Ficus sycomorus

Family Products Niche Ecological Services
Moraceae Fruits, Firewood, Medicine, Fodder, Fibre/Ropes Ceremonial, Scattered on crop land, Scattered in homestead Ornamental, Shade, Erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through Nitrogen-fixing, Soil fertility improvement through mulch/leaves
Agro-ecological Zone
Moist and Wet Weyna Dega
Growth rate Management practices Invasiveness Leafing Phenology Location
Fast Proper watering after transplanting, Coppicing, lopping and pollarding No unknown Ethiopia
Amharic Oromo
Bamba, Shola Oda, Akuku, Hagile, Harbu, Huda farda, Lugo
Origin Location
Native East Shewa, West Shewa and East Wollega