Acacia tortilis

Family Products Niche Ecological Services
Fabaceae Income, Firewood, Charcoal, Timber for construction, Farm tools, Household tools, Fodder, Bee forage, Fibre/Ropes Scattered on crop land, Scattered in homestead, Homestead boundary/live fence, Woodlot, Contours/Soil conservation, Riparian areas Live fence, Dead fence, Shade, Erosion control, Soil fertility improvement through Nitrogen-fixing, Wind break
Agro-ecological Zone
Dry Bereha and Dry and Moist Kolla and Weyna Dega
Growth rate Management practices Invasiveness Leafing Phenology Location
Slow Lopping No Evergreen Ethiopia
Country Rainfall Temperature Altitude Soil
Ethiopia 100-1000 23.4-31.3 0-1 000 The tree favours alkaline soils and grows in sand dunes, sandy loam, rocky soils and other soils that drain well. It also does well on light brown, sandy soil with little or no calcium carbonate, and pH ranges of between 7.95-8.30
Amharic Oromo
Deweni grar Tedecha, Lotoba
Origin Location
Native East Shewa