forests, often found on riparian hillsides and slopes but also in secondary semi-evergreen forests

T. sureni is normally propagated by seeds and vegetatively through cuttings. The seeds germinate easily, and need no pre-treatment. Seeds are sown in seedbed under 60 % shading and seedlings can be transplanted into containers after one month.

Root suckers are produced abundantly and coppice fairly well. Small leafy cuttings (1.5-2.5 cm diameter)  taken from young plants, with bases dipped in a growth hormone (indolebutyric acid) and set in a propagation chamber will root fairly easily in a sawdust medium.

Timber: The sapwood is pink and heartwood light red or brown. It has a density of 270-670 kg/m3 at 15% moisture content. It is used for high-class cabinet wood, furniture, interior finishing, decorative paneling, crafts, musical instruments, cigar boxes and veneers.

Shade or shelter: T. sureni is often planted in tea estates as a windbreak.

Medicine: The bark and roots are astringent and tonic, used against diarrhoea while the leaf extracts have antibiotic effects.

Ornamental: It is used for shade and as roadside tree.

Intercropping: It is intercropped with other species hence an agroforestry species.

Essential oil: The bark and fruits produce essential oils.